
Super Gene

Author: Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim
Ongoing · 143.1M Views
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something is not right here...................................................................................., ...........................


I can't stand the MC personalty its so frustrating to watch someone not care that they are being taken advantage of its like he is just so stupid man how can anyone stand this


for the most part the world seems unique. The background is similar but different to many series and while I like the concept j feel like most of it could have been done better...the small details break most of the premise of the world and the the actual story is typical wuxia cliches and some of the most annoying ones at that. The main character is not unlikable but his (initial first ~35 chapters powers) are dull and his personality isnt relatable so instead of a self insert power leveling fantasy you are left with watching a dumbass stomp around in semi invincible armor and gain superpowers from practicing kung fu for a week in his mother's basement. Entertaining for a bit but not enough for me to want to keep reading through the premium chapters.


Honestly with the amount of times the Protagonist mentions the beautiful boobs and legs of the women around him, despite having a girlfriend, is driving me insane and taking away a LARGE chunk of my interest in the novel. He is even worse than a horny teenager, getting nosebleeds every time he so much as sees a pair of boobs😒 Seriously I enjoy the premise but it would have been a billion times better with a levelheaded protagonist who ISN’T controlled by his dick all the time 😩


I love this book and the world it takes place in the characters have certain depths to them that make you want to know more and have them be explored as for our mc his development has been an amazing journey and can't wait to see how the plot and story progress through every arc


Awesome book. Been reading since it first post. The story is very unquie and leave even more potential side stories if the author wants to later add some. The world though not completely describe leave enough to enjoy amd expand more,, which if your up to date on chapters has gotten way bigger.. i hope most unanswered question get explained... wish they updated faster


Great book, I really like the new environments everytime a new "arc" starts. But I'm going to have to rant about the translator. For some reason he feels the need to add his own edits into the story. And not just a couple times, or just for minor things. You hardly go a chapter without seeing stupid memes (low effort "hello there" prequelmemes stands out) or bad jokes/puns. The MC's finishing move, that he still uses 2000 chapters after being introduced, was renamed from something like "single hand covers the sky" to "super spank". So now Han Sen goes around super spanking enemies. I like the book, which is why I read the mtl, so it sucks when the english version (which is honestly normally pretty good, minus the lame comedy he inserts) suffer. You're a translator man, not the author. Just translate the story as best you can from it's native language to a new one.


The story background, mystries, the new introduce abilities, beast and beast soul are all fantastic. One will like to read more because of the exotic things. But the rating of the MC is ABSOLUTE poor, how the hell will someone be Best at everything that Impossible even in the wildness of fantasy you can't find this. Gods of Greece, Hindu and different culture and folklore they have varying abilities that they specialized at even if they are good at multitude of things there will be one that excell at one and come short to another. In the Alliance there are Billions of people but he is the best at everything in every stage he came to be. Mtsww("•`•"). In super gene everything that Han Sen do he is the Best from managing to gaming to sport to fighting skill to acquiring new abilities and even getting beast soul that RIDICULOUS. The story line might be getting better at the time goes on, but MC development is fast declining. There are alot of OP MC out there but they might defeat there opponent using there speciality but turn away where they are not good at. "I know the next time falsify sky sutra come in line they will say that he created a technique where he can fight them for a long time and even defend against sky attack. Mtswww***** Or at the end he will be the first person to go to fifth god sanctuary." The first Introduction of the MC is not bad and he even show some kindness but at time goes on he became into greedy bastard, including the people that are nice towards him. In second god sanctuary He embark on a journey to meet his Mother (I say "finally this greedy MC doing a good thing") but then he suddenly changed, just because she might not want super gene point or soul beast. Can't he just go see the type of environment (shelter) she is in and the people that are with her. Obviously the AUTHOR view Han Sen as his fictional self and he desires to be excellent at every aspect and then he reflect it on his fictional self (sen). I LOVE THE STORY BUT I HATE THE MC (-'°•°'-).


TL;DR If you're here for a story, leave. This novel has an overarching story, but it is not easily earned. If you want a journey, one as grueling as Han Sen's, then this is for you. Please enjoy. _______________________________________________ Welcome to God's Sanctuary, where this is and why is it here? Well, who cares. In this novel we have creatures that enhance the vitality of humans when consumed, we have super advanced tech, as well a highly advanced, even for humans now, and mysterious alien species long forgotten by time. Mysteries add on, but for now what Han Sen needs is to be stronger... The Genes rank as follows: Pt 1. Ordinary, Primitive, Mutant, Sacred-blood, ??? Pt ?. ???, ???, ???, ???, ??? The story is all around ok, and can be separated into parts, the first section being the God's Sanctuaries, with each GS being ~400 chapters. A lot of it is story buildup with tidbits per tens of chapters and somewhat interesting events between. This spacing does close as Han Sen becomes more involved, and, after more than fifteen hundred chapters, it eventually develops into a story bigger than mystery and genes. Until there are even bigger mysteries afoot. But going through all that and finding the answers with Han Sen is what makes the novel. That said, if you really really dont want to read the build up section (end 4th GS), then at least read the chapters with Dollar. Dollar is what kept me reading. How can there be such a cool character but we have trash like Han Sen as mc? I honestly hate that I like this novel. Stick with it and you will be rewarded by a monotonous storyboard with some character development all offset by a wide arrangement of likeable characters. Skip a couple chapters and you feel completely out of the loop. So, if you do decide to read this, stick with it, and please enjoy. -Alu Alu Alu!!


