
Supernatural Crime Boss

A seemingly normal collage student Alek White who isn’t as normal as he seems, is soon to be dragged into a the side of the world he didn’t know existed. Alek is a 19 Year old college student who works in a bar at night while going to college, and Ex gangs member. One night Alek got caught in an accident and was supposedly killed. When he woke up he had powers he didn’t know he had. He was now something else. How will Alek rise to the top of the criminal world while trying to learn new powers and new rules!?

UnderCookedNoodle · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Ch.1 Worst Day Ever.

"One more round!!"

An older gentleman exclaimed drunkenly whilst leaning against the bar. Several empty glasses around his spot.

"Bishop it sounds like you've had far too many already." Said a young man wearing a work uniform while cleaning glasses. "Why don't I get you a glass of water?"

The older gentleman, Bishop grunted while nodding and grabbing a seat.

The young bartender turned around and got a glass of water for Bishop "So what's got you in this mood?"

"Ugh, There was another murder tonight. That's the 3rd this month" Said Bishop in a disgruntled tone "You better be careful walking back home tonight."

"I will be, I've always taken care of myself, the old man made sure of it," replied Alek while rubbing his arms remembering past pain.

"Tell old Gabriel that he should stop by my store next time he's out. I have some new booze for him to try." Said Bishop while chuckling at Alek's remembrance of unpleasant memories.

The part of town he lived in wasn't the best place to live. There were several gangs in the city he lived in. Money was hard to come by so a lot of people turned to crime to make a living.

Alek White is a 19-year-old college student and night bartender. He had been working at this bar "The Leaky Stump" for as long as he could remember. Waiting tables, cleaning, and doing what he could for the cash. After his mother died in an accident 13 years ago, and no father to speak of. He was sent to live with a family friend that owned a bar. Gabriel Smith.

Gabriel had no kids of his own so he saw Alek as his son. Alek had a rough upbringing without any biological parents around, but he enjoyed the time spent at The Leaky Stump with Gabriel the most.

He always loved listing to people talk about their days and the crazy things going on in the City. Wither it be work drama, marriage problems, fights, and more. He listened intently. He loved the chaos of a bar.

"Bishop will be closing up shop in 30 mins. Why don't I call a cab for you?"

"Oh, I can do it myself Alek. I'm not that far gone, Thanks again for the service." Bishop said as he left a bill on the table and walked out.

Once Alek was down closing down the store he locked it up and started walking home.

He assisted to have his apartment once he started college, even though Gabriel offed to let him stay living with him. Alek just felt right having his place to not bother Gabriel after everything he has done for him.

The Leaky Stump wasn't in the best place in town, yet it didn't bother Alek. He was used to fights by now. He would get in fights growing up because kids would tease him about his unnatural hair color, which Alek loved. After all, it was the same color as his mother's. A pale blue almost white.

Gabriel taught him how to fight after he came home one day all bruised and beaten. Telling him "A man has to know how to protect himself in this world or you won't have anything worth protecting" Alek was then taught every day how to defend his vital points and how to beat someone stronger than him.

Alek would always question him about why he knew so much about fighting when all he did was own a bar, and he would always deflect the question and beat him up some more.

After years of that lifestyle, he became a pretty good fighter. He'd guess his only match-up would be one of the smaller gang leaders in the area, he also looked like he knew how to fight.

With his should length pale blue hair in a tight bun, the right side of his head was braided into, two nice braids. His eyes were a dark grey, like freshly burnt ash. He was about 6'2 and quite muscular. He wasn't huge but his muscles were defined from countless hours of work.

Only a couple blocks away from his house did he hear a feminine voice scream.

"Again?" He sighed. "I thought I told them to stay away from my building, Oh well guess I need to teach them some more." He whispered while rolling up his sleeves from his work uniform. A white dress shirt with a raven black colored vest buttoned up over it, black slacks, and black combat boots.

He quickly ran to the sound of the scream, and after a couple of seconds, he made it to where the scream was located. He peaked his head between two larger buildings into an alley. On the ground, a young woman was crying with tape over her mouth and her arms and legs bound by tape. She had blood dripping from a wound on her head.

Around her were 3 guys all wearing different outfits mostly all black, but they all had one article of clothing that was dark green. A man wearing a green bandana around his face was currently going through the women's purse; while the other two, One wearing green gloves, and the other wearing a green hat were looking out down the alley opening.

"God Damnit, It's the Jade Circle again. I thought I told them to stay out of this area already?" Alek whispered under him breathe wondering what they were doing here.

"Well let's get this done quick I have school in 6 hours." He mumbled while walking into the alley unbuttoning his vest.

The two watching guards quickly noticed him and shouted "This is business of the Jade Circle so stay out!"

Alek continued to slowly advance towards them stretching his arms out while, and yawing.

"I'm warning you! We will mess you up if you come closer." The one with the gloves said. "What's going on over there, you two?" The one searching the bag said.

"Nothing, just some punk who thinks he can interfere in our business'."

"Well take care of him or else the boss will take care of you two!" He huffed out in annoyance. "On it." The two in front started walking towards Alek one grabbed a rebar pipe out of a junk pile, while the other one smashed a bottle on the wall.

Alek not even flinching while watching this spoke. "I've told your boss to tell you to not come around this area. I'm guessing you goons didn't get the message?" He continued stretching.

"What the hell are you talking about? You're just some rich punk who thinks they're tough. Don't talk like you know the boss!" The one holding the pipe said while rushing at him.

Alek focused on the thousands of times before. He glanced at the guy's eyes to see where he was aiming to hit. He took a step back quickly, making the guy miss his knee. As it swung by his knee, he stepped forward and punched him in the nose making him drop the pipe in pain and surprise.

As the pipe clattered to the floor the other guy holding the bottle came rushing at Alek. He tried to stab him missing as Alek dogged every swipe and jab.

"Come on guys you're not even making me sweat even a little bit." Alek taunted.

Having enough and wanting to end it, he dodged to the side and grabbed his wrist making him drop the bottle. He shoved him away and did a butterfly kick to the guy's temple making him drop immediately.

"One down two more to go," Alek said with a smile. Not letting the other goon process what happened he rushed behind him and chopped the back of his neck making him faint as well.

As he started to walk towards to guy searching through the bag the guy looked with surprise.

"Wait I know that hair color! I'm sorry please spare me. I didn't know this was your territory." He begged Alek.

"Well you should have paid attention" he spat as he gave another chop to the neck. He bent down and started to untie the girl. While he was moving to take the tape off he realized the wound she had, already healed, but that shouldn't have been possible.

No human can do that. With shock and confusion on his face, he went to back away from her as he suddenly felt his senses go off, but he was too slow.

He gasped as felt a sudden pain in his chest. He locked eyes with the girl in Infront of him. Blood-red eyes stared at him. He looked down to see a hand through his chest, while he coughed up blood.

"Aww what a prince in shining armor. I enjoyed the show you put on for me. I would have let you live but you noticed I wasn't normal. So you had to die sorry about that cutie." She said in a seductive voice.

Alek looked back up and she was gone. He fell to the ground clutching his chest, cursing himself for trying to be a good person and clean up around his house.

It was cold and uncomfortable, ready to die he closed his eyes. As he drifted off he heard a voice nearby.

"Yes Boss, It happened he's going to awaken and learn the truth and step into the world of the Awoken."

Hey Noodle here. This is my first book im writing I got the idea in the shower one day and wanted to write it.

So here it is! I hope you enjoyed it. If you notice anything wrong let me know, and i'll fix it!

I'd love to hear feed back and any suggestions you might have!

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