
Superman: Doomsday Future

[ALL CHAPTERS WILL GET A TRANSLATION UPDATE SOON!!!] Six years ago, invaders from Apocalypse brought a cloud of despair. When the heroes fell, the whole world was swept into a desperate situation; however, the invaders withdrew without warning. The Earth had survived the most brutal battle yet had also paid a heavy price. The remaining superheroes either died or escaped into the darkness. And people said that the Era of Heroes was over and their glory no longer existed. Now, six years later, when people look up at the stars, their deepest prayers finally seem to have an echo. A new superman has arrived in this apocalyptic future. Support me at [p atreon.com/Vankyer]. (without the space)

ScionOfDegeneracy · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

Chapter 49 Kryptonite

Like all home computer mainframes, the world's federal government mainframe also has its cooling fan, albeit on a much larger scale. The rapidly rotating fan blades are like a vast pot cover covering the mainframe, and the supercomputer server is hidden in the room below the fan blades.

But the cooling fan does not always turn so fast; it will slow down or even stop regularly. Helena didn't have enough time and patience to wait for it to stop completely. She fixed it on the top of the room with a hook gun and estimated that when the fan blade slowed down to almost the same, she jumped from a height of 20 meters to the slowly decelerating fan blade. Go down.

This operation of hers was highly thrilling. She calculated it exceptionally accurately, and just at the moment when one of the fan blades of the fan just turned, it fell from between the two blades. The rope of the hook gun helped her land safely two seconds later and was cut in the middle by the sharp metal blades of the exhaust fan. It was hazardous.


The temperature of the host has probably exceeded 60 degrees, and the host is still rising as the host resources are heavily occupied. Helena felt like she had jumped into a large oven with a heating stage, sweat soaking through her uniform in seconds. She didn't think she could stay here for long; she had to get it done as soon as possible.

"I'm in." As Helena said, she quickly walked beside the main cabinet and promptly found the server's core, "Now I'm ready to access it, are. Already?"

"Anytime." Barbara snapped her knuckles.

Helena squatted by the cabinet, watching the terminal computer on her wrist being taken over by Barbara; all kinds of codes began to scroll rapidly on the screen and urged: "Try to hurry up, Oracle, I don't think I can survive here too much. Long."

Right now, New York.

Looking at Mungo, who showed his kryptonite knife and approached with a hideous smile, Jay took two steps back involuntarily. Yes, he was scared, and he didn't think he was ashamed because it was the normal instinct of a creature to face death. There are countless parallel universes and worlds in DC comics. Still, for almost any version of Superman, kryptonite is the absolute nemesis that is eternal and unchanging, and the cells of Kryptonians will self-destruct just by staying within the radiation range it releases. All magical superpowers will weaken rapidly and finally become weaker than ordinary people.

"I believe I saw fear in your eyes, kid." Mungo smiled smugly and approached slowly, "but if you regret it now, it's too late. I won't let you die. Too happy, no, of course not; you can still play your value in the arena. But before that, I will make you very painful; I will make you beg me to kill you."

He laughed loudly, his body suddenly accelerated, and the ground behind him cracked at the moment when his feet kicked violently. Jay's pupils shrank, staring at the crystal clear dagger swept along the beautiful and deadly green light path; he forgot to dodge the first time and hurriedly retreated until it swung in front of him, worthy of escaping the knife.

Looking at his flustered look, Mungo couldn't help grinning smugly, slashing with a kryptonite dagger like a hurricane. Jay gritted his teeth and dodged, and finally, he was unavoidable at the fifth knife. He subconsciously raised his arm to block, but it was not wise to do so - Mungo's dagger would probably chop off his entire arm.

However, that didn't happen, or it should be said that what happened next exceeded both of their expectations.

The green fluorescent kryptonite dagger wrapped Mungo's mighty force and slashed down on Jay's arm with a crisp sound like a heavy blow to steel. Immediately afterward, his muscles abruptly broke the dagger into two pieces, and the finely sculpted tip was swirled and thrown out, leaving a long string of green dust in the air.

