
Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)

Author Note: Updating this so readers get a general understanding of this fan fiction. This fan fiction assumes that the main group of the MHA manga started attending U.A in the year 2014, the year the manga started serialization. It also makes the assumption that due to Quirks being around for several generations that science isn't completely up to where we are now as Quirks can do what would otherwise required innovation from science to create. In addition, this MC has his powers converted to Quirks and as such they require time and training to improve. For power scaling, this rendition of Superman will fall in line with All Star Superman and Superman Prime but will require time to reach that level. Without further ado please enjoy the fan fiction!! =======================================I died doing charity work overseas, and was fortunate enough to meet God. Taking pity on me as I had dedicated much of my adult life doing good deeds he let me reincarnate with a single wish. Asking to become Superman in the My Hero Academia world I was determined to both help the people, and have the family life I had always wanted. Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will.

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 60 - Battle For Freedom Part 2

---Fortress of Solitude---

The sky grew dark as clouds rolled in, and lightning dropped all around us. I was going to show how terrifying I could be when I was pissed off, and I would make their last few minutes among the living full of pain and suffering. The instant Superman was standing up again I was already behind him with a green light emanating from my right hand. Turning around to hit me he watched the light cut through his clothing and chest. Screaming in pain he stumbled backwards as his body suddenly felt weak.

"What the hell!?", he panted, "What is that light, Willpower?!"

"No...unlike you who didn't train to hone our powers I have worked tirelessly everyday to hone my power.", I said in a cold tone, "I can emit any form of radiation from my body...including Kryptonite Radiation specifically tuned to your world. Killing you when I arrived here would have so easy for me. I could have cut your head off when you went to hit Batman, and you wouldn't have been able to stop me."

It was then Injustice Superman felt his body start to shiver in fear.

"How does it feel?", I asked in a mocking tone, "Do you feel fear? This is only a fraction of the fear the innocent felt when you showed up. You can drown in it, and embrace death!"

Using her lasso Wonder Woman tried to wrap it around my neck to choke me, but the armor didn't give an inch with her using her full strength. The ground cracked under her feet as she desperately tried to pull me away from Superman. Reaching back I grabbed the rope, and started pulling her towards me with one arm. Grunting as she put everything into resisting, there was no competition in terms of strength.

"Hera give me strength!", Wonder Woman cried out but nothing happened.

With a single yank I pulled her towards me, and grabbed her by the throat. Wrapping the lasso around her neck I threw her face down onto the ground pulling back on the rope. Gasping for air Wonder Woman tried to stand up, but I slammed my boot down on her back. Trying to rise up she found it impossible to move even a hairs breadth.

"How does it feel Diana!?", I mocked, "Desperately fighting for your life, but you can't do anything to stop me from taking it!! This is how it feels to be powerless in face of overwhelming power!! Every man, woman, and child felt this as you snuffed out their lives!!"

Lifting her sword with my psychic power, I drove it threw her back paralyzing her from shoulders down. Coughing up blood she looked back to see me staring down at her with red eyes.

"No one escapes the Spectre!", the Spectre and I said in unison, "It's time to collect your debt, and miserable souls aren't going to cover it!! Only when your screams fill the pits of hell for eternity will your debt be paid!!"

Clawing at the ice Wonder Woman tried to flee as every fiber of her said there was no winning this anymore. Taking my foot off her, I pulled back and swung her on top of Superman. Dropping a knee over her heart I glared at her with a stone cold gaze.

"Now your suffering starts!", I growled.

Slamming my magic covered right fist into her face she felt her entire self, soul and all, creak under the blow. Before she could recover the next one came followed by yet another blow. Before long her body start spasming as she couldn't keep taking the abuse as I beat her to a pulp, healed her, and beat her to a pulp over and over. Screaming for Zeus to save her yet again no one came to help her.

"Why...have you...forsaken me!!", she screamed drowning in her own blood.

"They know that if they save you I will destroy Olympus!", Spectre and I shouted, "No one, not even the Guardians of the Universe, will save you from me!! No matter where you go I will find, and drag you back for your sentencing!! Darkseid couldn't even protect you if he wanted too, no one hides from us!!"

Grabbing her sword I plunged it into her heart, and twisted causing her immeasurable pain. Unable to do anything to stop me all she could was have a mental breakdown, and start to cry. Killing her over and over eventually made her mind break, and she made a last ditch effort to hide there. That was the worst mistake she made as I forced myself into her mind.

