
Super God Level

_Legit_gaurav_986 · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

Arrangement of money part 2

"You keep quiet, speak only when you are given a chance to speak and yes, you have spoken more than necessary, sir, till now I have not even spoken anything, then only you can speak to everyone."

They were not giving a single chance to speak to the fever, to whom I could not keep my words, the voice of the teacher comes from behind.

"Sir you are wrong here you should have searched a little more what are you doing here you should have been in your class right?".

The speaker was none other than Akash's class teacher, his name was Max Tennyson. Akash used to be very fond of seeing his teacher.

"Shock Shock"

Hey man, what are you doing here, they shouldn't even be here, I don't know why every time he is ready to help me, The father of one of the boys I had a fight with is from this school.

He was saying all the things in his mind. Max says "You are wrong here, what will happen if he is the son of the owner of the school, then he will do whatever he wants here, both should be punished equally, both him and him". Akash uncle says sir do you have any proof Where my nephew is wrong. Yes i have proof show some pendrive and send it to his place u get everything in it from beginning to end i think everything is finished meaning i want to take my student from her. Saying all this, they leave from there, the teacher and his uncle and Gaurav himself too. After seeing all this, the boy says that he is not less classy than you. I said that the boy should not stay in school today.

And that boy goes away from there in anger and tells that boy that he will trouble him a little while ago, if you do not know this thing then no one will be worse than us, you think once. By the way, he decides the drama, for how much that boy says yes, yes, but my money will be in hand, your money. By the way, brother, that boy has caught you, saying to everyone, Just put the matter in his hand, I am upset with the daily drama in the message, you are right, I can do it, but in the middle, all the teacher Max will not allow all that to happen.

After a while the school is over, Gaurav's uncle takes him to his home with Kabir car, okay and he has no one in this world, his parents had passed away in that childhood.

That's why Akash's father's best friend Mr. Kabir Shekhawat Kabir was taking care of him, his wife and their two children live with him because in America his jewelries was his business and he is a retired soldier from the army, in some days he will take money to run the problem in business, otherwise all in loss. Still taking care of my best friend's son.

Kabir and Akash's father met they had met each other only during the war, since then both of them had become very good friends and Akash father said that you take care of my son, I know that you can take care of my son's I trust you the most please help me for the sake of my friend from now on and till today I have been taking care of my best friend's son.

Kabir says "what should I do about your anger, how many times I have understood, don't put yourself in the fight, no, still you have to do heroism, save yourself from a lot of trouble, today your class teacher did not come that much.you would have been permanently expelled from school you are listening what i am saying".

"Yes, I know you are absolutely right in your place, but it is their fault, isn't it, they were taking revenge on me without any reason, so I taught them a good lesson, they will remember life, there is no need to mess with anyone.

Even after all this happened, I understand you as a hero of a movie, who still saved the whole world, but Mr Kabir brings in real life and says consider yourself as the hero of a movie.If you weren't my best friend's son or you were my son, I would have thrown you out of the house because of tiredness. Akash says sorry Kabir uncle I will never fight yes I know you always make such a promise and you break that promise Tell me what did your father say, never see anything wrong, never hear anything wrong, if you are right in your place, then always be a boy, he used to tell me the same thing.But if I don't walk in any way then I have to walk according to this world and yes I want to say one thing to you always control your anger And let me tell you one thing, anger is a very thing that will always ruin a good relationship, so control your anger, after speaking so much, then say that if If you are late going home today, your aunt and my wife will give water to both of us inside the house.

Akash says Have you driven the car again, haven't I told you many times, sell this car and buy a new car, then you don't listen to me, if I am late to go home, then Jennifer aunt and your wife will throw us both out of the house.Now you know that I will sleep, what I did in school today, I have gone today, you are unnecessarily taking tension, I am here, I will tell you.

While talking to each other, both of them do not even know when they reach home.

Aakash says that they have reached home on time Hey, whose car is this, the heroine is looking, what is it looking like? the victim is your brother-in-law.