
"Analytical Reconstruction"

Jonathan rolled down the car window, taking in the grand entrance of the university and the bustling crowd. He felt a wave of discomfort.

Swarms of parents and vehicles, people crammed close. It made his skin crawl.

Thankfully, parents were allowed to drive into the campus. The university had designated several areas as temporary parking lots, with volunteers directing the traffic.

His senior, named Christopher, was busy preparing for his postgraduate exams. They had chatted on the drive, and Christopher had given him much advice.

"I'll take you to register in a bit," Christopher said, turning to the kind-faced middle-aged man in the driver's seat. "Dad, could you take the luggage to my dorm first? I'll take him to register."

"Alright," the man nodded.

Jonathan thanked him repeatedly, declining Christopher's offer to help with his luggage, and followed him.

A few people sat behind small desks, registering new students. 


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