"STAY AWAY!!", she screamed.

"Who said I was done with you!!", I roar punching her mental self.

Doing the same to her as I did Mister Mxyzptlk, and destroyed all capabilities to function. Twisting her memories into nightmares I wanted her to never know what happiness, love, or peace was ever again. Screaming for Superman as I destroyed her brain Superman picked himself up, and tried to continue you our fight. Glancing over at him as I continued the assault on her mind. I watched him throw a punch at me thinking I had relented on my mental attack. Side stepping it I used his momentum to throw him into the ice.

Falling to the ground still holding his arm, I put him in an armbar and kept cranking till his arm shattered. Bellowing in pain I brought the arm behind his back breaking the bones even more. Grabbing the other arm I placed my feet on his back. Pulling back on them he started screaming bloody murder as he felt his body start to tear apart.

"Stop!!", he screamed, "I yield!! I surrender!!"

"Who said I allowed you to surrender?", I mocked, "We are only getting started Superman...Lois has things she wants to tell you before I break you!!"

Not understanding what I meant he looked up to see Lois standing there with their child. Seeing his wife and child Superman was unable to look her in the eyes.

"How could you!!", she screamed as she cried, "We never wanted you to this!! You were a good man Clark, you gave the world hope for a better future...you stole that future from them."

"Lois...I...all I wanted to do was make it so people didn't suffer anymore, and villains couldn't hurt more people!!", he said.

"You killed their innocent families!! You murdered children!!", Lois shouted at him, "They had a bright future like our son would have...you killed them without any hesitation. You are a monster!! Had I known you would have done this, I would have never married you!!"

Hearing that Superman lost the color in his face.

"You...you don't mean that...", he said weakly.

"I have seen the faces of all the innocent people you killed. What did they do to deserve death!?", Lois screamed, "You aren't the man I married, you are a monster!! A Demon in sheep's clothing!!"

Seeing the face of the baby that would have been his son Superman gave up all resistance. The sight of his wife and son denouncing him was too much for him to bear. Backing away from him she shook her head at him.

"Lois, please...don't go..!", he pleaded.

"Don't ever use my name ever again you monster.", Lois said, "Don't ever look at my son either...his father died the same day we did."

Fading into thin air Superman started to tear up. Pulling his arms out of socket, I grabbed his head and made him face me. Green light start being released by my body as the air around us became super heated.

"This is the end Kal El...there is no more running from death!!", I growled.

Emitting Kryptonite Radiation from my body he screamed loud enough that the entire world could hear him.

---Downtown Gotham, Earlier On---

Barreling down on the group, the Sinestro Corps tried to stop him but Doomsday shattered their constructs. Roaring again as he got to within twenty feet of them All Might dashed forward to intercept.

"United States of Smash!!", he said throwing everything he had into the punch.

Eat the punch Doomsday didn't stop moving forward. Throwing his own punch at All Might, it hit him square in the chest. Feeling his bones break and organs explode he coughed up a mouthful of blood as he shot through several buildings.

"Uncle Might!!", Melissa screamed.

Dashing forward the two Kara's grabbed Doomsday by the arms, and barely managed to slow him down. Groaning as they tried to stop him they shouted that they couldn't hold him. Running in to assist Maxima, Blackfire, Starfire, Rumi, and Fury all added their strength to stop him. Stopping him with their combined strength the women then proceeded to attack him. Launching a barrage of blows into him nothing registered to him as he ate all the blows.

"What the hell is going on!?", Rumi shouted, "He isn't feeling any of this!!"

"We know!!", Maxima shouted punching him in the face, "We aren't going to be able to stop him!! All we can do is hold him off till Clark comes back!!"

Shooting several sleep capsules into his face, Nemuri hoped that it would have sort of effect. Instead of knocking him out it only enraged him further. Pushing the women back all of them stopped attacking, and focus on holding him.

"Get the civilians out of here!!", Rumi shouted to Harley.

"I am trying!!", Harley said trying to find away out of here.

"Hal, I know you are still a good man in there...you know these people need to evacuate.", Batman said.

"On it!", Hal said air lifting them out.

