
Sunshine in Fairy tail?

After the death of Escanor, the seven deadly sins and the gods/deities were left ignorant and unaware that the Grace, "Sunshine" of Archangel Mael came back to him but he suddenly died of unknown reason without other people or Gods knowing. The sunshine who has no host have no choice but to wander and search for it's next wielder, but seeing none, it then choose to search in another dimension, but something's different about the Sunshine.... It has.. a soul within it? No... it has two souls in it. And was attempting to fuse with the Sunshine itself! Find out and know what would happen to the Sunshine, would it be able to choose its next host? Or something diferrent would happen which was never heard of? Tags: Action, Romance, No Harèm, R-18, Fairy Tail, Sunshine, Drama, OP MC Note: I do not own anything, even the characters, I only made the Idea that's all. Photo's not mine, so if it's yours, tell me and I"ll change it.

FanfictionLover · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 08

(A/N: Didn't expect a blackout here in our place that's why I can't make new chaps... Now that it's back, here ya go. Also, can someone answer me why those books in the rankings can be voted with power stones while those books that were not has no button to vote for power stones??? How can we enter the rankings then??? Someone answer me please, that aside...Enjoy)


Somewhere in Fiore. In a village that has thousands of inhabitants, was living peacefully as they always should. But, this peace was disturbed.





Various Screams of despair and helplessness rung in the village. The inhabitants were running, fleeing for their lives, as people, dressed in black with hoods covering their faces capture it's residents and kill those who fought back.

Women, childrens and the old were all captured, while the men who fought back to protect their family died.

The people in black were destroying and burning the village as they capture it's inhabitants and continued to kill, they do so with intoxicated smiles on their faces.

"Sighhhh~, This never gets old". A tall man with hood covering most of his face and dressed in lighter black, said as he exhale some smoke in his mouth.

The man has a smile on his face while watching the people who were running for their lives and their horrified screams were music to his ears.

The man keep watching this scene as though it was some kind of entertainment for him.

After a while, someone with similar clothes but color in black, kneeled in front of him.

"Sire, we captured 2,136 villagers and killed the remaining 203 people who fought back". The kneeling man said with respect clear in his voice.

(A/N: It is a village if it's population does not exceed of 2,500 people.)

"Hmm, good. Take those captured villagers and make all of them sleep. After that, bring them to that place". The man who was dressed in lighter black clothes said, as he exhale some smoke.

The kneeling man nodded and was about to go, when the guy reminded.

"Also, take those dead bodies. My babies are hungry". The man said with a wicked grin.

"Yes, Sire". The man nodded, as he then went out and executed his orders.

The man keep on standing there as he watch the burning village. Seeing those flames, he can't help but grin creepily as he mumbled.

"Hehehe, I'll find you demon~. And we...shall..become one!!! Hehe...hehehe....HAHAHAHAHA". (A/N: Pedo?) The man raised his head as he laughed wildly, causing his hood to be removed due to his action.

The man's face was revealed. The right side of his face was normal, while the left was badly burned. He has one single short horn in his forehead with black sclera and red pupils that has black slit in it which reflect craziness inside.

After a while, the man stopped laughing as he wore his hood again, giving the burning village one last glance, as he left with a grin.


Meanwhile in Acalypha Town.

A certain young, topless and barefooted young man can be seen walking around. He has a huge red lion tattoo on his back and a red fairy with a tail on his right arm.

People would took a glance at his direction, mainly women. While men would gnash their teeth seeing how perfect looking his body can be when he's so young, he has almost shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes with nice body that can make woman drool though he's clearly a kid.

The young man only has a confuse look on his face seeing people would look at his direction. After a while, he shrugged as he thought they look at him because he was not wearing anything aside from pants that made him look like a poor kid.

This is obviously Escanor. After eating with what he considered now as friends. He left the guild as he has mission to do.

It took him a whole day walking from magnolia to acalypha town. Acalypha Town was the closest place to where his mission should be, his mission was to investigate the cause of the destruction of some villages close to Acalypha Town.

This mission/quest is the one with high payment but much closer to magnolia, compared to other missions where you need to resort to transportations which he can't afford.

Escanor needs information first, that's why he was walking down the street of Acalypha Town. He needs to know the exact location of these destroyed villages first.

Escanor spend the whole afternoon asking people around until he finally got the information he need. It should've not took that long if it's not for those men he asks ignoring him and look at him with a glare or to those women that froze everytime he's about to ask some question.

