
Returning the Favor

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The middle-aged man stretched out a hand to Luke. "Hello, Detective Luke. I'm Bill Yorlington. Thank you for helping Palmer."

Luke shook hands with this Bill with a smile. "You're too kind. She's a friend, and more importantly, a colleague who's working on the same case as I am."

Bill had a sturdy frame, but his narrow eyes and thin lips made him look grim and cold.

There was nothing but a chill in his gray eyes. Though the man was expressing his gratitude, Luke couldn't sense any warmth.

Luke wasn't really surprised.

Bill was the deputy director of the DEA branch in Los Angeles. There was no telling how many drug traffickers had been put down because of him.

So, Palmer had a powerful supporter behind her.

Whoever tried to kill her would have to face Bill's direct wrath once they were found out.

Different from most deputy directors who did admin work, Bill used to be a field agent, and he was well-known for his bad temper.