Leaping at Doomsday, Melissa hit him with her own anger filled United States of Smash. This time Doomsday did back step from the impact, but Melissa wasn't going to be able to maintain that level of power for long. Using her Float Quirk to lift Doomsday off the ground the monster started roaring in protest. Thinking they had beaten it the monster started glowing red.

"EVERYONE DIVE FOR COVER!!!", Batman shouted.

Jumping for cover like he ordered, Doomsday released a massive Super Flare that destroyed most the area. Using themselves as shielding for the others both Kara's had used their bodies to provide safety to those who had no cover. Covered in burns the two women held back their cries of pain trying to stay strong. Next thing they knew a spike from Doomsday ran them through as he hit them in the stomachs.

"KARA!!", Fury shouted, "Get out of there!!"

Before she could move Doomsday grabbed both of them, and slammed them into the pavement. Stomping on them repeatedly the two women couldn't do anything to stop him.

"We have to help!!", Ochaco told the others, "Kara is our sister!"

"Right!!", the other girls agreed leaping into action.

Launching a rapid volley of attacks at Doomsday, Nejire got his attention immediately. Roaring at her leapt into the sky trying to grab her. Backing away from him a RPG slammed into him, and knocked him away from the group.

"Get them back now!!", Momo shouted at the others.

"Got it!", Itsuka, Toru, Mina, and Toga replied rushing forward to pull the heavily injured Kryptonian to safety.

Grabbing them just as Doomsday got back up, they hurriedly started to retreat with the two in tow. Charging at them he was now very pissed off, and everyone could feel it. Sliding out in front of them Dorothy used her Quirk to start fighting him. Unable to see the invisible enemy he was fighting the monster was helpless to fight back.

"I won't lose anymore family!!", Dorothy shouted, "I lost my parents because I wasn't strong enough to protect them!! I won't lose my new family to anyone!!"

Pushing him back for a few moments the beast slammed his hands together making a powerful pressure way that blew Dorothy off her feet. Crashing into building Dorothy was knocked unconscious on impact.

"I am not about to be outdone by a young girl!", Ivy shouted with determination using her power to make vines come up to tie his legs up.

Using Blackwhip to add to the restrains Melissa was desperate to save her friends and sisters. Selena used her special whip I made, and wrapped it around his neck. Helping Melissa and Selena out, everyone grabbed hold trying to restrain him. Enlarging herself Yu, grabbed hold of him and gripped him as tightly as she could. Jumping on top of her hands, Ryuko put the full weight of her dragon form down on him. For a few moments they thought it would hold, but the beast had other plans.

Ripping Ivy's leg restraints away Doomsday leapt forward, and slammed straight into Ryuko and Yu's faces. With a massive kick Doomsday sent them flying into the ruins of the city. Left unconscious from the hit Yu was down for the count, and was heavily injured. Pulling on the Blackwhip covered arm the monster yanked Melissa to him.

"Cancel your Quirk!!", Momo screamed.

Unable to do it in time Melissa saw the fist coming at her. Suddenly though her Quirk stopped working, and the fist barely grazed her as she slid right past him.

"Don't forget that we are here!", Aizawa shouted.

Using his Cement Manipulation Quirk to seal the beast in concrete, Cementoss struggled to hold him for long. Telling everyone to move Present Mic and Black Canary let loose on Doomsday hammering him with powerful sound attacks. Due to having super hearing the sound attacks were effective for a brief period while he adapted to this weakness.

"We only have a few minutes before he overcomes the sound attacks.", Batman said.

"What do you mean a few minutes?", Rumi asked helping the Kara's up.

"He...he adapts to his weaknesses, and overcomes them.", Kara (Girlfriend) stated, "We only bought a few minutes at best like Batman said..."

Detecting the injuries the women had the Med Bots automatically deployed, and started repairing the damage to their bodies. Stepping up to the plate Amazo and Vision readied themselves to fight Doomsday after analyzing his moves and attributes.

"How much longer is he going to take!", Harley snapped, "I am going to lecture him about making a lady wait!!"

"You aren't even part of their group...", Flash stated.

"Not yet.", Selena said with a smirk, "We are working on winning him over to the idea."

"That poor guy...", Hal sighed returning to the fight, "Alright the civilians are clear."

"My head is killing me...", Billy groaned as Ochaco used her Med Bots to fix him up, "Since when does Superman use magic? That is some cheating crap right there!"

"Don't complain because you lost.", Ivy stated.

