
Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)

Author Note: Updating this so readers get a general understanding of this fan fiction. This fan fiction assumes that the main group of the MHA manga started attending U.A in the year 2014, the year the manga started serialization. It also makes the assumption that due to Quirks being around for several generations that science isn't completely up to where we are now as Quirks can do what would otherwise required innovation from science to create. In addition, this MC has his powers converted to Quirks and as such they require time and training to improve. For power scaling, this rendition of Superman will fall in line with All Star Superman and Superman Prime but will require time to reach that level. Without further ado please enjoy the fan fiction!! =======================================I died doing charity work overseas, and was fortunate enough to meet God. Taking pity on me as I had dedicated much of my adult life doing good deeds he let me reincarnate with a single wish. Asking to become Superman in the My Hero Academia world I was determined to both help the people, and have the family life I had always wanted. Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will.

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 23 - A Night To Remember

Spending the early evening helping the girls with their homework, I left them and headed over to Nemuri's. I knew the three women would be there later as they were currently out working. Starting with Rumi's cake I followed a recipe I got off the Food Channel, and got it in the oven. Hand making the icing I set it in the freezer to chill while I started making the sides. Getting the steaks seasoned afterwards, the women came in about thirty minutes after that was done.

"What are you...oh right tonight's date...TONIGHTS THE NIGHT!!", Nemuri said.

"I came home with you...did you not remember?", Rumi sighed.

"I am sorry that don't remember, you do remember I work two different jobs right?", Nemuri stated.

"Calm down, no harm no foul. You ladies want to shower, and get changed?", I asked.

"Sure smells good...", Rumi said eyeing the carrot cake.

"Yeah we will get cleaned up.", Yu said, "We will come out after we are done."

Rushing into the bathroom, I started cleaning up my mess. A few minutes in I could hear them squealing as they horsed around in the bathroom. Just like the younger girls these three seemed to enjoy teasing each other over showering. Coming out thirty minutes later in robes I did my best not to stare, but it was hard not too.

"Hehe now you want to look.", Yu teased.

"No comment.", I chuckled, "You three smell very nice."

"Thanks.", they said going off to change into comfortable clothing.

Coming back in sweats and t-shirts, I could tell they were really being casual as they weren't wearing bras. Winking at me Nemuri and Yu were eating it up having me here tonight. Rumi was playing it off as indifferent, but she would adjust her herself whenever I would look at her like she was trying to make a good impression. Kicking back, they chatted with me as I finished cooking.

Serving the women's food first with a glass of wine, all of them looked at the food and wine with soft eyes. It was the first time a guy cooked for them, and...they felt rather special to be waited on hand and foot like this. Taking a seat with them we began eating in silence. They absolutely loved my cooking, and savored every bite. When dessert came, and Nemuri tried to steal a bite from Rumi and I thought Rumi was about to stab her. Rumi was notorious for being very defensive of anything to do with carrots, and Nemuri liked pushing her buttons a lot. Doing the dishes afterwards for them, Nemuri and Yu nodded their heads.

"He's a keeper.", they said.

"Think so?", Rumi laughed.

"Name a man you know that will do dishes?", Yu asked.

"Point taken.", Rumi stated, "You know he is probably buttering us up because he knows he is-"

"Listen Rumi, both of us have dated men before. Sure he may be spoiling us because he will be getting some, but what's the problem with that?", Nemuri said, "He has done more work than any man I have dated did. All of them took me out to a movie or dinner, and afterwards we did it. None of them ever cooked for me."

"How many guys have you been with?", Rumi asked.

"Eight.", she stated, "Eight men I have slept with. I am hoping Clark will be the last man I ever sleep with."

"Were they serious relationships?", Rumi asked.

"I thought they were. After dating for several months I would ask them to move in, and discuss our future. The moment I did all of them bolted, and cut ties with me.", Nemuri said, "I know the public thinks I am a bad woman, but...I am just a flirt. It's just my personality, I love teasing people but I don't cross that line. I have dated thirty people since I joined U.A as a student, and almost all of them say we have done something sexual. For example, the kissing I did with Clark in the booth gets labeled as intercourse by them."

"You do realize it was sexual though.", Yu laughed.

"It's normal for a couple to do that, might be aggressive, but it's normal.", I said.

"Thanks stud.", Nemuri said as I walked over, "So uh...how do you want to proceed? I never have done this with more than just me and the guy."

"Since you three waited patiently for four years, why don't you let me take the lead. If you don't like something you let me know.", I said.

"Haha, you do realize I am the one that likes running the show.", Nemuri said, "I was mainly asking the other-"

"Nemuri, I doubt you can cause me any harm.", I said scooping her up princess style, "You can certainly act like a Sadist in public, but in private I run the bedroom."

