
Always Remember This Day!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

This ultimate romance required a strong relationship with the authorities, wonderful creativity, beautiful intentions, deep love, and so on!

Not a single one could be missing!

At this moment, even the "Heart of the Sky", "Heart of the Ocean", and "Heart of the Earth" that Nie Changkong had given to Dongfang Ruoshui paled in comparison to this romance!

Dongfang Ruoshui was King Zhennan, the controller of all the chambers of commerce in the south. Was she short of money?

Definitely not!

Therefore, money could not move this woman at all!

At this moment, all the socialites and noblewomen present had completely fallen for him. Their eyes were shining, their bodies were trembling, and their breathing was rapid!

"If anyone can give me such a romantic feeling, I will definitely marry him and never abandon him in this life!"

"Not to mention marrying him, so what if I die for him?"