
He's Still a Kid, She's Not a Kid Anymore

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Dr. Pym turned around angrily and glared at his daughter.

Hope was also a little angry. "If we hadn't gotten the message, we wouldn't have known that someone ran off to his ex-wife's house and even started fighting in front of everyone."

Don't make it sound like I was fighting Maggie! Scott had just finished cursing inwardly, when he suddenly came back to himself. F*ck! I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead!

While a very scared Scott faced his soon-to-be girlfriend and cheap father-in-law, Luke's clone had already left for the Pacific Ocean.

Over the dark ocean, Luke sighed. "Darren, I gave you such a good opportunity, but you didn't use it!"

Just now, his clone had been hiding next to Maggie and Cassie, ready to save them at a critical moment.

The best time was undoubtedly when Scott failed and Darren was about to attack the mother and daughter.