
Priceless Treasure!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

No matter what Qiao Yongjie and Chen Rongrong said, Yang Luo remained indifferent and calm.

However, Chen Rongrong clearly had no intention of letting Yang Luo off just like that.

She continued, "More importantly, you still want a woman to pay for a mere three million yuan. You're simply just freeloading off her!"

Su Wanqiu said coldly, "He's my boyfriend. I'm willing to spend money for him. What's wrong? What does it have to do with you?"

Chen Rongrong spread her hands and said, "It's indeed none of my business if you're willing to spend money on this pretty boy.

However, anyone with discerning eyes can tell that this pretty boy is scamming you.

You're still acting like a fool. You really took out three million yuan to bid for a broken tree branch for him.

I think the two of you are really so silly together!"

Hearing this, everyone present laughed.

Qiao Yongjie, in particular, laughed especially loudly.