"Whatever...", he sighed, "I admit I lost...he still cheated though."

Shouting out the word Shazam he changed back into his Hero form to try and help out.

"Do we have a plan here?", Flash asked, "We have no idea how long their boyfriend is going to-"

Before he could finish the ground under their feet started shaking violently. Grabbing hold of something to stabilize themselves Toga asked what was going.

"I think your boyfriend is beating the shit out of our Superman.", Kara (Injustice) said having heard everything I said, "He is beating Wonder Woman to a pulp..."

"I can hear it too, he is tearing her mind apart.", Kara (Girlfriend) added, "I honestly don't feel bad for her after seeing and hearing what they did here."

"Agreed, how could you all go this far?", Sonico asked, "Didn't you ever thing hurting innocent people was bad?"

"It...it was to protect the public at large...", Flash stated, "We wanted to stop crimes before they happened so no one had to die needlessly."

"You blithering idiot!", Constantine said kicking him in the junk, "What sort of asinine idiot decides to that!? Your assumptions of people killed millions more than most villains could have killed in a lifetime!!"

"We just wanted to-"

"I don't give a shite what you all wanted!! I watched my friends get hunted down like animals!!", Constantine snapped, "I couldn't even take my daughter out to eat because of you!! She had to watch her mother be executed by you bloody bastards!! Everywhere I went you lot aimed to take her from me to force me to submit!!"

"We wouldn't have hurt her!", Shazam stated.

"Tell that to all the children that died because you let those bloody lunatics Superman and Wonder Woman kill them!!", Constantine shouted, "Just look at Downtown Gotham!! How many people died because that bastard had a temper tantrum!!"

Unable to argue that the Regime members stayed silent.

"I hope you all burn in the lowest levels of Hell for what you did to this world!!", Constantine cursed.

About that time everyone heard the dying screams of this universes Superman. Everyone, including Doomsday, turned towards where the sound was coming from. Lasting a full minute the sound died off slowly before disappearing completely.

"That...that made my skin crawl.", Blackfire admitted.

"Agreed, most definitely.", Starfire said.

"He should be back soon, all we need to do is hold out a bit longer.", Ochaco cheered.

Having adapted to overcome the sound attacks Doomsday charged forward at them. Launching a barrage of attacks at him, he plowed through them all smacking both Present Mic and Black Canary away first before getting to the main group. Using Luna Fall to distract him the kick hardly registered with him. Grabbing her leg before she could move away, he slammed her into a brick building before throwing her out into the harbor.

Shooting off to catch her before she hit the water, Sonico said she would be back. Getting into the fight Vision and Amazo engaged the monster head on. Fazing through his attacks the two machines blasted him point blank sending him sliding backwards. Trying to use lethal attacks against him the machines found it difficult to do serious damage to him. Leaping into the fight again Maxima, Blackfire, Starfire, and both Kara's assisted the robots in holding the beast back.

"Bruce, I have an idea!", Flash said, "I think Sonico and I might be able to knock him out."

Returning from catching Rumi, Sonico asked what she needed to do. Explaining the theory of his Infinite Mass Punch, he gave her a quick demonstration of how to pull it off.

"I...I haven't practiced anything like that before!", Sonico stated, "What happens if I mess this up?"

"You potentially take everyone out.", Flash replied, "You have to control the energy or it will kill everyone else."

"That's not a lot of pressure!", Sonico gulped looking at the other women, "I...I will do it!"

"Good, the two of us have to hit him at exactly the same time. If we do we should be able to knock him out, and send him into orbit.", Flash informed her.

"Alright, so we need to run around the city for a few seconds to build up charge, vibrate our hands, and punch him together.", Sonico said aloud to herself.

"What grade are you in?", Flash asked.

"I am graduated!", Sonico snapped, "Sorry I wasn't a book nerd, and speak geeky!! I pretend to know what Clark is saying because I enjoy being with him!!"

Putting that aside for now the two took off running. Zooming around the city Sonico did her best to match the Flash as they ran. Having heard the plan the group holding Doomsday gave one final push to knock him back before getting out of the way. Ducking behind what cover was left the group was shielded as the two Speedsters came rushing at the beast. Everything happened in slow motion for them as they closed in on Doomsday. Throwing their punches in unison the hit him cleanly in the jaw and felt his bones and skin crack under the blow.