"Oh...oh okay.", she said having never had a partner push back.

While she enjoyed being a sadist, there was something calming about letting me take the reins. It was like the stress just released from her body as I carried her.

"Okay...I guess we can try that tonight.", she said sheepishly.

----R-18 Scene-----

Seeing her change of attitude the other two about dropped their wine. Carrying them into Nemuri's room afterwards, I wasted no time starting with the basics. Running my hands gently over their bodies I complimented their beauty, and kissed them all over. Feeling their bodies quiver as I did so, their pent of frustration was pretty evident. Removing their clothing first, the three then stripped me down admiring my chiseled body.

'Damn he is sexy.', Rumi thought, 'It's like he is chiseled from marble, and...I am getting to really excited."

'He looks so good up close without his shirt on.', Yu thought.

'Finally...finally we get to be a real couple.', Nemuri thought.

The moment the pants dropped, the three of them stared and gulped. I was built well, and my closest partner in crime was also built just as well.

"Fuck!", they gasped, "Are you sure you...you are human? You are hung like a horse!!"

"Uh...thanks?", I said, "Now I brought some protection assuming-"

"Tonight is special, don't you worry about it.", Yu said, "Enjoy yourself with us, and don't mind that."

"But I-", I tried to argue.

"Clark, we trust you and we say it's okay.", Nemuri said, "It's not a dangerous day for any of us."

"If...if you say so.", I said.

"We do, now shut up about it and let's make love.", she said.

Kissing them passionately, I grabbed a handful of their breasts and butts. Smiling a me as I laid them down, I gently began the foreplay gradually getting more aggressive as time went on. Stimulating their minds with my power, the three of them quickly became drunk on the high pleasure they were receiving. Turning their sensitivity up, I made it so simply brushing against them would make them feel immeasurable pleasure.

"Fuck!!", Nemuri moaned, "You...you are a beast. I haven't ever climaxed this much, and you haven't even put it in yet."

"Hurry up...", Yu said teasing me.

"Stop teasing and do it already...", Rumi said hanging on to her sanity by a thread.

Once I was done savoring them, the moment came. Making M's with their legs the women practically begged for me to take them. Slipping into Nemuri first she gripped me tightly as I went in. Fitting nicely in her she moaned wrapping herself around me.

"Damn it...this was...totally worth...it!", she moaned as I moved.

Hearing our bodies clapping together, the other two became very horny. Kissing Nemuri she kissed me back deeply as her insides refused to let me pull out to far. Holding her head steady so I could look her in the eyes I put our foreheads together.

"Nemuri, I think you are a beautiful, talented woman with a very bright future ahead of you. I want make us a couple officially, and ask you to date me.", I said, "Will you be one of my girlfriends?"

"Of course I will you moron!", she said tearing up, "I waited four years for you, of course I want too."

Kissing her deeply I held her body close to mine for a while afterwards as we kissed. When I got close I let her know so she was ready. Telling me to keep going I smiled, and did so till I climaxed. Feeling her tense up, she held me tightly as she climaxed hard. Once I finished she grabbed the bed sheets hard panting while looking up at me.

"You...you aren't tired are you?", she asked, "I want more than just a single-"

"I can promise you that you won't wear me out.", I replied, "Now it's Rumi's turn."

"Wait what?", Rumi asked.

Before she could react, I was already sliding in and kissing her. The suddenness of my attack broke what little resistance she had, and her emotions took over. Wrapping herself as tightly as possible around me, she started shaking her hips before I started moving.

"You jerk...you are always flirting with the others, but not me.", she said, "I may like fighting a lot, but...I like being pampered every now and then."

"I am sorry Rumi, I will take you on a date just the two of us.", I said, "I will spend the whole day with you doing whatever you want. Even though you all agreed to the harem idea, I still want to treat you to dates separately sometimes."

"Thank you.", she said.

Rolling on to my back, I laid her back on my chest. Pushing myself back into her, I wrapped my arms around her before moving again. Nibbling on her ear softly, she enjoy the new position quite a lot.

"Rumi, you a proud, strong, independent woman, and I love you for everything you are. I wouldn't change anything about you, and no matter what some reporters say about you...I think you are absolutely beautiful.", I said.

"Don't say that Clark...it's...it's embarrassing to here you say that.", she said acting shyly.

"Rumi, I want you to be my official girlfriend now. I don't want to hide our relationship like we have been. Sure we can keep it private, but I want to spoil you with my love.", I said.

