
Super Gene

In the magnificent interstellar era, mankind has finally developed teleport technology, but when trying to teleport, they are not sent to the future, the past, or any land known to men... This mysterious space is called God’s Sanctuary, where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will make the greatest leap in their evolution to create the most glorious epoch in history. "Sacred-blood creature black beetle killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black beetle gained. Eat the meat of sacred-blood black beetle to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly."

Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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3462 Chs

Invincible Bai Sema

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The red light tore through the clouds in the sky. It was like a volcano, erupting without any restraint or signs of ceasing.

"Sky Palace's future deified elites are now gone. What a shame." Kahn looked at the red light in the sky, and then he sighed like it was something genuinely pitiable.

"But that is how the world should be. Many geniuses die and become nothing more than dust. The ones that can become deified aren't always the strongest; they are the best at surviving. It is a shame your lives are so short." Kahn blinked. He looked at the red light that was about to fade.

The rest of the Night Ghosts fell, then. They had lost too much blood. They looked shaky, and their strength had left them.

Ten thousand Night Ghosts had heeded Sleepless Duke's call, but only four or five thousand were left alive. They were all low on blood, though, and so they were all much weaker.