
Super Gene

In the magnificent interstellar era, mankind has finally developed teleport technology, but when trying to teleport, they are not sent to the future, the past, or any land known to men... This mysterious space is called God’s Sanctuary, where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will make the greatest leap in their evolution to create the most glorious epoch in history. "Sacred-blood creature black beetle killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black beetle gained. Eat the meat of sacred-blood black beetle to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly."

Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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3462 Chs

Home Run

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the unevolved test hall of the physical test center, Zhao Boshan looked at "A-level" displayed on the virtual screen and was secretly feeling proud of himself.

In order to get A-level in the test, an unevolved person must reach more than 10.0 in at least 100 items, including strength, speed, quickness, leaping ability, muscle toughness, bone strength and organ function.

With A-level fitness, one was also very likely to be admitted into a military school, as long as one didn’t make a huge mistake during the entrance exam.

In his fantasy, Zhao Boshan had already graduated from a military school with stellar scores and become a captain of an interstellar warship, directing battles in the space and receiving respect and worship after all his victories.

"I didn’t do that well in the live combat test. If I had done better, I might be assessed at AA-level. Maybe I’ll try again." Zhao Boshan went back, but found the test hall he had used was occupied.