
Super Gene

In the magnificent interstellar era, mankind has finally developed teleport technology, but when trying to teleport, they are not sent to the future, the past, or any land known to men... This mysterious space is called God’s Sanctuary, where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will make the greatest leap in their evolution to create the most glorious epoch in history. "Sacred-blood creature black beetle killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black beetle gained. Eat the meat of sacred-blood black beetle to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly."

Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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3462 Chs

Private Female Club

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In Narrow Moon's Full Moon meeting room.

Six Kings had shown up for this meeting. Yisha, Moon Wheel King, Night River King, Flower King, Black Moon King, and Shadow King.

"Knife, do you really believe what he tells you? Despite being only a Baron, he has managed to achieve a mind such as that with Unlimited Sutra? Seriously? Not even Barons who go on to become deified elites are that strong," Night River King said.

Black Moon King coughed and said, "Night River, let's not impose limits that might not exist. This universe is so grand in its reaches that there could be anything out there. Han Sen really is talented. Just because you are unable to achieve such feats of might, don't presume others cannot either."

"Black Moon, don't talk such nonsense. Look at this universe! Are there any Barons with that level of capability?" Night River frowned.