Not only Mungo but Jay himself was stunned in place, completely unable to understand what happened.

Isn't he a Kryptonian? Why would kryptonite not work on him? But if he is not a Kryptonian, why can the suit left by Superman recognize his Kryptonian genes?

It doesn't make sense.

"No," Mungo looked at the half-kryptonite dagger in his hand, so shocked that he even forgot to continue his move, "No, it's impossible! The restraint of the krypton element is absolute; how is it possible... "

"Who knows," Jay shrugged and raised his fist again, "Maybe you just forgot to read the almanac before going out today."

A punch slammed into Mungo's face with all his strength, who had not recovered from his astonishment, only to make him fly out like a cannonball. The big man's body slammed into the middle and broke an elevated railroad track, knocking the grocery store on the corner of the street and collapsing into a floor of bricks.

Mungo burst out of the ruins, and his anger could no longer be added, but it was closer to the last fight of being in a desperate situation. He threw away the half-functioning kryptonite dagger in his hand and flew up with a roar. Jay's figure was suspended from the ground, and a milky-white air circle exploded around him, rushing out towards Mungo with a thunder-like roar.

The two afterimages suddenly speeded up, the airwaves roared, and all the scenes around the circle turned into blurred illusions. Both sides accumulated unparalleled kinetic energy and brewed the most violent collision.

However, the three circling fighter jets dived low again at this moment of lightning and flint. Three pairs of six missiles roared out with a dazzling line of fire, pointing directly at Mungo. Mungo, who rushed to the halfway at full speed, could not dodge at all, and after a few tenths of a second, he collided with six missiles head-on. The moment the missile exploded, the hot shock released canceled out most of his kinetic energy, and Mungo staggered out of the thick smoke and hit Jay's fist again.

The tyrannical monarch felt his body was ultimately out of his control. He fluttered weakly in the wind like a kite with a broken string across the hall of a bank and was heavily embedded in the heavy vault door. Just as he staggered to his feet, the figure of the Kryptonian kid flashed right in front of him and then punched him again from the bank's ceiling.

Mungo couldn't count how many punches he took next, just as he couldn't tell how far he was knocked out. Every time Jay's energy fell, his consciousness became a little blurry. When he was finally punched from a 100-meter air into the human-shaped giant pit in Times Square, he completely lost the strength to stand up again.

Jay landed gently in front of him and shouted, "It's over, Mungo."

However, Mungo, who was already at the end of the shot, laughed instead.

"I don't know what you did to overcome kryptonite's weakness," he said, "but you thought you'd win? You thought it was a problem you could solve with your fists? No, you didn't change anything. Wait a minute, wait for the world of war to come to earth..."

However, his subsequent arrogant declaration was swallowed before he could even finish it. The cyan light beam shot from the government building to the sky was suddenly interrupted, and countless particles lost their cores and dissipated into the air. The space gap outside the atmosphere gradually closed, and the vast black shadow of the war world was far away from the earth again.

"No!" Mungo raised his neck with difficulty and roared unwillingly, "Why!?"

It's Helena. Jay couldn't help but smile, and the words "best partner" came back to his mind.

"Sorry, it looks like we did win this time. As for you..." Jay walked up to him, pinched his neck with his left hand, lifted the disengaged giant in the air, clenched his right fist tightly, and poured in Unprecedented strength.

Jay gritted his teeth, and his right fist burst out, more potent than a revelator's punch as if to tear space. The moment his fist collided with Mungo's jaw, the airwaves turned into ripples visible to the naked eye, pushing them away in an overwhelming trend. The ground cracked with the two at the center, and the extreme air pressure sucked up the wreckage of several cars beside them and fell back to the ground with the rubble.

Mungo, who had long lost his resistance, let the power of the punch hit him without hindrance. . The atmosphere was suddenly torn apart by a huge gap. The alien king rushed straight out of the atmosphere and ran into the cosmic space with almost no reduction in speed, and he was nowhere to be found in the blink of an eye.