Escanor was very confused about this and it also irritate him to some degree. He was just asking, why would they treat him coldly? If he knows the reason, he would still be confused.

Escanor, after he got the information, decided to rest and investigate tomorrow morning. He went out of acalypha town and took a rest above the trees in the forest.


It was now morning, escanor can be seen doing some morning exercises. Ever since that incident that night, he took his training more seriously so that he can still somehow fight when the night comes.

He really has no idea how to fight when he can't use his magic at night, except excercising to make his body much stronger as possible. But he did feel something weird though.

It was after the assassination. Escanor, though he's strong, deep inside he feels like he's not complete. He feels like an incomplete puzzle with missing pieces. He has this feeling ever since he was born.

The feeling that your not somehow complete is uncomfortable. Back then, he can feel that he would progress everyday and can feel that the pieces were being put slowly, one by one. But it all stop a few years ago.

It feels like some itch that you can't scratch. It was only after that night that he felt something inside him, he feels like somehow he found the pieces and put it in the incomplete puzzle, which is him. After that, he can feel like he can control his power more than he used to.

After he finished exercising, Escanor decided to eat some breakfast first and he would head out to complete his mission.


Magnolia, Fairy Tail.

"I heard we have some new members here?" Ask a young girl with brown hair tied into a pony tail and brown eyes with visible eyelashes, while she was playing with her cards.

"Un, there were four people close to our age". Answered a topless boy with black hair while looking at her cards.

"Sigh, gray your clothes". Said the girl with brown hair to the boy.

"Uwaaa! When did this happen?!" The boy which was gray, yelled in surprise as he then hurriedly wore his clothes.

"Well...cana, there were four people close to our age, three were siblings while the other one has a weird magic". Said gray as he remembered what he saw that day.

"Hm? Why weird?" Asked Cana.

"Well apparently, that guy, every morning, he can become big! I saw it with my own eyes along with natsu and erza! He was so big"

Macao and Wakaba who were in their usual place, choke in their drinks hearing this, not only them, but those people around them too.

"Really? I wanna see it too!" Said cana with stars in her eyes with mixture of curiousity and interest about this magic.

The people around were dumbfounded hearing this as they went back to their drinks, drinking more silently.

"Sigh~, the young would surprass the old indeed". Wakaba said as exhaled some smoke from his pipe.

"To think that kids in their age know those things already, sigh". Macao said as he was amazed by the boldness of the young.

The people close to the table of cana and gray had the same thoughts.

"Well, they were in a mission now, that guy took a mission after he joined last night and the siblings also picked a mission early morning". Gray said not noticing the weird atmosphere around him.

"That so.... hey, gray, your clothes... sigh". Cana nodded at first then sighed seeing gray.



Somewhere not so far in Acalypha Town.

"Hmmm, this village is burned". Mumbled Escanor as he investigated the village. The village was quite big as he then tried to find some clues.

While looking for clues, he found something that made him frowned.

In a certain house, there was a hidden door in the back, he didn't found it at first as it was covered with a shelf, but he accidentally bumped into it and slighlty revealed what is underneath. He pushed the shelf away as he crouched down and opened it slightly, revealing a stairs.

Escanor then snapped his fingers and a flick of fire appeared in his hand illuminating the dark place. This was one of the things he was able to do after that incident.

The stairs lead further down as he entered it. Escanor carefully walked inside while looking around. While walking down, he suddenly heard some sound.

Escanor barely heard it so he stopped and listened to the sound.




"Someone's here?" Escanor mumbled as he heard some sobbing sounds, according to what he heard, it sounded like of a girl.

Escanor, then continued down, as he appeared on a large basement as he then called out.

"Hello? Anybody here?" Escanor asked curiously.

There were no reply, and Escanor was about to think that he heard wrong when a weak voice suddenly callled out to him.

"P....p...please.....h..help...me...". On a corner of this basement was a small young girl with dirt on her face as she held her knee close to her chest, she was crying at first and then she heard some footsteps and saw some light coming this way as she then asked for help.

"Hmm?" Escanor looked into the corner and he saw a young girl with dirty face.

Seeing that there was indeed someone here, escanor wasted no time as he then got close to the girl and took her with him back to the surface.

Here's some chap! This time it will be action pack, so just sit there and be patient for what would happen next!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Like it? Add it to your library! And hey! So we can't give some stones now? Does anyone know why is it like this??? Well give me some review too if you like, as your support can motivate me to keep writing. That's all for now. Peace!

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