Reveal spoiler


It sucks bro. To pay 6 spirit stones per chap. Why would you so that? Also, your translation is not that good and every chap is so short. 2 spiritstones would be reasonable or maybe 3, but 6? I'm dropping this. I'll go find for other sources. Fix this or many readers will drop ya'll.


i'm looking for a novel to BINGE read and i saw this one, even though there's a lot of down votes i was still planning to read it since it's on top 5 popular and power ranking list but when i saw the table of contents my jaw dropped to hell because there's currently 400+ LOCKED Chapters LOL, how much is that? nevermind, i'll read something else now lol see yah~


350+ chapters behind a pay wall Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed Greed


I really liked this novel, but the story is up to chapter 762 and the chapters are locked all the way back to 421 that is 342 chapters. I can not afford to read this book nor would I be willing to pay for it if I could. it would take over 2000 ss to just catch up let alone continue on with this novel. If I was to purchase the spirit stones to read this book the most economical one and the only one i could do to have enough would be the highest tier and that would cost $50 with is an absurd amount of money to pay to read a book that isn't even finished yet. So even though I like this novel and I would have watched the adds or even used some of my sparse daily stones, that I actually use on my more favorite novels, it would just take me to long to catch up and the story just wouldn't be fun anymore. My only course of action is to remove this from my library and to miss out on a good story. I would not recommend someone to read this novel unless they are looking to waste their time.


So, you need to pay 2k+ spirit stones (which is around 50$) to read the entire story? This is just pure insanity, there should be a clear limit of how many chapters can be locket. 50% of the chapters is not reasonable at all!!


I like this novel alot. I really do. But this is retarded. 297 chapters that are premium. What are you thinking?? If it was 50 that's understandable but 297? What the hell man.


Just calculated and I would need to pay a minimum of $50 dollars to catch up on all the premium chapters and about $5 a week to keep up with the new ones. That is just ridiculous. On the other hand the story does look good so far, but still. The cost is just insane.


I just started this story, and ran into the paywall at I think 338 (June 17 2018), so basically like others I will drop it. I refuse to use more than a thousand stones for a single story, with a continuation of spending stones to continue reading. This is a payment model, in my opinion, that is too easily abused, and designed for a much larger audience. For this particular story I think it is abusive, even at 5 stones per chapter, it will be close to 1000 stones to get current. Since, I know it will exceed 5 stones on average, that means more than a 1000 stones just to get current. Or to say this in an easier format, every person that starts the story today in order to get current needs to spend 20.00 US dollars or more. That is just to get current, if you want to continue to read you will continue to spend money on this one story. So, just imagine if you will, take only the votes a story gets in a week for the power ranking, divide it by 2, then divide 7. For last week thats roughly 1300 people. I cannot imagine someone voting for their favorite story and not spending any stones on it at all. I also dont imagine it is only 1300 people reading the story. This story has posted 18 chapters per week in its description. If you use 5 stones per chapter, at 18 chapters and just 1300 people that are will spend stones on the chapters released. you get 1872 US dollars. If all the people bought the 20 US dollar package. Pretty good for 1 story that is not even a top 5 story in the rankings. So, pay me 1 thousand stones to get current with my story, then I want 90 stones per week to stay current. So if you start today and want to be current with me at the end of 3 months, give us 40 US dollars. [This is what this comes across to me with this particular story, as it is setup] Yeah, I dont care how many actually physical books you can buy from a brick and mortar story. I just want you to pay me. After all this is the only 'official' way for you to read 'this' story. Great story...I really really like it. I really dont mind spending to support it, but I refuse to be raked over the proverbial coals, to enjoy it. Congrats on getting 0.00 dollars of my money because of the way you set this story up to progress to current. Originally, I was gong to add it to the list I was willing to spend stones on it, but now I will just leave and go read something else. Nice job for the most part on translation, not great but good.


Translation is pretty good as far as quality but the translator is horrible as a person. It is supposed to be 20 chapters a week and we get 14 which is bad enough but then they say we have to vote the novel into top 10 to get the chapters they owe us. Great story and love to read it but since it went premium the translator had got lazy and it has dropped in rankings. Honestly there are other novels I think deserve my SS after seeing this translator have such low morals.


The locked chapters making you pay spirit stones but not watch adds are pissing me off. If this continues I can't see this novel surviving. Your greed will lead to your failur, this is a fact.