

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ever since Han Sen began learning the Dongxuan Sutra, his perception had heightened. When he entered "Ultimate Breath" mode, the cells in his body were able to breathe freely, independently from the nose and lungs. This made Han Sen special.

Previously, his breathing rhythm had affected his performance and his ability to channel power. But now, with Han Sen able to forget his concerns about breathing and not become winded, he was much freer.

Through this curious talent he had learned through the Dongxuan Sutra, his ability to survey and assess a field of battle had been greatly improved, and he could perceive every little happening.

Not a single movement and not a single drawing of breath could now escape Han Sen's attention. Without needing to attend to his own bodily rhythms, he could work his way around everyone else's.

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