Jay shook the back of his numb hand: "...I wish you a happy interstellar journey."

With a sigh of relief, he looked around the devastated neighborhood, still incredulous in retrospect. Nearly a third of New York City was destroyed in their brief feud, with collapsed buildings, broken vehicles littering the ground, and water jets spitting high above the ground from broken pipes in the Normal ground rain.

As Jay hung in the air, enjoying the golden glow of the sun, he couldn't help but feel more and more that the series of experiences so far was as unbelievable as a dream. But fortunately, everything is over, and now he can finally take a break after a long absence and come home without thinking about anything...

At this moment, he heard a heartbeat that he was very familiar with but was rapidly weakening, coming from the government building.

Jay's face changed suddenly, and without even thinking about it, he rose into the air instantly, blasting straight at the iron-black building with a sound. The moment the blue afterimage swept through the ruins, it was like an invisible blade slashing across, causing the rubble to splash.

Government building, main server room, room temperature is 90 degrees.

Helena was sitting beside the cabinet of the central unit, sweat dripping down her forehead. The moment she landed on the hot floor, it evaporated into water vapor, making a terrifying "hissing" sound. The server's room is like a steamer enclosed under a vast exhaust fan, without a single window. The high temperature when the host is running under a high load far exceeds the upper limit humans can tolerate.

Helena knew she was dehydrated, and the high temperature made her hallucinate. The oracle's call in the earphone became more and more blurred, and it sounded like she was separated from her by 108,000 miles. She labored to suck the hot air into her lungs and finally gave up trying to get up after several futile attempts.

She glanced laboriously at the screen on her wrist terminal, which read "Transmission Complete," which meant her mission was done anyway; she just hoped it wasn't a dehydration hallucination.

She sat down calmly and said softly, "Oracle, I think...I shouldn't be able to get out of here."

"Don't be silly, Helena." Barbara snapped on the other end of the headset. "We just stopped a mobile fortress full of strategic weapons, and you told me you can't beat dehydration?"

Helena ignored it and said to herself: "You know what? Then I thought a lot about what you said, that I should repair my relationship with my father...I think maybe you are right. I want you to Help me tell Dad that I'm sorry I haven't talked to him, that I don't blame him for Mom's..."

"Then go tell him yourself, Helena," Barbara roared.

But Helena never responded. The oracle's voice in the earphones sounded farther and farther and soon became almost inaudible. The dripping sweat dripped down her long eyelashes, making her even dizzier. She couldn't help thinking a lot about her father; when her mother was still there and very young, the alien life seemed so simple and happy.

She almost gave up hope.

But at this moment, he came, that stinky Kryptonian kid. Like a blue bullet, he aggressively rushed into this building that even mosquitoes couldn't enter and smashed through the walls with his body amid the panicked shouts of the aliens. An incredible whirlwind appeared in the main server room. He couldn't help but pick up Helena, who had lost consciousness, in a princess-like hug, and jumped straight into the sky.

The cold wind in the 100-meter air quickly helped her regain a little consciousness. She opened her eyelids heavily and smiled dazedly when she saw Jay's face close at hand: "You're here."

Jay let her lie in his arms and fly towards the hospital - thank goodness the city hospital wasn't destroyed in the fierce battle just now. He smiled and said, "Well, I'm here. Don; I'llk; I'll take you to the hospital now."

Helena gasped for a while and stopped talking, but it was soon proved that it was only because her consciousness was not fully awake. After half a minute, she seemed to regain her sanity and suddenly asked, "Did you let me lie in your arm?"

"Uh... yes, what's wrong?"

"Put me down!" She seemed to regain her vigor instantly and shouted in a non-negotiable tone.

"Eh? But..."

"I said, put me down! Immediately!"

Jay had no choice but to land obediently. He watched Helena's calf involuntarily soften when she landed, and she almost couldn't even stand. He couldn't help but complain in his stomach that this strange temper was like a legend from a bat family, a father, and a daughter.