
Super! The VR Game

The Newest Virtual reality game is coming to a store near you! Always dreamed of Flying!? Always wanted to shoot Laser Beams out of your frickin' eyes!? Always wanted to leap tall building's!? Always wanted to use magic!? Well do this and More! In Super! The VR Game.

xShadowyLegendx · Fantasy
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1 Chs

1. Super! Coming to a Store Near You!

[2151 - Outside of a store, inside a MegaMall]

[T.V. AD Starts]

[Television Sales Person Talking]

"Hello ladies and gentlemen! I'm excited to tell you all about the newest virtual reality game coming to a store near you!"

"Always dreamed of Flying!?"

"Always wanted to shoot Laser Beams out of your frickin' eyes!?"

"Always wanted to leap tall building's!?"

"Always wanted to use magic!?"

"Well do this and More!"

"In Super! The VR Game."

"In Super! The newest virtual reality game, you can choose one Superpower at the same time of your character creation!"

"All other Superpowers can be gained by doing Quests, or going on Adventures, or more, but as we all know Superpowers are hard to come by, so be prepared to die and respawn many times!"

"Next, Superpowers are not created equal, so when the game comes to a store near you, choose wisely!"

"The Creators have boldly announced that this is the first game, in the last 100 years, were the players won't have to pay to win! Instead there will be short ads in the game for real life products, including drinks, snacks, and movies!"

"Fear not tho, the Game Creators have also said, these ads are seamlessly mixed in the game itself, so unless your actually looking for them, you won't even notice them! No popup ads are included!"

"For example when looking at a majestic castle with the lawn trimmed just right, you will notice a handyman trimming the bushes, and on the back of his uniform, if you look closely, you'll see the name of a professional landscaping company; BushWackers: The number one bush trimmers!"

"Walking endlessly through the desert almost ready to collapse, when suddenly off in the distance you see an Oasis. Trudging the last few steps you fall and crawl towards the crystal clear sparkling water, take a few sips, and when you get your bearings back, you look and see at the bottom of the lake; Oasis Water Company: 100% Recycled Urine!"

"These are just a few of the ways the ads are seemlessly integrated into this amazing new virtual reality game."

"The Ads are just one of many ways this game pays for itself and it's creation, the next way is by recording and storing all players journeys."

"Why you ask!? Simple! The Creators have always loved Superpowers, so their giving the best gamers the chance to share their own SuperHero Origin Story!"

"Not to worry though, future aspiring SuperVillains, the Creators also have a keen eye for villainy! So for future aspiring SuperHero and SuperVillians, you can safely save the world or rule it, from the safety of your own home, but only if your the best, because make no mistake, there can only be one!"

"Until the next year's season of SuperHero's VS. SuperVillians, each year the Creators will choose the best SuperHero and SuperVillian to make a movie about, and if it does well enough, their future is limitless!"

"The lesser known SuperHero and SuperVillians will still get their chance to shine in television shows."

"Fear not though, for even the mightest Superpowered individual has the chance to make a name for himself in the years to come under the SuperPowered Film Collective, which is the official name for the branch company under the Creators of Super! The First SuperPowered virtual reality game!"

[End T.V. Ad]

[Jason and Paul, finish watching AD]

"Wow that game looks amazing, Jason!"

"It sure does, Paul, in fact I'm going to start saving for it, starting today."

Then Jason and Paul start walking around the mall for a couple of hours, window shopping, talking, and other miscellaneous activities.

Once their finished, they walk home, to the apartment building they both live In, Paul enters apartment 311 across the hall from apartment 211 in which Jason enters, then they both go to bed.

Paul wakes up at 6:00 A.M. to shower and go to work, he is a Mixed Martial Artist Instructor, he gets home, finishes work, at 3:00 P.M., Paul Loves Martial Arts, his job, not so much.

Jason wakes up at 12:00 A.M. and showers and goes to in the next room, which he calls his office, or work room.

He turns on his gaming capsule and gets in and lays down playing, while the VR Capsule boots on and connects to his five senses, throughout his body. After thats done he starts to play a VR Game, while responding to his followers comments, and giving his own comedic commentary about the game he is playing, All from in the Comfort of His Deluxe Luxury VR Gaming Capsule.

Jason finishes work also at 3:00 P.M., Jason loves video games, especially since the first VR Game he played, he also loves his job. He often remarks it doesn't even feel like a job, when you love what you do!

[One year later]

[2152 - The 'Super!' Year]

Sunday 1:32 P.M.

Paul and Jason meet each other at Taco King's after work, Paul orders Taco's, but Jason orders a pound of Honey Habanaro Boneless Wings, it's one of Jason's favorite foods and the only reason he even eats at Taco King's.

Paul likes Taco's but their not his favorite food, one of his favorite foods is pizza, but who doesn't love pizza.

After Paul and Jason finish their food, Jason gets an extra serving of boneless wings to eat later. They then head out back into the mall that Taco King's is located in, they start walking around checking out the merchandise and helping them get a little bit of exercise and digesting the meal they just had.

After walking around for thirty minutes, it's almost time for their reservations that they made. They walk to the other side of the mall and enter the store GameStart, the number one video gaming store, sometimes the Human customer service is lacking, but the Virtual Assistant customer service makes up for it, they even let you customize your virtual assistants voice, they have many choices such as Jarvis, Alexa, Cortana, Friday, and many more choices from popular culture.

Paul and Jason walk up to two guys and swipe their wrists together to activate their mobile devices to pay them, Jason had used a service in which you pay people to reserve your spot in a line, this way he could arrive anytime, and he wouldn't have to wait too long, Jason hates lines, but who doesn't.

After 10 more minutes of waiting, it's Jason and Paul's turn. They arrive at the counter and tell the sales-person that they pre-ordered two copies of 'Super!'

After leaving the Store they go back to their apartments, but before they enter their respective apartments, Paul looks to Jason as he unlocks his door "Jason thanks for this, I really appreciate you helping me get a copy on day one, and for helping me get started as a VR video game streamer."

Jason looks back at Paul "No problem, this is the least I can do for my first faithful minion!"

Paul chuckles "Minion? Are you going to become a SuperVillian?"

Jason gets a look in his eyes "I thought you knew me better than that, I wouldn't do something as boring as becoming a SuperHero or SuperVillian, but don't worry my faithful minion, all will be revealed in due time."

Paul laughs and then looks at Jason seriously "You should only talk that way in game, as it's part of your gaming persona, in real life it just sounds weird."

Jason looks offended "Puny mortal how dare you talk back to your Emperor, now kneel before Zod!"

Jason and Paul look at each other seriously with a menacing gaze in their eyes and then.... bust out laughing.

"Good joke Jason, I'll see you later." Paul walks into his apartment.

Jason just looks at his door, who knows what he's thinking, then he goes into his apartment, to play his new game.

[Edited Once by Author]


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