"You damn idiot! I...I guess that's fine.", she said not knowing how to react.

"I love you Rumi.", I said.

"I...I love...I love you too Clark.", she said getting emotional.

Rolling over again with her under me, I pounded her hard while holding her hands. Kissing her lips and neck by the time I climaxed she was desperate for it. Feeling her spasm as she accepted my warm seed, I couldn't help but want to hold her. After a little cuddling, it was Yu's turn.

Taking her standing up, I pressed her against to the wall as I churned her insides up. Panting heavily as she looked into my eyes, I could tell she loved me terrible. Kissing her and biting her lip she moaned as I messed with her clit, and grasped her right breast. Complimenting her beauty, intelligence, and the kind heart all she could do was moan and twerk a bit on my dick. Eventually her legs gave out so I had to hold her up as our bodies clapped against each other.

"Clark...don't stop...I really needed...this.", she moaned.

"I am not going to stop, nor will I ever. You three are my beautiful, lovely girlfriends that I cherish more than anything. I would fight the world to save any of you, and stand by your side no matter the obstacle.", I said.

"Clark, don't say stuff like-"

"I know what I am saying.", I said, "Each one of you means more to me than all the money in the world. If I just had you all, I would be content."

"You...you aren't playing fair jackass!", Rumi said, "Saying stuff like that too us. How are we supposed to respond to this!?"

"You respond however you want. I just want you to know that I love you, and no matter what happens...I am glad you are here with me.", I said.

"We love you too!", they said tearing up.

"You...you are the first guy to ever say that too me.", Nemuri said, "It...it really means a lot to hear you say that. I was worried you wouldn't want an older woman like me, that the other girls were more your taste."

"I wish I had waited till I met you.", Yu said kissing me, "I really wish I could have given you my first. Instead I gave it away to some jock who dumped me the next day. Thank you so much for accepting us, and letting us be part of your group."

"Will you be my girlfriend too?', I asked.

"Of fucking course.", she said kissing me again.

Filling her insides up, I laid her on the bed and went back to Nemuri for round two. In total I went seven rounds with each of them before they passed out from exhaustion.

--- End of R-18---

The next morning the women woke up sore all over. Remembering the night before the women couldn't help, but smile. As they also remembered what was said, they all became embarrassed they let all of that slip out. Going to tell me good morning they realized I wasn't in bed. Immediately starting to panic they quickly noticed my shirt was still on the floor.

"Clark, are you still here?", Nemuri asked.

"Yeah, I am making breakfast remember?", I replied from the kitchen.

Sighing with relief, the women relaxed and got out of bed. Coming out to a full breakfast they gave me a smile, and gathered around to eat. Having bacon, eggs, pancakes, coffee, and orange juice the women thanked me for the meal. After breakfast was over I started to get ready to go to school.

"Could we...could we maybe make this a weekly thing?", Rumi asked.

"For spending the night here, sure.", I said, "I will take you on that date this weekend."

"Oh...okay.", she replied timidly.

"Don't worry, anything said in private stays between us.", I said kissing them, "I don't brag about that sort of stuff, it's demeaning to you. Anything that happens in the bedroom stays between us only."

"Thank you!", they said hugging me.

Flying home I took a shower and then went to school. Waiting for me outside the girls gave me smug smiles knowing what we did. Nodding my head they sighed, and looked at me asking when it was their turn. Saying it would come in time, I promised it would be sooner rather than later. Escorting them to class I went to mine, finished my daily work almost immediately, and flew off to work.

---Class 1-A---

After parting from me the girls walked in, and took their seats. As soon as they were seated the class the other students, aside from Bakugo, came over to ask them questions about me. Asking why they were suddenly interested Deku showed them today's paper with me plastered on the front page.

"New International Hero Breaks Records On First Day...", Momo read, "More than 200 missions completed in 8 hours, no Hero before can touch his record. From holding San Francisco Bay Bridge to stopping to help an elderly woman across the street he is the Hero the public has wanted for a long time..."

"He didn't mention that...", Ochaco said.

"You think he told them?", Mina asked meaning the three Pro Heroes.

At the same time the three Heroines were also reading the headlines online. The name Superman had been plastered all over the internet with people posting about interactions they had with me. There were a few negative trolls, but for the majority of the internet I was the Hero that everyone was talking about. It didn't help that that the media tied the name they formerly gave me to the Hero name I picked.

Realizing I was back out doing Hero work, many countries saw villains turning themselves in by the dozens. After the incidents being reported on yesterday most low ranking villains wanted nothing to do with fighting me. All of them saw it like an ant challenging a Dragon, there was no way they'd win. More established villains went into hiding making sure not draw attention to them because they had no idea where I would show up.

