
Supernatural Affairs: The Wall Between Me And My Mate (Vol 1)

I run my arms on the right side of my bed expecting to feel him. But I remember that he abandoned me last night an hour and a half pass midnight. I expect him to be by my side when I wake up but unfortunately it can't happen. Because of the fact that in our world we're different from each other and our bloodline was created to kill each other. I can't even understand why the Goddess of all creatures chose me as a Vampire's Mate. I covered myself once again with my comforter and deep myself to my thoughts. What if a pack member discovered us together? What if we won't end up together? I can no longer imagine life without him. I don't want to go back to the darkest part of my life. I don't want to waste this chance to forget all about my past. This time I'm going to make things right. I don't want to let the time pass by and let him go. Then after that blaming myself for not having him in my life.

Mai_Dadivas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Gazelle Evans

"Young lady I'm still talking to you" My father's voice echoed in the whole pack house enough to wake a dead person.

"Dad, this conversation is over." I said then slammed the door of my room right in front of his face.

I went home late, that's why he acts like that. But I'm not a kid anymore. At my age I do still have a limit. I toss my shoes at the floor and jump above my bed. I didn't have time to argue with him, I already had enough. Immediately sleep covers me.


'Zelle!' I wake up with a soft voice calling my name and I know who it is.

'It's been a long time my dear!' I answered back without opening my eyes.

'I know and I'm sorry for avoiding you." Her voice was soft.

'Its okay I'm used to it." I said while switching my position on my bed.

'Oh Gazelle I already said I'm sorry. Please forgive me for leaving you hanging like that and raising my voice on you.' I open my eyes and start to look at my surroundings.

''It's okay Maria, I forgive you." Maria is my wolf. She starts to avoid me when I quit my job. She's mad because she doesn't want to be told what to do. She didn't want to leave my job just because my mother said so. She said that we can make our own decisions and we don't need to follow all my parent's words. But I understand her.

'I know you found our mate.' She said after.

'Yes and I'm so sorry he's not like us.' I said with sarcasm.

'No it's okay. I'm just glad that you accept him even if he's not like us.'

'But we're not accepting each other officially.' I said.

'But soon you're going to.'


I wake up with a knock on my door. I get up off my bed and start to head towards the door. When I opened it Hanz appeared in front of me.

"Sis, can I come in?" He asked, so I opened the door widely for him. I jump again on my bed and hug my pillow.

"You're enjoying his company, don't you?" He said while sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Huh? Who?" I asked even if I already knew what he was talking about.

He chuckled and stroked my head. "You're mate!" My eyes widened and I stood from my bed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked with a shaking voice.

He chuckled once again. "You finally found your other half. I'm so happy for you." I just stare at him and he grabs my hand and pulls me down to sit with him.

"You don't need to hide it from me." He said and touched my necklace. "I knew it right from the start. You never go out on a date before; you just go out with Marvin or with me and sometimes with the two of us." I raised a brow on him.

"Those roses you got!" He reminds me. Okay that's why.

"Nobody ever gave you roses before." He added.

"So you're saying that nobody ever courted me or paid attention to me before!" I raised my brow again on him.

He just chuckled. "Marvin maybe but he won't do that without asking my permission. So I assume that you already found him." He stretched his arms and placed them on my shoulder. He pulls me to him and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so happy for you my little sister, I really do." He plants a quick kiss on my forehead and then smiles at me. He started to talk again when I didn't say a word.

"Look, you may start to love him..."

"I do." I cut him mid sentence then make a distance between us.

"Huh?" He asked and raised a brow on me.

"I love him, I really do." I told him. He just smiles in return. He hugs me once again and kisses my forehead.

"My baby sister is now a woman!" My eyes widened in his words. I disconnected our bodies and looked at him with my still wide eyes.

"We still don't... Umm... you know.. do that." I play with my fingers as I think of the right words to say.

"Hahaha! There's nothing wrong with that." He said between laughing.

"But we didn't." I protest.

"Okay. Okay fine. So, when will I 'MEAT' this lover boy?"

"Hanz cut it out. He's nice, really. But I'm not yet ready to introduce him, and I think he's not too."

"Okay just tell me when the both of you are ready. So I will help the two of you with Mom and Dad." I let out a gasp.

"Don't worry, I won't tell them yet." He winks at me.

"Geez thanks."

"By the way Marvin and I planned a little picnic at the beach today. And we won't take no for an answer. It's just the three of us just like before." Hanz spoke fast so I didn't have a chance to protest. But I guess it's okay to come.

"Okay. I'm just going to take a bath and fix my things."

"Okay sissy take your time." He stood up and kissed my chicks before leaving my room.

I let out a sigh when he's gone. But suddenly someone pulled my shoulders from my back so I'm now lying on my bed. Then after that a heavy and hard weight presses me on the soft surface. I didn't realize that someone is now kissing me and I'm kissing back. Realization hits me. We stop to breathe some air.

"James what was that for?" I control myself not to laugh. He didn't answer my question, he just kissed me again on the lips, on my cheek, and on my neck, and then back to my lips.

His hands are now wandering all over my body. His one hand enters inside my shirt that causes shivers all over my spine. I realized that I don't have my bra under it. His hand starts to caress my breast and a moan releases from me. That causes his other hand to touch my legs, his mouth still covering mine.

