
Sunshine in Fairy tail?

After the death of Escanor, the seven deadly sins and the gods/deities were left ignorant and unaware that the Grace, "Sunshine" of Archangel Mael came back to him but he suddenly died of unknown reason without other people or Gods knowing. The sunshine who has no host have no choice but to wander and search for it's next wielder, but seeing none, it then choose to search in another dimension, but something's different about the Sunshine.... It has.. a soul within it? No... it has two souls in it. And was attempting to fuse with the Sunshine itself! Find out and know what would happen to the Sunshine, would it be able to choose its next host? Or something diferrent would happen which was never heard of? Tags: Action, Romance, No Harèm, R-18, Fairy Tail, Sunshine, Drama, OP MC Note: I do not own anything, even the characters, I only made the Idea that's all. Photo's not mine, so if it's yours, tell me and I"ll change it.

FanfictionLover · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

Somewhere in an unknown place.

In a dark lit room, three people were currently engaging into a conversation, when they suddenly stopped as they sensed a presence closing in their direction.


A blur of shadow suddenly appeared infront of the three as it immediately kneeled and spoke in a low voice.

"We have found his location". The shadow said.

Hearing this, one of the three person in the room suddenly stood up as his eyes glint with excitement in this dark place as he hurriedly queried.

"WHERE?! WHERE IS HE?!" The man said while his breathing became rapid as he can also be seen shaking.

The other two with the man looked at him with different expressions, one was annoyed while the other was curious.

The two other person wore dark robes and hood that hid their face, one of them has a figure of a woman while the other has a hunched-back indicating that he may be old.

The woman figure with the hood said with an annoyed tone. "Will you shut it down? You're hurting my ears here with you yelling here".

The man who's breathing still rapid turned to the woman as he pointed his finger at her and yelled in rage. "Shut up woman! If I want, I can destroy your plans! So shut up!"

The woman was enraged as she stood up and growled as she released her aura. "You!!!"

The man also did the same as though any moments now, they would fight till death.

Seeing this, the hunched-back man sighed and held his companion as he hoarsely said. "Calm down, we need him so just let him be".

The woman wanted to argue but when the hunched-back man whispered something into her ear, she slowly calmed down and looked at the man with poison in her eyes.

"Tch, fine." She said, clearly a bit unsatisfied.

The man who's breathing still rapid, then turned to the shadow and demanded. "Tell me! Where is he?!"

The shadow said in a low and emotionless voice. "He was last seen in Acalypha Town".

The man frozed as he processed the information. But after a while, he started laughing madly. "Hehehe...hahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was just there! And I missed him?! Hahahahaha, I will not let you go, hehehehe WE. WILL BECOME. ONE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!".

The other two were quite surprised with this man's overly exaggerated laughter as they can't connect him to that laidback and lazy man they encountered for the past few months.

The woman was obviously annoyed by this while the hunched-back man fell deep in thought. He started evaluating the worth of the person that they were searching, for the past few months again.

He understand if he's excited because the one they're searching for was an S-class level wizard, but for him to become this excited to the point where he seems like he can't think straight anymore, there might be more into this person than they thought.

The hunched back man was still deep in thought when he was brought out from his thoughts by the man. "Oiii old man, it's time for your end of the deal, I have already fulfilled mine, it's your turn. Help me in capturing that person".

The woman growled yet again as she didn't like the commanding tone the man were using to them. The "old-man" only nodded and said to his companion. "Gather everyone, this might be a bit harder than usual".

The woman keep glaring at the overly excited man infront as she slowly nodded to the old-man, she then turned around as she waved her sleeves and vanished in that place.

The old-man then looked at the man and asked. "What's your plan?".

The excited man started calming himself down with difficulty, he keep on taking a huge breath of air to calm himself and after a while, he responded. "Plan? Hehehehe. Simple, we'll attack at night!". He said as his eyes glint with excitement.

The old-man seems to be a bit confused but he still nodded and turned around. He started walking away slowly and vanish just like a mirage.

