
Super Gene

In the magnificent interstellar era, mankind has finally developed teleport technology, but when trying to teleport, they are not sent to the future, the past, or any land known to men... This mysterious space is called God’s Sanctuary, where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will make the greatest leap in their evolution to create the most glorious epoch in history. "Sacred-blood creature black beetle killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black beetle gained. Eat the meat of sacred-blood black beetle to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly."

Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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3462 Chs

No Need to Know Me

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Xinmei thought the notion of appearance fee was ridiculous, but seeing Han Sen's arrogant look, she became worked up and said, "A mutant beast soul? Here it is. Summon your pet. I would like to see what kind of pet deserves to be fed sacred-blood meat."

Su Xinmei transferred a mutant beast soul to Han Sen, which was nothing to her.

Seeing the mutant weapon transferred to himself, Han Sen smiled. Since they are willing to pay, I will show it to them.

Han Sen summoned the golden rock worm king, whose huge body appeared on the grassland, looking like a golden armored vehicle.

Both Ma Mingjun and Su Xinmei were shocked. They had never seen such a large pet before.

"Brother Han, has your pet transformed already? It must be a sacred-blood pet," said Ma Mingjun in surprise.

"A sacred-blood pet indeed. But it has not transformed," said Han Sen quietly.