
Supernatural/CyberPunk fanfic

When the boys go on a hunting trip to an old Indian reservation, they find a young man praying for the dead. When there son Claude meets the Lucy her crew due to his dad being a gang leader.

CherryBlossom1990 · TV
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10 Chs

Feelings should be Understood.

Dean was standing outside, letting the cool air hit his face. Sam walks out. "Dean, what is going on," he asks. "If I tell you can't make fun of me," Dean said. Sam nods. "Okay, tell me," he said. Dean took a breath and told his brother how a flash of a shirtless Dyami went across his mind when he shut his eyes. Sam tried so hard not to laugh. "The biggest man slut likes guys," he said, laughing. Dean shoves him. "You promised," he said. Sam nods and swallows the rest of the laughter. "So what are you going to do about it," Sam asks. Dean sat down.

"I don't know nothing," he said. Sam nods and hits him upside the head. "Bad plan," he said. "The dude is across the hall. Go talk to him," Sam said. "Get your feelings out so you can understand what you are feeling. Please don't keep it in. You are not a teen. Your 26," he said. Dean sighed and stood up. Sam hands him some whiskey. "It might help," he said. Dean took it and knocked on Dyami's door. Dyami opens the door in baggy sweatpants and yawns. "Yeah, what's up," he said. "Hey, can I come in," Dean asks. Dyami steps aside and lets him in. He was so confused.

"You okay? You look upset," he said and yawns again. He sat on the bed while Dean sat at the small round table. "How did you know you were gay," Dean asked. Dyami looks. "That's an odd question, but when I was in middle school, I had a girlfriend, and we were making out, and nothing was going on in my pants if you know what I mean," he said. "I got invited to a party, and I went, and I kissed the captain of the football team, and I almost came my pants that night, so kinda figured hey Dyami, you like the dick," he said and laid back. "Why the question," he asks. Dean took a shot of the whiskey. Dyami looks. "Dean, that was your fourth shot in five minutes. What is going on" he asks. "When I laid down and shut my eyes, the only thing I saw was your half-naked body," he said. Dyami sat up and looked at him, seeing the fear in his face. "Dean, did you like what you saw? I am asking to ask not just for pride but whether you found my body sexy," he asks. Dean took another shot. Dyami stood up and took the bottle. It was half gone. "No more Dean," he said. "Answer the question," he said. "So what if I did" he almost yelled. Dyami sighed. "Dean, there is nothing wrong with liking guys, and if you have been having a lot of sex with women, which I since you do this has been a feeling you have been pushing down for a long time," Dyami said. Dean stood up, angry. Dyami walked over and touched his shoulder. "Dean, it's okay. Don't let what happened to me scare you; your brother seems understanding," Dyami said. Dean sighs. "It's not Sammy; it's me. I have been lying to myself for years until you," he said. Dyami sighs. "Dean, how does it feel, to be honest," he asks. Dean sat on the bed and sighed. "As a weight has lifted on my chest," he said. Dyami smiles and puts the whiskey down. "Good, I am glad," he said