

The much-anticipated cyberpunk holographic game was about to launch, and Jonathan hit the jackpot, getting chosen as a beta tester. But things take a bizarre turn. He realized he wasn't just playing some holographic game – he'd been transported to an actual parallel universe. The moment he logged in, he felt something was off. Question: What do you do when you discover that your in-game identity is the Federation's most wanted, and you're undercover in the official investigation department?

FETI · Games
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392 Chs

"I choose retaliation"

Diema listlessly tidied up the cash register, feeling as if she had been hollowed out.

"Alright, let's pack up and go," Jonathan, having finished packing up the paper and pen, glanced at the clock. It was getting late, and their shift was almost over.

It was only then that Diema remembered, the time for the city's reflection in the sky was nearing. She leaped up from her chair and rushed to the window, her eyes anxiously scanning the heavens.

Right on time, the phantom image of the upside-down city materialized in the evening sky, distorting the sunset's dying light. The clouds above looked dimmer, and the weather turned gloomy.

The dark skyscrapers from the second world loomed silently above, emitting a terrifying oppressive feel. Because the mirage was inverted, the towering structures looked like stalactites in a cave,  twisted yet strangely beautiful. 

Twenty minutes later, the mirage vanished.