He stops to kiss me and remove his coat and shirt. Later on his hands travel from my legs to unzipped my shorts. His hand releases my breast. With two hands he pulls my shorts down together with my underwear. It let another moan escape. My body seems to like it and I can feel the electrifying eels all over my body. I can't protest so I just wrap my arms around his neck then he starts kissing me again but this time with too much hunger. My hands fell to his arms and chest. I stroke my hands on his hard chest.

One of his hands cups my breast but this time with my shirt to prevent our skin from touching. But when his other hand starts to find its way to my core, I protest. My eyes widen and I manage to push him away from me.

I breathe rapidly while I'm covering my arms all over my shoulder. When our eyes met I saw pure black on it. It's a sign of lust, anger, hurt, hunger all in one.

"I'm sorry I'm not yet ready for this." My body starts to feel his absence and the cold air because I only have a shirt that is twice my size.

"Look, I didn't mean it. I just don't like other guys holding you and laying their lips on your skin." I let out a sarcastic grin.

"Okay I'm going to tell my brother that."

"Oh shi.. I'm sorry babe. I didn't knew his your bro-"

"Twin!" I cut his sentence and I saw his eyes widen and slowly return to his original creamy one.

"Oh babe I'm really, really sorry." He tries to go near me but I grab the comforter to hide my body.

"You're accusing me?" I narrow my eyes on him.

"It's just that-"

"Oh you really are accusing. Argh! James, I can't believe you!" I run my free hand on my face and sigh.

"I'm sorry!" He said with a low tone.

"You almost took me just because you think that I'm cheating." He just sat there with a frustrated face. We remained silent for a second before I decided to speak.

"Okay." I sigh. "It's alright. I'm not mad, I'm just shocked. Gosh we almost mated." He meets my gaze.

"Look, we still don't know each other yet. We need more time to do that and I want us to know each other more, and to learn how to trust each other." I said while moving towards him.

"I know! I just lost control." He said while covering my body with his. I inhale his scent and rest my body to his.

"But the word MATED..." I pause for a while and attach ourselves to each other. I look into his eyes and I saw a smirk on his face.

"It depends on the situation." I said and started to stand with the comforter around my lower body.

"How about this situation?" He said while following my every move with his eyes until I reached the front of my bathroom.

"Not this time you know" I said then I let the comforter fall from my grip to the floor. "You ruin my mood." I continued then closed the door of the bathroom after I went inside leaving him on my bed.

I heard him curse behind the door but I just ignored him. I remove my shirt and grab a towel that hangs near my sink. I wrapped it around me and grabbed the shirt and went out of the bathroom. I toss the shirt on the laundry and walk toward my dresser. I saw him standing at the end of my bed, his back facing me. By the time he faced me I was already preparing my clothes for the beach later, but I'm still wearing nothing but a towel. I feel his eyes burning on me but I just ignore him. I continue to pack some clothes and my hygiene kit.

"You're going somewhere?" He asked and walked towards me.

"Yup! We're going to the beach today." I said not looking at him. He grabbed some of my clothes and helped me to fold them. Then he gently put it down on the bed beside my other clothes.

"Family bonding?" He asked and grabbed another piece of clothing to fold.

"Nah just me, Hanz, and Marvin.." I respond unconsciously while still focusing on what I'm doing. Suddenly I felt him distant.

"Babe?" My eyes looked for him and I saw him standing there while looking at me.

"You're going to the beach with him, that asshole? And who's that Hanz? Another fan of yours?" He said with a cold tone while grabbing his coat from the top of my bed.

Yes, I feel offended by his words. But at the same time I feel jealous of his voice.

"You know what? I'm getting pissed of you." I said with a blank face. Even though I'm laughing inside.

"What do you expect? Just keep calm and cool, just lay on my couch and watch TV, sleep all day while his making his move to steal you from me?" He said while pacing back and forth inside my room.

"Would you please lower your voice? Stop pacing." He didn't even flinch a little even with my Alpha voice.

"Look it's not what you think." I said after a while. "You know his childhood friend, me and Hanz. We used to do this a lot when we were young. And by the way Hanz is my twin brother. He won't let Marvin do something wrong to me." But still he ignores me and keeps on pacing back and forth.

"By the way, I already told my brother about you." Actually he's the one who told me about him knowing about my mate.

"What did you say?" He stops from pacing and quickly sit beside me,

"He said that he's happy for me and he wants to 'MEAT' you."

"Seriously?" He said with a playful grin.

"Yeah. But that does not mean anything. He's really nice."

"Nah! It's okay. It's just a brother instinct." He gets back from helping me with my clothes but suddenly he happens to grab my black bikini top.

"You're not gonna wear this." He said while grabbing it's pair of underwear.

"Yes I am." I said not bothering myself to look at him.

"Not when I'm not around to kill those men who will run their eyes on your skin."

"I already wore that several times. Even Marvin was used to it."

"What!" Said using a dead tone. It's my intention to tease him. Because he is cute when he's mad.

"He is used to seeing me wearing a bikini." I clear to him as I place the last thing in my huge bag.

"He's seen you almost with nothing but that piece of cloth?" He once again stood up and turned his back on me.

"Ahuh!" I hum as a response. I placed the bag on the floor and I stood up and walked inside the bathroom. I start to remove the towel around my body.

He's back was still on me and I can feel that he is beyond pissed.

"I'll make it up to you. I promise." I said as he turns his head facing me. I closed the door of my bathroom but made sure that he saw a glimpse of me wearing nothing at all.


This UD is full of naughtiness.


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