
Super God Gene: Reincarnated as Han Sen twin brother

MC was a normal guy but after suffering a romantic disappointment he ended up becoming a NEET when he was nearing the end of his favorite web novel he died and meets an angel in case he wanted to know more go ahead and read sure will like it. It's my first time writing and English is not my mother tongue so please tolerate grammatical errors. The work Super God Gene belongs to its respective author and I don't own anything inside Super God Gene.

Railson_Mateus · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Meeting friends again

After creating havoc in our house, Han Yumei and Han Lei gave our family an ultimatum, we had to get the money or sell the house in a month, otherwise, they would file a lawsuit.

"I'm so useless I can't even keep the house." Luo Sulan held Han Yan with tears on his face.

Luo Sulan was a kind lady. When our father was still alive, she was treated like a princess. She didn't even know how to sweep the floor, let alone do other chores. Han Long knew how difficult it was for her to raise her sister and the two of them after her father passed away.

"Don't worry, Mom. I and the big brother are here, although Dad isn't here anymore. We won't let them take our house. Get some rest and I'll consult with Uncle Zhang about it."

Han Sen called a friend of our father's, Mr. Zhang. He was the lawyer who used to work at the family company as a legal advisor.

"Hello, Uncle Zhang? This is Sen... Is your back better? I have a legal matter I'd like to ask you about... so..." Han Sen looked a little pale as he hung up.

Seeing my younger brother's expression, I knew it wasn't good news, but I decided we'd work it out together without involving Mom.

"Sen, what did Mr. Zhang say?" Luo Sulan asked Han Sen, looking at him nervously.

"Don't worry, Mom. I checked with Uncle Zhang and there's a solution. Make sure Yan is okay and I and the big brother will take care of it. The house won't be taken by anyone," Han Sen said with a smile.

"This is good... This is great..." Luo Sulan breathed a sigh of relief.

Going up to the bedroom, my younger brother came right behind me that was better so I could ask what Uncle Zhang had said to him. Arriving in my room my brother entered right away.

"So what Uncle Zhang said, the situation is so ugly," asked Han Long

"Yes brother, basically Uncle Zhang said they are entitled to a share of the house and if they go to court, the verdict would be close to what they asked or we pay the money, or we sell the house."

"Selling the house is out of the question, now that I've gained some strength soon I will be able to scrape together this amount of money to pay them, but it would be better to ask Uncle Zhang for help to leave no loopholes for them to come back later."

"Brother, I will also help raise the money, even more so now that I've found something that can change our lives."

Hearing Han excited saying he found something, did he find a wonderful fruit like mine?

"It's about something I found in the sanctuary inside an iron beetle of holy blood, you might think a simple beetle can't have that much strength that's the point, the beetle was too weak to be a blood creature holy, but when I killed the voice of the sanctuary confirmed that it was."

I couldn't help but be surprised when I heard about a beetle and thought that my brother found one of those too.

"When I went to remove her flesh I felt something hard in her stomach, at first I thought it was just a normal stone, but when I placed it near some beast it jumped up wanting to devour, according to the result I had with the beasts I tested this thing can make an ordinary animal evolve into a primitive within a few hours," said Han Sen excitedly

"You can make a beast evolve like this is possible" I replied incredulously if such a thing existed this wouldn't be the ultimate hacker of the novels that every MC gets at the beginning.

"Yes brother I already tested it and he made a common beast evolve into a primitive, but its strength did not increase much", said Han Sen intrigued by the reason why the beast evolves more not having its strength increased as it should.

"That's good if this thing can evolve into a holy blood beast we can maximize our gene points quickly and don't think you're the lucky one I also killed a holy blood beetle only there was nothing inside", said Han Long

Having spoken so far, Han Long remembered the berry and handed it to Han Sen.

"This is a fruit I found inside a cave, I'm sure it was the one that made the beetles evolve into sacred blood, you can eat it even if you feel a little pain at first and when it passes you can feel a slight increase in your strength "

Handing the fruit to Han Sen he warned about its side effects and the benefits that come from ingesting such treasure from heaven and earth.

Han Sen looked at the fruit for a few seconds, knowing his brother would never hurt him he put it in his mouth and this was followed by a pain he believed he could never feel in his life, seeing they were still at home he just held back and bit a pillow to keep from making a noise and scaring her mother and Han Yan.

