
Sunshine on Multiverse

A young man with a peculiar life, died trying to save a child. Because of his heroic deed he became eligible to receive the taiyou grace and was given an important mission ------------------------ I ask for your patience as English is not my first language. Enjoy your reading!

ZirkenSensei · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 02

Inside a huge storm, in some region of the Maria wall, a woman wearing a black dress and with her face completely covered by a veil was walking calmly. In her arms was something that appeared to be a thick piece of rolled up cloth.

'I'd better hurry.'

The mysterious girl suddenly quickened her steps and quickly disappeared from the plains she was standing on. After only a few minutes, she reappeared in front of a secluded house made almost entirely of wood. It was a simple place, but quite cozy.

'I'm pretty sure this is the place.'

She moved toward the entrance and crouched down to place the rolled up piece of cloth on the wooden floor. Meanwhile, the object unrolled a little and revealed the face of a beautiful baby as it slept.

"I pray that you will be able to accomplish your mission successfully." Said the girl as she placed the small human being near the door.


The baby began to cry loudly and the woman in black disintegrated, as if she were turning into dust and was soon blown away. In a few seconds, all remnants of the girl previously there were gone.

A short time later, a blond man and a beautiful woman with black hair hurriedly opened the door. The beautiful Asian looking girl was holding another newborn in her arms.

Both were quite surprised by such a presence in front of their house in the middle of this heavy storm going on around them. The woman began to look around to see if she spotted any other people, while the man bent down to pick up the innocent little being in his arms.

"Who would abandon such a beautiful and pure child like that? And even more so in the middle of a storm?" - Man.

"I don't know dear, there is no one else around. Let's go inside immediately or else this child might get sick." - Woman.

The couple returned inside their home, placed the two babies inside the same crib, and locked the door with a wooden board to prevent it from being opened by the gale.


Only a few moments after this occurred, the child brought in the heavy rain finally woke up. However, as much as he awoke, he still remained with his eyes closed as he was paying attention to the important conversation of the two adults present there.

"What shall we do now?" - Woman.

"I don't know, that child's parents are completely unknown and we are unlikely to find them. I guess the way would be to send him to an orphanage..." - Man

"No, we won't do that, you know very well how difficult it is for an orphan to be adopted in the Maria Wall regions. And if he is not adopted, he will be sent to the streets or even to the underground when he turns 15, that is no different than abandoning him to fate." - Woman.

"So what are we going to do? Are we going to take care of him?" - Man.

"Yes, we will already take care of our daughter, so one more won't make that much difference!" - Woman.

"It won't?! I'll have to work almost double to get more food!" - Spoke the man almost in tears.

"You can do it, honey! I'm always rooting for you, so make sure you provide for us." - Said the woman with an excited expression and doing some cheering poses.

"*Sigh* what I don't do to see you smile, huh?" - Man.

The girl had a desire to have more than one child, however, because of complications in her first delivery, she became infertile. So she was quite joyful to have the chance to be the mother of yet another child.

"hehe" - Woman showing off her beautiful smile.

"What will his name be?" - Male.

"Why don't you choose, Daddy?" - Woman showing a cheeky face.

For some reason, the boy felt a slight shiver down his spine and a hint of excitement at having his wife call him that. However, he acted normally and put his hand on his chin to think seriously about a name.

"Zirken...Zirken Arckerman!" - Man.

The woman approached the crib where the sleeping newborns were, brought her hand close to her new son's head, and began to caress him.

"Then it is decided. Grow up and be a good brother to Mikasa, my little prince Zirken." - Woman giving a gentle smile and lightly stroking the boy's head.

Meanwhile, in the mind of the baby who pretended to be unconscious...

'HÃ?? I CAME TO AOT?! AND STILL AS MIKASA'S FOSTER BROTHER?!' - Zirken euphoric in his mind.

The young man was lost in various thoughts for quite some time and most of them were not encouraging. After a while, he regained his calm and came to his senses.

'Okay, okay, let's calm down... I won't take that many risks since I have possession of sunshine, so the titans won't be a problem. However, I have no idea when I will awaken this power and nor when the auxiliary system will show itself, in that case I will have to keep an eye on it and strengthen myself so as not to rely on my power alone for now...' - Zirken.

'Besides, I can bring Mikasa to my side. Having an Ackerman as your bodyguard in AOT would already solve most problems, whether with humans or titans.' - Zirken.

'Right! According to what I saw on earth, I still have plenty of time before a really dangerous event happens, so I have to look for clues on how to awaken the auxiliary system and sunshine as soon as possible!' - Zirken.

After resolving himself and deciding his first goal, the young man slowly opened his baby eyes to finally look around him. He was inside a room in the house where there was only the crib where he and his foster sister were lying. However, he could not see much as his head was turned towards the little girl next to him and being a newborn, he had neither the strength nor the coordination to move his head.

'She is really beautiful since she was a baby...' - Zirken marveled at the beauty of his adopted sister.

After a few seconds of just looking at his crib mate, Zirken heard some sounds coming from the next room. They were not loud, but could be heard clearly by anyone in the house.

'Those two...'- Zirken was a little embarrassed to be hearing the moans that echoed through the house.