
Leveling Up to Transmutation

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When Han Sen decided to evolve, he realized things were going to be different from what he believed it would be like. This evolution process was not something separate. The moment Han Sen decided to evolve, his body became a xenogeneic by its own volition. His four geno arts started to run, and it prompted the changes.

Han Sen felt as if his body was brimming with a strange sort of power. It was like he was peeling off his skin. His gene database kept refreshing by purging old genes and replacing them with new ones that carried a different message. His body had changes that flipped the ground and the sky. Black air was emitted out of his body. It formed a giant cocoon that wholly encased him.

Han Sen felt rather happy. It was fortunate he had locked up the red-robed child inside Destiny's Tower. He was unable to move now, so it was lucky that he had not given the child a chance to run amuck while he was busy.

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