
Super God Level

_Legit_gaurav_986 · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

An unknown person whose name is King.

He quickly starts thinking of something he suddenly remembers that he just killed that alien and got the same devil soul he quickly calls another devil soul to him and quickly checks it's type he comes to know that he has the power to change shape and quickly calls him, the shadow of that alien is seen in front of him and quickly comes and runs away from him, coming to him and getting into his chest.

Suddenly the head starts getting bigger in size and He has got some strength from Shraddha and quickly picks up the golden ax and runs away late. He was running fast, had no idea why his speed.

A member of a Scorpion says that,"how can he use two devil soul If he smokes more than two times, that human should be dead by then, why didn't he kill me and see his speed man"?

Hey anyone uses more than two devil soul then his body goes to jail with great damage but at this time nothing was happening with akash But if the bribe was Akash, it was a different feeling, I have never had such a feeling till date, if he had the will, he would have uprooted a mountain with him, but at this time he was in the mood to do it and he used to come to his life. He goes through the mountains, disappeared like a forest, by the time Scorpion reached there, he had left, the leader of the Scorpion gang, Dark Master, was very angry.

When everyone sees that Scorpion gang is coming back and And their heads were bowed down in shame and most of all the Dark Master was harmed. Dark Master appears in the master like a boy who approached him to ask him who he was and where he came from.

"I don't know what is your relation with that person, if you don't tell me anything about him, I will kill you". - Dark Master.

The boy whom he was calling was none other than Raghav, he wanted to ask something by catching her on the call, if he could have done it, he would have killed her right now, but nothing could be done because he was a member of the Phoenix Group. And the same gang leader Avni Shergill.

"Dark master, what are you doing, this member of gang, if you do not do any misbehavior, then I will not feel bad". - Anvi.

Avni says all these things in Dark Master and don't want to trouble Avni at this time, If it was in his Raghav, he would have hanged him upside down or tortured him and asked him everything.

All the people who were in love were very happy because no one wanted the Dark Master And everyone wanted to thank the man who troubled Scorpion's gang so much.

After a while everyone leaves from there, on the other side of the hill, Akash was digging a pit because he wanted to hide that golden axe there and he had found a place where he was also hiding his sword. And he was very happy because he had taken his revenge somewhere in him.

Today has done it, somewhere he was scared, he knew that at this time the four gang leaders would have to find him, but he had to be very careful today.

"Today has become my day, let's progress slowly and I have to level up myself quickly, the work for which I have come, this work has to be finished quickly". - Akash.

Akash was saying all the things in his mind and also thought how to increase his gene point. If he increases his points, he will be able to transform himself for a long time, for now, more than Can't change for more than 10 minutes, if he keeps himself for more than this, then there can be a lot of damage to his body.

At that time, hiding the car well, he quickly put on his paper and ran straight. Nimble grasshopper area After reaching he saw a tree, earlier it was very big but it was hollow from inside, he quickly found a place, now he hid the sword because he knew that no one comes and goes here, so he did not have to worry.

If someone saw this sword in Dev Ashram, then it would be a big mess for him and somewhere he would understand that the Akash is the king, for now he kept that sword hidden there for some time. After completing both his work, He sees that it is evening and he went towards Dev Ashram. Saw from Dev Ashram that there was very high security there, he knew why this security was there and everyone was being searched.

"Why didn't I do this today, because you have put up security, everyone is being searched, I know that all four of them have a job, it seems that I have become very famous, I think you should keep the heroism hidden for a while. If anyone comes to know that I am the center, then tell me about you, I will have to sell the axe quickly". - Akash.

He also goes and falls in that line. He didn't want anyone to doubt him. Smile is upset for a long time when he sees that no one has the Devil Soul that was stolen today. At that time Akash had also come forward for his checking, as Smile sees him, he gets very angry seeing that his mind was so bad today.

"Hey unfaithful, what is the use of searching him, if you are king that I am Jock Wick, remove this idiot". - Smile

Smile tells this to his gang member and after listening to him, the person who was searching Akash just now pushes him to the side. Somewhere or the other, Smile had helped Akash, even if he was searched, he would not have been of any use, but here everyone thinks that Akash is a slacker.

"Hey, what do they know about Pavitra Prabhakar is Spider-Man, but who can explain to these donkeys, leave it alone, I have benefited". - Akash.

He looks at them and leaves with a Devil smile. And going towards his room, he was seeing people talking around that everyone was talking about King and he was getting very happy. This time the dark master was bad enough He had a big loss first his secret blood devil soul was wasted second today he wanted to impress Anvi And he had failed in his attempt to impress her. All three gang members had given that alien energy to each other and to their comrades but here Dark Master did not get that too.

"King, wherever you are, today you have troubled me a lot, just meet me once, I will kill you and feed you to the aliens here". - Dark Master

The dark master was very angry and started vandalizing his room. On the other hand, in Phoenix gang's office, Avni was asking Raghav about King.

"Raghav, tell me the truth to everyone, what do you know about King, if you tell me, I will do my best to save you". - Anvi

Avni tells all these things to Raghav. Raghav also tells her everything the truth that he told about his dealing.

"Raghav, you are still lying to me, if you know something that I do not know, then no one will be worse than me if I come to know from anywhere". - Anvi

I told you everything the truth I just met him this morning and don't know much about me you don't know the primary aliens I hunted and I used all those energy in I sent them to all our members and you know how much I benefited.- Raghav

Earth or Titan here girls always walk and no one is ready to listen to them Raghav had told the whole truth but still did not believe his words, on the contrary, Anvi had made Raghav the most difficult task to go and find the king.

Raghav first wants to refuse this thing when he sees that Avni is looking at him very angrily then Raghav agrees and he goes home from here saying that he will try his best. Raghav leaves from Avni's office, from where only a man lives and no one else except him.

"I think I need to find the setting quickly and if someone else finds it, I won't be able to take the devil soul of shapeshifting from him, the golden axe. If he joins our gang here, we will become very powerful". - Anvi

While thinking about this, she was very happy, while two more gang leaders want to find about her, someone comes in the Office room of the leader of the Tiger Group.

"Captain may i come inside your room". - Unknown Voice

"Yes you can come in Vice Captain".- Tiger group Leader

The name of Tiger Group Leader is Aditya Shankar and here the name of Vice Captain is Chetan Rai. He knew what Chetan had come to talk to him about.

Yes tell me what is the report what is the unheard of all three crying the person whose name is King and tell me what is the condition of Dark Master. - Aditya

"See I could not find about that person but yes I have removed the information of all the three gang members what should they do Phoenix group wants that man to work under them Score on the other side the Scorpio group is looking for him

Dark Master has given at least 50 crores to all to find him".- Chetan

"Have you made fun of your own friend, Dark Master? Well I'm not interested in his transformation devil soul. I just want that person who has done the work and has impressed me somewhere". - Aditya

"If you were that type of person then stay away from you".- Chetan

When this Chetan looks at Aditya and says Aditya gets very angry and he wanted to throw whatever was coming in his hand to throw him, he was just so angry that Chetan also understands that today and runs away from there.

"Stop Chetan, today I will not leave you, our best friend has gone to hell, today I will take your life". - Aditya

Aditya leaves his office room and runs after Chetan, while the leader of the Dragon group is also telling his men to go and find the man. who has that shape-shifting devil soul.

The same Akash does not know anything that he has made an enemy on this day, just today he was very happy after getting this thing of his.