
Sunshine in Fairy tail?

After the death of Escanor, the seven deadly sins and the gods/deities were left ignorant and unaware that the Grace, "Sunshine" of Archangel Mael came back to him but he suddenly died of unknown reason without other people or Gods knowing. The sunshine who has no host have no choice but to wander and search for it's next wielder, but seeing none, it then choose to search in another dimension, but something's different about the Sunshine.... It has.. a soul within it? No... it has two souls in it. And was attempting to fuse with the Sunshine itself! Find out and know what would happen to the Sunshine, would it be able to choose its next host? Or something diferrent would happen which was never heard of? Tags: Action, Romance, No Harèm, R-18, Fairy Tail, Sunshine, Drama, OP MC Note: I do not own anything, even the characters, I only made the Idea that's all. Photo's not mine, so if it's yours, tell me and I"ll change it.

FanfictionLover · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 03

(A/N: So the MC's name was changed from "Taiyo" to "Escanor" as per the reader's request.

I would take this opportunity to clear some things up. First, The Escanor you are reading now isn't the same person as the Original Escanor.

Second, He has two souls that was fused into one. Those two souls were mainly the original Escanor and Mael.

Third, is to confirm things to you all. The Escanor here is the sunshine itself. I repeat. The Escanor you are currently reading is the "Sunshine" itself.

In short, he isn't the original Escanor, nor the original Mael. He would only have the same hobbies and sometimes, personality, but they are not the Escanor you are currently reading.

The two souls was already fused, but the Sunshine and the fused souls was still not done in fusing with each other, which resulted to the kid Escanor awakening his power at Five years old. That's all, Thank you for reading.)






It was still dark around, but the birds chirping here and there seemingly knowing that it was almost dawn and wanted to welcome it.

Escanor's eyelids shook for a bit, then he finally open it up.

He woke up from the noise of those chirping birds. He sat up from the ground, there in the forest still topless, with no people around nor beasts nearby except the birds who were chirping here and there, he was still half asleep, thus he has no idea about his sorroundings.

He found it weird when he felt the sudden chilly breeze every now and then, but strange enough, he was not feeling cold or feel uncomfortable at all.


But he did feel hungry tho, he then rubbed his small tummy as though that woud help it on calming it down.

He then rubbed his eyes using his small hands to clear his vision, but he felt some dirt on it, thus he looked at his hands for quite a while, in a daze, seemingly confused.

But suddenly he snapped out of it, as memories of what happened yesterday came back at him. His hands frozed, then it trembled. He went pale and was now currently looking at his hands like it was the scariest thing he saw in his life.

He remembered the burning orphanage, the scared people and the destroyed forest with dead animals around. He was so scared as he didn't know what or how he turned into such a monster.

Being raised on the orphanage and having no parents, made him treat the people in the orphanage as his own family. And remembering the burning orphanage and not knowing if someone died, scared him so much.

Fearing the unknown was always one of humanity's nature, let alone a child who has no knowledge on what he did.

He was aware of the existence of magic in this world, as the headmaster was also a wizard himself. He also aspire to be a wizard himself and become a hero or something, it is one of those dreams that kids love to imagine.

He also heard stories about guilds or different kind and form of magic and such. But he had no capability of thinking straight and connect that abnormality yesterday to magic.

While sitting, he held his knee up on to his chest and hide his face in between, he then suddenly sobbed as he feel so scared.



He was only a 5 year old kid, and yet he already feels such heavy responsibilities, just thinking on what could possibly happen to his friends on the orphanage consumed him with guilt, thus, he has no choice but to cry.

While he was still sobbing, he suddenly felt the sorroundings warmed up a little, it feels weird for him as he can somehow sense things even with his eyes closed. So he then raised his head to see what was the cause of the sorrounding's change of temperature.

When he raised his head, he can't help but be put in a daze. There in the distance, he can see a beautiful sunrise, it was the most beautiful thing he ever saw in his life, the sun was slowly rising showing its beauty. Seeing this, he can't help but unconciously smile.

The sun slowly lit the sorroundings starting from the distance, Escanor seeing this was curious and thus he waited, he could feel the sorroundings on the distance becoming warmer, he didn't know why and he didn't care on how he can sense heat to that extent.

Seeing the sun lit up the sorroundings and slowly went to his way, escanor waited in anticipation, he feels the sorrounding grew warmer and thus he wanted to bath on it's heat to melt his cold and lonely heart. He never appreciated the sun before as much as he was now. Escanor seeing the light of the sun can't help but feel close to it, and thus he stood up and welcomed it. But when the sunlight shone upon him, something happened to him, which scared him to no end.

"W-w-w-what i-is this?! N-n-no!! No!!! *sob...H-h-help..*sob....help!" Escanor suddenly feels himself becoming stronger, this is exactly what he felt yesterday. His expression was now wrapped in fear with a mix of despair, he went pale as he, again, felt himself losing control.

"Help!!!" He desperately called for help with his childish voice, but was only greeted by silence.

"AAAAAGGHHHHHH!!!!" He screamed, his voice transformed from a child's voice into someone who was on his early stage of puberty. His scream scared the beasts and monsters alike out of the forest.

Escanor first screamed in fear and desperation but slowly transformed into ecstacy as he felt himself become much more stronger than yesterday and lost control of himself.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" He laughed like a madman, but if you focus, you can sense that behind all of this laughter was only pain and fear.

His last memory before losing conciousness was the scene were his sorroundings was set aflame yet again, but stronger and the ground melting and slowly produced lava. After that, he finally blacked out.

