
Super Gene

In the magnificent interstellar era, mankind has finally developed teleport technology, but when trying to teleport, they are not sent to the future, the past, or any land known to men... This mysterious space is called God’s Sanctuary, where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will make the greatest leap in their evolution to create the most glorious epoch in history. "Sacred-blood creature black beetle killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black beetle gained. Eat the meat of sacred-blood black beetle to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly."

Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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3462 Chs

Evil Knife

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The scimitar was activated. It didn't roar like Dragon's Back did. There was not even a wheeze. There was no light shining into the sky; all that could be seen was a dark purple aura.


Everyone's knives leaped out of their scabbards at about half-length, and they all rattled and shook.

It didn't feel as if the knives were responding to Han Sen out of respect; it was as if the knives were all alarmed. They were like dogs, jerking to their feet to scan the area out of fear of something dangerous. It was instinct.


The knife on Black-Moon King's belt was halfway out of its sheath, and then, it suddenly made a cruel noise. It was the sound a beast might make when encountering another that was encroaching on its turf.

Soon after, Black-Moon King's knife was not doing that solo. The knives of the other Kings started to appear hostile, too, as they all looked at Han Sen's new blade.