"Clark is already ranked in the top 100 most popular Heroes internationally!!!", Toru shrieked.

Sitting over in his seat Bakugo was fuming something terrible. Not only had Deku gotten in, but his score almost beat his own. On top of that the one person he really wanted to beat got his license early, and was breaking records left and right. All of it together was driving him mad, and he wanted to blow something up.

'Damn it, Clark passed me by and Deku is about to do the same!!', he thought, 'I have to get stronger!'

---AFO Hideout---

"Master, did you see the news!?", the doctor asked running over with the paper.

Looking at his Master, he could immediately tell he was angrier than he had ever seen him.

'That child...he isn't the next All Might, he far worse!!', he thought, 'Over two hundred confirmed missions in eight hours!! Lifting weights no human should be able too, and doing it all with a smile on his stupid face!! He is going to ruin everything I spent my life working towards!!'

"Master, please say something.", the doctor said.

"Leave me be for now...I need time to think about this. Do you have anything that can match him?", AFO asked.

"Sir...no Hero comes close to his monstrous strength. Even if I combined Quirks the Nomu would explode before reaching that strength. If I am viewing the footage right...the boy wasn't even trying.", the doctor said.

"Damn it!!!", he said slamming his fist down before coughing up a mouth full of blood, "Damn that boy."

"Master!!", the doctor said running over to AFO.

---U.A High School---

Returning from a busy morning flying around the world, I walked into the lunchroom to eat with the girls. Staring at me I immediately asked what was wrong. Sliding the paper too me I was stunned to see that I was on the front page of the paper. Since I didn't stick around to talk with reporters I expected maybe a small article or two. Never did I think I would be front page news.

"So...you want to tell us why you didn't mention you broke several records?", Mina asked.

"Well, I honestly didn't know I broke any records.", I said, "I never checked."

"You didn't mention you did 200 missions too.", Ochaco stated.

"That is fair, I didn't say that.", I admitted.

"So...how many missions did you do today so far?", Toga asked.

"Uh, already hit the two hundred.", I said.

Giving me blank stares I stated that most of the morning was simply catching thieves, stopping car accidents, assisting ending a few hostage situations, and saving a sinking cargo ship. Rubbing their foreheads they started laughing, and then hit me. Telling me that it was ridiculous that I was doing that much, I stated that I felt the need too because no one else was going too.

"You know you are too nice sometimes for your own good.", Toru laughed, "That said, it's what makes you the guy we love."

"Thanks, I love all of you too.", I said with a smile.

Suddenly blurting it out made the girls turn several shades of red. Acting all shy now because of that, they couldn't look at me for the entirety of lunch. Seeing them off again, I flew off to handle a crime in progress I was hearing in London, England.

---London, England---

A group of terrorists had taken over the Parliament Building, and had started laying waste to the city in the name of Quirk Supremacy. Claiming to be attached to the Oblivion Group, the group that Mind Breaker and Vlad were members of, they said they were here to eradicate all of those without Quirks as they were nothing but a disease on the world. Including those with weak to useless Quirks they stating they would only weaken the future generations.

The streets were overrun by villains, and the local Heroes were struggling to stem the flow. It was so bad the Royal Family was stepping in to assist the Heroes and Police to try and restore order. Fighting on the frontlines were Prince George and Princess Jade, the Twin Symbols of Peace in England. George's quirk allowed him to make golems out of any earthen material, and Jade's quirk allowed her to see ten seconds into the future. Prolonged use of their Quirks left the two with terrible migraines, but they had to fight through the pain.

The two had already been out Heroing all day, and to be called into action in the dead of night the twins were dragging more than usually would. Their mother and father were busy seeing to the citizen evacuation, and their other relatives were engaged around the city holding the line.

"George...I can't keep this up much longer!", Jade said.

"Neither can I...they wore us out all day, and struck at our weakest.", George said.

"Bravo, I am glad you figured that out.", a bulky villain carrying a wrecking ball said walking towards them, "I will be your opponent next, names Wrecker and I will be the last person you will fighting. When we are done here neither of you will be Heroes again."

"We will see about that!", the two said standing back to back.

"Haha acting brave for the public you are protecting. They can watch you die before they join you.", he said.

Getting ready to fight him, I landed in front of them and blasted him with my heat vision. Flying back into the villains behind him I immediately froze them with cold breath. Staring at me blankly it took a moment for them to recognize me.

"What your that Japanese Hero Superman, right?", they asked.

"I am actually a student in Japan, my home country is still the US.", I stated, "Either way yes I am Superman."

"What are you doing...oh right you have your license now.", George said.