This event caused the forest to be reduced into mere ashes, the monsters that escaped from the forest that day also attacked the nearby villages and Town alike in panic and fear of the owner of the one who screamed.

The monster's stampede and the entire forest that was reduced to ashes successfully pique the Magic Council's attention.

As a result, they issued a quest to many magician guilds to investigate it and find out if it was any of the dark guild's doing.

After several weeks and months of investigation.

The stampede and the forest issue was never answered as all magicians and council members that investigated it went back with empty hands. The fire erased all the evidence and they finally decided to announced and made up a story where a group of magicians studied fire magic but lost control and burned the forest.


After Escanor's rampage, 8 years have passed in a blink of an eye, it was now the year x778.

In a certain village, you can see dozens of people armed with forks and torches, some people use rocks to throw on a certain house while saying something.

"Demon! Get out of our Village!"

"Demon die!!

"Get out here demon!!!

Inside the house, you can see children inside, two girls and one boy. They also look like siblings as the three have the same white hair.

"Mira-nee, when will they leave?" Ask worried of one of the girl that was the youngest of them three.

"Don't worry lisanna, I will protect the both of you and nee-san" the boy said, his eyes were firm and sure that he would protect his sisters no matter what.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have went to that church... this shouldn't have happened" the girl with robe on said as she shows her right hand that looked like those of a demon's.

*pissh (A/N: broken window glass sfx?)

The three was startled as one of the people in the village throwed some rock on their window. Seeing this, the youngest of the three stood up and faced the people outside.

She opened the broken window and faced the people outside and asked. "Why...why would you hurt mira-nee?! She.....only defeated that demon on the church! She only did that for the people here... and the village! Waaahhh" the girl named lisanna cried.

Seeing these, the people outside hestitated and was guilty seeing the young girl cried. The other girl that was wearing a robe then went beside her sister and consoled her, she then said to her brother and sister.

"We can't stay here anymore...let's leave the village elfman, lisanna". Hearing these, the boy named elfman nodded and went inside their room to prepare.

Seeing that the girl, lisanna was still crying, the girl named mira continued to comfort her.

After leaving the village, the three siblings travelled with no destination in mind. They travelled, and everytime other people saw the hand of mira, they would then give her some mean looks and glances.

When in a certain night and a cloudy weather, while travelling, the three siblings stopped and tried to find some shelter as it looks like the rain would fall any minute and it was now all dark and dangerous to travel.

After searching for a while, they finally found a cave as shelter. Seeing these, the three siblings then went inside and took a rest.

As the only man in the three siblings, elfman then started to make a fire to lit up the cave and to fight the cold, they then proceed to warm themselves.

They were talking in low voices when suddenly someone disrupted them.

"Who are you guys?" The voice sounds like it belong to a man who was in his teens. The three siblings was startled and then turned their heads to the direction of the voice.

There, they saw the one who spoke. He has a blond hair with a blank and dead blue eyes, he was topless and has muscles in the right places, he was not bulky but when you look at him, you would mistaken yourself as standing in front of a giant. It was a weird feeling as he only looks like 5 ft. in height.

The three siblings look at him for a while and was in a daze. When suddenly, someone broke the silence.

"Kyaaaa!!!" Lisanna screamed with a blush on her face, seeing the topless man in front of her. She only saw one man topless and that was her brother, but this is a stranger thus she blushed in embarassment.

The man, hearing the scream, look at her. He stared at her for so long with his dead eyes that elfman decided to cover his sister despite him also being afraid.

Seeing these, the man just stood up and slowly made his way to the exit of the cave without speaking with them.

Seeing these the three siblings looked at him questioningly, when he was about to go outside, the rain suddenly poured.

Seeing these, Mira stood up and finally said. "Wait! I-i-it's kind of raining outside, you can just stay with us and if there was a need for someone to go out, it was us. You found this cave first afterall". She said and tried to reach at him using her right hand which was what she thought as a cursed hand, but she immediately realized it and hid it under her robe.

The man, seeing her hand was confused and looked at her. Mira seeing his look, just turned her head to he side with a sad expression.

Seeing that her sister accidentally showed her demon hand, lisanna hurriedly said to him. "Mira-nee isn't bad! Just because she has that hand doesn't mean she's bad!" She said and was on the verge of tears.

The man looked at mira, then to lisanna and elfman. He just stood there, but after a while, he decided to sit and said. "Should I be scared with that hand then?" He asked with a 'really?' Expression written on his face.

Hearing that, Mira looked at him with surprise, she then asked. "B-b-but it's a demon's hand!"

The man just stared at her and asked. "Did you kill anyone before?" Hearing these, mira shook her head and said. "I didn't".

"Then good, even if your hand was like that, you should be still thankful that you can walk around and can control you body". He said, confusing the siblings. He then went silent and refused to explain further.

Feeling the silence, the girl lisanna then finally asked. "Uhhmmm, what's with your back? Is that what they called Guild insignia?" She asked with stars in her eyes.

The man didn't even looked at her and replied. "Birthmark". Hearing that, lisanna was astonished and so mira and elfman.

The silence continued again, when Mira then decided to ask. "What's your name? By the way I...am Mira...Mirajane Strauss, this is my brother Elfman Strauss and my younger sister Lisanna Strauss"

The man nodded at them and said. "Escanor".

I wrote a full chapter early in the morning, you know what happened? I forgot to save it and *poof* it was gone. So I have no choice but to create another one, which obviously was a bad chapter for me cause it became different! The emotions that I put before can't be put here again. *sigh fuck! Anyway... Yep meeting with the takeover siblings, still deciding who would be the MC's love interest.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ugghh frustrating day!

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