
Supernatural Affairs: The Wall Between Me And My Mate (Vol 1)

I run my arms on the right side of my bed expecting to feel him. But I remember that he abandoned me last night an hour and a half pass midnight. I expect him to be by my side when I wake up but unfortunately it can't happen. Because of the fact that in our world we're different from each other and our bloodline was created to kill each other. I can't even understand why the Goddess of all creatures chose me as a Vampire's Mate. I covered myself once again with my comforter and deep myself to my thoughts. What if a pack member discovered us together? What if we won't end up together? I can no longer imagine life without him. I don't want to go back to the darkest part of my life. I don't want to waste this chance to forget all about my past. This time I'm going to make things right. I don't want to let the time pass by and let him go. Then after that blaming myself for not having him in my life.

Mai_Dadivas · Fantasy
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13 Chs

CHAPTER EIGHT: Stories: The Series of Unfortunate Event

James Richards

When she finally came out of my room I felt something in my heart. She's so beautiful I thought I said it a million times.

"Hi!" She seems so shy by the tone of her voice.

I reached my hand to her and I saw her beautiful eyes staring at it. She took my hand and I pulled her close to me. I gave her a quick kiss on his forehead while she was wrapping her one arm around my waist. I realized that the couple were staring at us.

"What are you two looking at?" I raise a brow at them and ask.

"Are you sure he's your mate?" Jones asked like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"SHE'S MINE IDIOT! ALL MINE!" I informed him and gave him a death glare. Gazelle was just staring at Moira the whole conversation.

"We cooked some food for you my dear. Are you hungry?" Moira cut our conversation and led us to the dining table.

When we're at the dining table, I pull one of the chairs for her to sit. I saw Jones do the same thing to Moira before he sat right next to her. Gazelle was staring at the food but still not making any noise.

"You know, this was the first time that there's someone sitting on that chair. Dining table used to have a minimum of four chairs and there were just the three of us. I never thought that, that chair will be occupied." Jones tried to talk to Gazelle while pointing to the chair that she's sitting on.

"Well it's vacant for Gazelle to sit on, its her chair for now on." I told him.

"Okay let's start to fill our tummies." Moira changes the topic when she talks.

"What are you going to eat?" Finally Gazelle speaks but her face is still blank.

"Oh Jones I forgot, can you bring out the bottles for us?" Moira asked Jones but it's more on a command.

Jones lean his two palms on the side of the table and push his body upward to help him stand. When he came back, he was carrying a tray with three bottles on it: one bottle of wine and two bottles of blood. It easily caught Gazelle's attention but not making any words to say.

When Jones places it down on the top of the table Moira grabs one of the bottles containing blood and pours on her glass. Gazelle is still looking at everything that Moira's doing.

I took her plate and put some mashed potatoes on it. She pays me a smile while she's holding a table napkin.

"Do you like it? I made it all by myself." Moira informs her.

But Gazelle just gave her a nod and a smile.

"It's alright, I remember my first dinner with the two. I'm still human at that time and I also remember that I can even say any single word." I couldn't stop myself from smiling for their similarities when I first saw them.

"Yeah! I remember you still have old fashioned style braces and big frames of eyeglasses." I added then laughed.

Moira gave me a death glare, her elbow leaning on the edge of the table and her face resting on her palm.

"But she's still beautiful just like when I first saw her." Jones kisses her forehead and she shows her tongue on me.

"I'm so shy at that time but Jones never left my side. He's always there by my side until now." She gave Jones a wink.

"Don't be afraid, we won't bite!" She added.

"No I'm not afraid, I just don't know what to say." Gazelle said to Moira when she was finished chewing her last spoon. Moira just smiles and leans her head to Jones' shoulder.

"Well since I started it, I will introduce myself first." Moira initiated.


"My birth name was Moira Shawn, Im was born on February seven year 1760. I was born with a rich family, I used to have all the things that I needed but not what I wanted. My parents usually have their out of town work, so I'm always left alone with my nanny and my parent's maid. They treat me like their own child so I can somehow find another way to be happy. My Aunt Lucy used to visit me daily to check if my nanny and I were doing great.

One day I asked my nanny to teach me how to cook for lunch, so she showed me how to chop meats. I accidentally sliced my finger and it needed 14 stitches to close the wound. My Aunt Lucy tells a lot of wrong rumors about my nanny and my parent's maid so my parents fired them all, leaving my Aunt Lucy to take care of me. I was left with the care of my Aunt Lucy but instead, she forced me to do the household chores.

One stormy night, before my 10th birthday, I received a phone call from my mommy's Lawyer. He said that my parents car slipped on a cliff on their way home. I can no longer remember the thing after it, all I can remember was the day after the accident. One policeman came to our house and gave my Aunt something. She gave me a big doll with a letter on it.


Happy 10th Birthday!

Sorry for all the days that you were left alone.

Always know that you're the most important thing on earth for us.

For now we will never leave your side.

Love Mommy and Daddy.'

I still don't know what's going on, all I know is they will never return from their out of town work. After my parents' grave, I was left with my Aunt's custody. I found out that my mother's Lawyer and my Aunt Lucy are having an affair. They transferred all of my parents' property to their names and sent me to one of the town's orphanages.

Before I was a loner, I had no friends but from there I learned a lot of things. I learn to survive all by myself, without any guidance from others. I was adopted by a farmer, they changed my name to Elizabeth Diaz, but they don't have enough money to send me to a good institution. So I worked hard to finish my studies all by myself. I met Jones when I was 17 years old but I was 18 when I found out that I'm her mate. He saved me from being bullied by some of my neighbors because I'm weak, small, and ugly. They throw stones at me and some of it hits me on my forehead. At first I ignored him but I started to fall in love with him.

He reveal his true identity to me a month after I meet him. He said that he can't leave me because I'm his mate. At that time I didn't know the meaning of 'Mate' but he showed it to me. He asked me to be with him, I said yes but in one condition. He have to wait until I graduate college. After I secured the future of my parents I left them to be with Jones. It's a vampire's law to choose a new name but I choose the name of Moira Shawn. I enjoyed all my new abilities, but it leads me to a wrong thing. I hunt all those people who made my life like a living hell, especially my Aunt Lucy. I killed her because I'm blaming her for all the bad things that happened to me. I found out that she planed my parent's accident but its a coincident that it was raining that time. But Jones lead me into a good path. He taught me everything, especially to resist human blood."

She ended her story. It looks painful for her to recall all of her past memories. Even though we're familiar with her stories she insists on sharing it again, especially with Gazelle.

"So you go by the name of Moira Shawn by now?" Gazelle asked.

"Yes! But now that I'm married with this man on my side, my last name changes into Richards. Now Im Moira S. Richards." She said while placing her hand on the top of Jones' hand revealing both of their Wedding Rings.

Gazelle turned her head at me and I just squeezed her hand. I kissed her neck while my other hand slid under the table and I placed it between her two thighs. She lowered her face but I can tell that she blushed, I can hear her heart beating fast.

I removed my hand between her thigh and I lowered my face to her ear then whispered. "I'm sorry babe." Then I plan a kiss on her forehead.

"I know what you need and what you want, It's okay babe." She gave me a quick smile then looked at the top of the table.

"Okay it's my turn." Jones started to tell his own stories for all of us.