Unfortunately Barry had incorrectly judged the effectiveness of the attack. Having used the attack once before against Doomsday the first time they fought, he assumed adding a second person would have been enough to overwhelm the adaptation gene, but it didn't. Increasing his own mass Doomsday swung arms around them, and started to crush them. Realizing that the attack had failed Blackfire, Starfire, Maxima, and both Kara's leapt forward to draw his attention away from them.

Releasing his death grip on them, he smacked the Flash and Sonico away. Crashing into to construction site rebar pierced their bodies when they came to a stop. Screaming as she saw the rebar piercing her legs and stomach, Sonico started to panic. Telling her to calm down, Flash said to get them out so her regeneration factor from the Speed Force could kick in. Nodding her head she did as he said before collapsing to the ground from the pain.

Back at the battle Doomsday had taken out Maxima and Power Girl after headbutting them, and running one of his crystal spikes through them. Starfire and Blackfire were the only two left that could fight him with any degree of success. The other women that could still fight were doing their best to assist, but nothing they could do got his attention. Struggling to stand up to him Doomsday could sense the fight was about over. Grabbing Starfire by the head he started to squeeze the life out of her.

"Let go of her!!", Blackfire said punching desperately , "Don't you...hurt my sister!! She is all I have left of my family!!"

Smacking her away Blackfire felt the bones in her chest break as she slammed into a truck. Falling to the ground she gasped for air as she looked at her sister.

"Don't do it!!", Blackfire screamed with a mouthful of blood.

Impaling her with a crystal spike he threw Starfire to the side, and kept going on towards the next person. Dragging herself over to her sister Blackfire called out to her, but got no response.

"No..no...don't die on me Starfire!!", Blackfire cried, "You...you can't leave me all alone!! I don't want to be the last Tamaranian...I...I wanted to make amends with you. Please give me that chance God! I know I have treated you like shit, but...I don't want it to end like this."

While Blackfire was weeping the injured Raven and Fury were the only two left standing now, and that was loosely true. The rest of the group had been beaten into the dirt or thrown into debris. The two of them had been hit by the Super Flare, and were heavily injured so they weren't going to give much of a fight. Glaring at the two women Doomsday let out an angry roar. Having been one of the people that imprisoned it the first time, Raven was on it's shit list and she could feel it was meant for her.

"It's been a pleasure Raven...", Fury chuckled.

"Same goes for me...it's been fun getting to know you.", Raven stated.

Raising his arms to crush them the two prepared for the end. Before he swung down the unmistakable sound of a sonic boom rang out. Opening their eyes they saw me grab Doomsday by the back of the head and throw him into the city.

"I see you have been manhandling my girlfriends...", I growled, "How about you try that with me!"

Using the power of the White Lantern Ring I healed the group as I watched Doomsday slowly get back up.

"You took your sweet time...", Rumi and Nemuri complained.

"I am sorry, I kind of drew out the fight with those two.", I chuckled, "I promise to take you out somewhere nice for dinner tonight."

"Five fucking damn star restaurant.", Selena groaned, "No complaints about the bill either..."

"Of course.", I said in a calm tone, "Whatever you all want."

Seeing Blackfire holding her sister who had been barely alive when I arrived, I was happy to see that Blackfire did care deep down about Starfire. Turning back to Doomsday my smile turned to a scowl.

"Hal, there are no civilians left in Gotham yes?", I asked looking back him.

"Yes, I took the last out a bit ago.", he said holding his broken power ring, "Why do you ask?"

"Alright, all of you sit this out.", I said changing my armor to the Unchained Armor version, "I got this one."

"He should be easy...we already weakened him...for you...", Harley laughed with a sigh.

"We didn't even nick him...", Ivy sighed.

"We just pissed him off...", Melissa and Nejire groaned recovering from their wounds.

"I...I give our effort...an A+...", she replied, "It's the effort...that counts..."

Running down the street towards him, ducked one of blows and swung upwards with a Green Kryptonite Radiation sword I was generating. Howling with pain he stumbled backwards as blood seeped out of the cut. Coating my fists with Kryptonite I started punching the shit out of him as I covered the area in Red Sun Radiation. Watching the scene unfold, Batman wore a conflicted look.

"Hold the fucking phone...he can use magic, release Red Sunlight, and use Kryptonite...", Shazam said falling to his knees, "We really didn't stand a chance against him..."