The man was left alone in the dark-lit room as he ushered the shadow to leave. He sat on one of the chairs and took off his hood.

His face can only be described as disgusting. Half of his face seems to be badly burned as bones can even be seen through them, the other half were quite normal but it was now stained with tears.

He has a short horn in his forhead and his pupils were red with black slit in the center as well as black sclera around. His hair were nowhere to be seen as burns can be seen in his scalp.

He was currently crying with snot coming out of his broken and almost not functioning nose. He was sobbing but not in sadness, but in excitement instead. He caressed the burn marks in his face with his hands lovingly.

"Just wait there ok? We would become one soon, we would become one". He said in a whisper as he closed his eyes while still caressing the burn marks in his face lovingly.

If anyone saw him like that, then they would really be creeped out by seeing his weird lovely expression. The man keep on whispering to himself, alone, in this dark place.


[Magnolia, Fairy Tail Guild]

"Yeah, and then we used our magic, me, erza and the newly joined mira jane last night to defeat those people!" A topless kid with only his boxers on, narrated while seating in the counter. Beside him was a short old man not far from the kid's height, currently drinking.


The old man wiped his mouth using the back of his hand and asked. "So he was attacked last night, and if weren't for natsu releasing the flames in the sky, you wouldn't notice their situation?".

The topless kid crossed his arms and said. "Heh! I'm close there already, so even without natsu I would still be able to help".

The old man laughed as he then gulped another mouthful of alcohol.



"Hehehe, ice and fire really can't get along huh, gray". The old man said with a grin.

"Even if I'm not an ice wizard or he's not a fire wizard, we would still not get along master!" The topless kid who was actually gray, said.

The third master of FairyTail, Makarov, grinned as he asked. "But you would protect him whenever he's in danger right?"

Gray looked away while pouting as he mumbled. "Is that even a question gramps? We're family, so of course I will".

Gray looked at makarov and said resolutely. "I would protect anyone and everyone from fairy tail!"

Hearing gray's words made makarov's smile to widen as he said gently. "Yes, you sure will".

The passing macao heard what gray said and also grinned, as he grab gray's head and twist his fist in his head.

Gray keep squirming and screaming to let him go but macao seems to not heard anything of what gray was saying. Seeing this, makarov grinned as he then stood up.

Makarov leaped onto the second floor of the guild and went inside his office. He walked to his chair and sat on it. He then looked at the window and stared outside for a moment, but after a while, makarov removed his gaze outside and snapped his fingers.



Makarov snapped his fingers and out of thin air, a young man appeared as though he teleported there.

Makarov looked at the young man and grinned as he said. "Welcome back, Mest".

"I'm back, master". The young man which was named as mest, said gently.

"Did you find anything?" Makarov asked as he took a cup and made a tea for mest.

"Yes, master. I found quite some few surprising things". Mest said as he took out a bundle of papers and hand it to makarov.

Makarov finished making the tea and offered it to mest. Mest took it as he took a sip. Meanwhile makarov took the papers and read it.

His eyebrows knitted into a frown as his expression became serious. He continued to read the information in the paper seriously without speaking. After a while he heavily sighed and said. "I see... so it's like this, good job mest".

"Thank you master. Is there anything you need master?" Mest asked.

"No, take a break for a while. I don't have a job for you now". Makarov said with a smile.

Mest nodded and said. "Then, if you may excuse me master".


Mest teleported away from makarov's office.

Meanwhile, makarov sighed as he turned his chair to look outside the window and stared into the distance. "Now the problem are the council". Makarov said with a frown.

But after a while he laughed. "HAHAHAHAHA, council or not, I don't care! If they dare to hurt one of my children then they'll see the strength and might of number one guild in fiore!" Makarov said as he smiled while staring at the distance. Completely confident with his family.

Another chapter guys, give me some power stones and comment what you think! You can also suggest things to make this book better ok?

Announcement! I have already decided the love interest guys! As for who? Read more to find out who! Don't forget to make some reviews for this book ok? Give this author more motivation!

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