A few minutes later Han Sen was all sweaty and looked at his brother 'that's what you call a pain', but soon he felt that his strength had increased even though he didn't know how he could feel that his thoughts and reactions were faster.

"Good brother this little pain I supported, the effect is as you said my strength increased subtly and with my armor of holy blood I'm sure I'll be able to hunt any mutated beast", said Han Sen.

"Don't rush brother, for now, I'll try to get a map to go to the steel armor shelter so we can hunt together and get stronger," said Han Long.

"This is easier said than done, and even if you find a map you think others will just give it away for free," said Han Sen

"I understand but I'll figure it out, as to how to get the money, I'm part of a hunting party and now that I have a holy blood beast soul it will be easier to kill primitive beasts and increase the volume I get from me, it won't take long to raise a good amount of dollars I take," said Han Long as he imagined what it would be like to hunt primitive beasts with just one hit even if they were cheap he would compensate with numbers.

"Brother I think you better not show your spear around people can be jealous and want to hurt you", said Han Sen warning about the dangers of owning a treasure but not having the strength to protect it.

Hearing his brother's warning he can only agree if it was just their group he would have confidence in them, but if snake eyes found out he wouldn't be too far from death after he was caught by them.

"You're right Sen, I'm just going to use the glove with mutated claws I don't think that would attract much attention"

"This is for the best when we are strong enough no one can intimidate us, and try not to take any chances, remember I'm here too and with my armor I'll be safer as long as I don't reveal my identity", said Han Sen as he thought about the feeling of strength he felt when wearing the armor of holy blood.

"Okay brother Long, today was a long day I'm going to sleep, and tomorrow we'll start our climb through the sanctuary. Han Sen said before walking to the bedroom door and leaving.

Han Long Pov

Lying alone in my room I started thinking about everything I've been through since I was reborn until today, it feels like a dream, but I know this is real life and I can't play or I'll put my family in danger I hope tomorrow we can find a solution I don't want to see Mom crying again, it's not enough that Dad left us and now we might even lose the house.

Lost in thought I fell asleep.

After resting at home for the night, we had breakfast as a family and I went with my brother to take the train to the teleport station and enter the sanctuary.

When I got back to the shelter I went to the gates where our meeting point was, but to my bad luck whoever was there were snake eyes.

"Hey kid, I heard you're dead, but it was just a rumor. by the looks of it, so I can still get my share for a while"

Just hearing that annoying voice filled my head with thoughts to hit this guy, he's lucky he's still stronger than me for now.

"I barely survived and got back to the shelter with the help of some people I met on the way," said Han Long, trying to be as cordial as possible.

Not having anything else to say he took his class and left while I waited for Chen Ley's group to arrive, but they were quite late today, did they change the meeting point?

While I was lost in thought, I felt something grab me from behind and when I turned around about to react I saw that it was Mei Ling followed by Hua Ting and the others, the two were already with tears in their eyes but they were of happiness.

Chen Ley came over and hugged me. "It's good to see you again brother Long, and you better not do it again or I'll make sure you don't come back myself."

despite the speech, I could see that he must have been very sad believing that I had died, as the Wei brothers were more silent they just greeted me and said it was good to see me again and well.

"Well guys thanks for the concern"

"Brother Long, how did you manage to escape the mutated beast? When we went looking for you we thought you fell off the cliff." Said Wei Qi

"Don't even tell me when I got to that precipice I thought I was going to die, but I don't think it was my time yet"

After saying this Han Long told how he managed to escape and be carried by the current to the cave, hiding the fact that he found the sacred blood beetles there and showing them the mutant beast soul he received when killing the Wolverine.

"Hahaha so it's true after the storm comes to the lull, you're a very lucky guy Han Long." Said Chen Ley, happy that his friend managed to get something good out of all this.

"What have you guys been doing while I've been missing?" asked Han Long.

"We have been trying to hunt some primitive beasts despite the difficulty we managed to kill some"

"With me back I'm sure things will be easier", I told them full of confidence with the claw glove would be enough to deal with any primitive beast and maybe even a mutant.

"I have to agree with you, let's be hunting in a safer location so to speak, so we don't risk being attacked by a mutated beast again", said Chen Ley moving forward and we followed him.