Between the Red Sunlight and Kryptonite, Doomsday's power was waning rapidly. My light punches, for a Kryptonian, where shattering bones, spikes, and skin. Forcing him to his knees I used the Negative Speed Force to turn back the hands of time on Doomsday to before his birth causing him to vanish in front of them. Seeing what happened Barry took several steps back.

"You...you got to be kidding me...he has the Speed Force and the Negative Speed Force...", he said in a panic, "Bruce what the hell are you thinking!? No one here is capable of stopping him if he decides to kill us."

Appearing behind him, I tapped his shoulder with a smile on my face. Leaping into Batman's arms, Barry was terrified he was next on the beatdown list.

"If I wanted you dead I would have killed you already.", I stated, "I promised Batman and Supergirl I would spare everyone but Superman and Wonder Woman. Conquering your world would be a real pain in the ass, and upset my family. Besides, I'd rather help people than control them."

Turning to Harley, I gave her a smirk.

"You know Harley, I do think you had him on the ropes.", I chuckled.

"Hehe...I told you...we just let you finish him off.", she laughed.

"You all alright? If you are injured say so, and I will heal you.", I told everyone.

"You could do something about my bloody headache.", Constantine stated.

"Use your own fucking magic.", I retorted.

"Well fuck you too Mate!", he said flipping me the bird with a smile.

Doing thorough checked of my girlfriends with the White Lantern Ring, I was satisfied they weren't going to die. All Might had been in a pretty bad shape, but he was doing fine now. Turning my attention back to the city, I started repairing damage. Recalling the images I knew of Gotham, I used them to restore the city back to it's complete state. It was a bit taxing to pull off, but in the end it worked out.

"Son of a bitch...you can rebuild the whole fucking city!?", Constantine gasped.

"I can, I was taught by the Phantom Stranger and Spectre in a different world.", I informed him.

"Seriously!? You could have told us that!!", he shouted, "Why did you come to ask me for-"

"I shouldn't be the only one fighting for your world.", I pointed out, "You all need some skin in the game too. No point in me fixing all your problems."

"Whatever, at least this shite is fixed. Now it's off the bloody pub for a-"

"Take your daughter out to eat you idiot.", I told him, "The people are already back too from the evacuation. Take her out to eat, and enjoy your time with her. Savor the freedom you put it all on the line for."

"Don't lecture me you snot nosed baboon!", Constantine snapped, "That said...dinner with my little girl would be nice too."

Wandering off into the city, he left the group alone to be with his daughter.

"So...where are they?", Kara (Injustice) asked.

With a snap of my fingers Wonder Woman and Superman appeared out of a portal. Collapsing to the ground they all saw the extent of damage I dealt them.

"Wonder Woman is an invalid now, and Superman's mind broke.", I stated, "I will take them to hell now."

"A deal is a deal...", Kara (Injustice) replied looking at her cousin, 'I am sorry cousin.'

Letting the Spectre take over from here he didn't give any fucks about how he did it. Opening a portal to Hell he grabbed them by their hair, and pulled them into the portal. Smacking them on everything he saw on the way to the bottom of Hell for shits and giggles, he threw the two of them onto the spikes near the Imp, and the chains grabbed hold of them almost immediately. Having them in a state of perpetual nightmares they would forever only feel pain, suffering, and the horrors of their actions from the victim's point of view.

Returning to Earth I took control again as the Insurgency dispersed. Wanting to return to the lives they once had it would be a long road for them to get there. Stepping to the side with Batman, I explained I would start sending villains back to this world in the coming weeks as I rounded them up. Agreeing to take them he thanked me for my assistance before leaving.

"You know, if you want to take more of the female villains off our hands...", he said as he walked away, "Your welcome to do so.

"Fuck off old man!", I laughed.

Returning to my group I asked if they were ready to go home.

"You all ready?", I asked my group.

"I need a vacation.", Aizawa sighed, "Thanks for the heads up on that monster..."

"I didn't think they'd have him out here.", I replied.

"It's fine, but this has been an eye opener.", Endeavor said, "Am I to understand that their thousands of universe out there, and we are one of the weaker ones?"

"Yes.", I answered, "Unfortunately you wouldn't even register as a speed bump in a few of them."

Getting everyone loaded up in the fuselage, we returned to our world to give our report to Nezu and the UN.