"Yes, thought I'd come assist you.", I said.

"It is very much appreciated.", they said with a sigh.

"Alright, I will evacuate the civilians.", I said.

Walking over to them I ripped the ground up under their feet, and flew them off towards the safe zone. Touching down, the citizens thanked me before I flew off to evacuate more people. Getting people out of harm's way first, I then joined the fighting. Doing fly byes I froze villains in place allowing the Heroes to regroup, and start regaining control of the situation. Leaving it to them to finish off the stragglers I continued on to the next mission.

---U.A Later On---

"Four...four hundred!?", Nezu said stumbling over his words, "Are you...are you really human?"

"Nothing major today, just catching robbers and stuff.", I said, "That stuff is really quick for me."

"Clark might I suggest slowing down?", he asked, "You just doubled your record, and you set it yesterday."

"It's fine.", I said.

"If you say so.", he said dabbing the sweat off his forehead.

"Now I am headed home for the day.", I said running off to find the girls.

'You realize the Queen of England called to thank you, right?", he thought.

Seeing them waiting for me I saw the pervert, who was in 1-B now, trying to flirt with them. Telling him they were spoken for he stealthily tried to take a photo up Momo's skirt. Grabbing his wrist I picked him up while staring at him.

"Uh...hi, I am-"

"Don't you try looking up their skirts!", I snapped throwing him out to the beach.

Laughing the girls thought it was sweet to see me be protective of them. Walking them back to my place, we sat down to relax and watch a episode of some drama they were all into. I wasn't into this sort of thing, but all of them were. Sprawled out on the bed, the girls weren't as caring about their appearance. Sitting on my lap playing on her tablet Eri was playing Angry Ducks, and was doing really well clearing the levels.

As I was relaxing, I got some flirty pictures from Nemuri and Yu who both were sending photos in bikinis while saying we should go to a water park. Imagining my harem in swimsuits was actually quite an attractive thought, especially those two. Rumi would also look good, but I wasn't sure if she would agree to it. Tossing ideas around in my head I remembered we had a beach house in Hawaii. After my date with Rumi on Saturday I could take everyone to Hawaii easily on Sunday. Texting the three my plan, Rumi responded immediately accepting the offer. Fortunately I sent them individually otherwise the other two would have harassed her for accepting so quickly.

Looking back at me, Toga kicked my leg and said I should be off my phone. Telling them what I had planned they all agreed to go before I finished talking. Asking to come with us, Eri said she wanted to go to the beach too. Saying she could go she gave me a big smile before resuming her game. Finishing their drama, we went down to train in the gym. Spotting the girls as they lifted I admitted that all of them were much stronger than the average Heroine or Hero. While we were working out, I got a phone call from an unknown number.

"Kelex, can you remove the blocking measure they are using?", I called out to my AI assistant.

"Removing the filtering now...", he replied, "It would appear the Queen of England is calling you."

"Oh shit.", I said answering the phone, "Hello this is Superman."

"Good Evening", she said, "It is a pleasure to speak with you The Guardian Angel: Superman. I wanted to call to extend a thank you for saving my grandson and granddaughter. Both informed me that you arrived on the scene in time to save them. The two collapsed a short time after you saved them. As their grandmother I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. They carry a lot of weight on their shoulders being the Beacons of Hope for our nation."

"It's all in a day's work ma'am.", I said, "I go where I am needed."

"That's why I would like to extend an offer of Knighthood too you.", she said, "You saved countless number of people today, and to receive nothing in return would be a disgrace on our part."

"I appreciate the offer ma'am, but I must decline. Being a Hero, to me, means doing the job regardless if you get something out of it.", I stated, "The true Heroes there, the Police and Local Heroes, should be the ones getting the praise for standing up in the face of danger to protect the public. They should be commended for coming through in such a trying time, and protecting the people with their lives."

"That is quite noble of you. I wish more Heroes were as noble as you.", she laughed, "There must be something I can do for you."

"Might I request to make a day trip to relax in the Highlands of Scotland?", I asked.

"Haha something so simple, of course.", she laughed, "Please let the Minister when you wish to visit."

---London, England---

Disconnecting from the call, the Queen looked at her family who had also been listening to the call.

"He is quite a selfless Hero. It seems the reports are not inflated, he is a genuine True Hero.", her eldest son said.

"I am making the decision that England will support him in the UN.", the Queen said, "Tell the Ambassador to not cause him an undo trouble. Having him available to cover the nights if we have an emergency is very reassuring, and frees all of you up to do day work only."

Agreeing with her decision, they called the ambassador to make sure the family's stance was clear.