
Sunshine between Rays of Darkness

what will you do when you unexpectedly cross paths with a person trying to end his or her life? act as if they don't exist? call help? calm them down? call them crazy?! yes, most of us would do one of those things. however, the case here is different. Ezra Jacobson decides to blurt out the first thing that comes to his mind to Viola Celeste. but you know what they say 'desperate times call for desperate measures'. that was exactly the case here. or was it? read to find out because it's either they save each other or drive each other into further oblivion. as I said read to find out :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sneak peak: "you have 2 months" I found myself saying without looking him in the eye "what?" he asked "you said nothing ever deserves what I was going to do but do you really think that this life is worth living?" I ask raising my head to meet his eyes now "do you," I start slowly, "really believe that?" I wait for his answer and scan his face for any ungenuine emotions. "yes" he declares in determination and I ,for a moment, believe him He came closer and I stood my ground not wanting to show that he affects me in anyway. He stood directly in front of me his chest touching my arms which are wrapped around my own chest. He put one finger under my chin and raised my head to meet his eyes. He lowered his head toward mine and I tensed and was a bout to push him away but he tilted and breathed gently in my ear. "yes I do believe so viola the world is so much more than you think" he said with caution and took one of my the hands that are now beside me and placed it on my heart "can you feel it?" he asked and I nodded "That is called purpose. You're alive for a reason so don't ever give up" he coaxed and right then and there I wanted to know if I can really believe him. He backed away from me "I accept your challenge Viola" he said in a low voice and I loved the way my name rolled of his tongue.

Gannah_Yasser · Teen
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26 Chs

chapter 20

Viola's POV

As soon as the question is out of my mouth, his back stiffens, and he looks at me with a worried expression that quickly turns into anger.

"why are you avoiding me?" he snaps back. Great.

"you didn't answer my question" I say looking ahead refusing to meet his eyes. He huffs and starts the car abruptly moving away from the parking lot and to the main street.

"why didn't you tell me Ezra?" I ask. My jaw hurts from gritting my teeth so hard that I will myself to relax.

"it's not like I hid it," he says. I give him a look that says don't bullshit me and he glances at me for a second and then sighs.

"if I told you, you would've refused to work there, and I was just looking out for you" he says

"really?! Looking out for me," I mock "we made a fucking promise; I made a fucking promise to not do anything in these two months and you still didn't believe me"


I mean I understand his reasoning to some extent, but I am still furious with how the other employees felt about me just because he didn't give me a heads up before.

"look I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," he sighs and gives me a hard look before his eyes fall back to the street "but I won't take it back"

"it is humiliating you know when others think that...that I am a gold digger and waiting for you to pull strings for me because you're my 'boyfriend' as he said" I make air quotes at the word boyfriend.

"I swear I am gonna fire who ever said that" he mutters in anger

"no, you won't," I glare at him "that's not the point Ezra"

"is it so bad that they thought you're my girlfriend?" he whispers

"oh my god, look all I am saying is give me a heads up in the future before doing that again" I say and look outside the window of my passenger seat. I count the number of the headlights as I wait for him to answer me.

"look I am sorry okay?" he sighs "I didn't know it would anger you that much and if it makes you feel better I didn't talk your boss or try to 'pull some strings' as you put it" he says calmly

Somehow that makes my rapid heartbeats slow down a bit and I don't feel angry anymore.

"why didn't you leave early today?" he asks

Did I talk to early? I face palm myself mentally.

"I had to do somethings related to college" I lie and look away before he realizes that too

"you're lying" he says simply, and I take a deep breath.

"fine, I was avoiding you" I snap

"Fluffy I know that much already what I want to know is why?" he says softly and my heart melts at his nickname for me and my lip twitch fighting a smile.

"oh, look we're already here" I say and open the car door before he even fully stops the car.

"hey?!" he calls after me, but I already wave him off and head directly to the front door.

I ring the doorbell a couple of times but there's no answer. I open the door with the spare key he gave me few days ago. The first thing I smell is the delicious aroma of lasagna. My stomach immediately growls and turn to see Ezra behind me with a smirk.

"what?" I grit my teeth, but smile slightly in embarrassment

"you will tell me when you come down for food you know." he snickers still leaning on the doorway with his hands folded across his chest. A muscular sculpted chest judging by the first few unbuttoned buttons in the beginning of his white shirt. He was wearing a dark blue suited that fitted his body perfectly.

"done ogling?" he raises his eyebrows and smirks

"I am not hungry" I say trying to ignore the blush that's creeping up my neck right now. At the same time my stomach growls again.

Fucking great.

I look away and head to the room and act as if I didn't embarrass myself two times in a row in front of hi right now. However, I can hear his laughter and this time I don't try to stop the smile from spreading across my face.

After I take a long cold shower, I wrap myself in a towel and contemplate what to wear. Wait, why do I care? I am not trying to impress or anything like that.

Am I?

What the hell? Has the world come to an end?

I never tried to impress someone before, and I am sure as hell not going to try now. I stubbornly pick high waist ripped black jean shorts with a black spaghetti strap Floral Chiffon Cami Top.

Yes, not trying at all.

After blow drying my hair, I tie it into a high ponytail and frame my face with some side strands along with my bangs. I decide not to put any makeup since, well, it's not like we will go somewhere. I hesitate to go downstairs because I know the moment, I see his face again the stupid blush will creep up on me again.

At the end, I suck it because I am starving, and I won't give up my food for anything. After I go downstairs, I see Ezra finally put the last plate on the table. The lights of the room are dimmed which slightly intimidates me because it gives the air a slight romantic feeling.

I look over at Ezra when I feel eyes staring at me. His gaze stayed on my legs a bit too long for my liking and then took the rest of my body. When his gaze meets mine, I see a slight color on his cheeks, and he looks like he's about to choke on his own saliva. I suddenly laugh at his expression and give him a smug look/

"I think there's drool on your shirt" I chuckle and take a seat.

"ha-ha very funny" he takes the seat on my right hand. That way he's sitting at the head of the table and I am at his right. I sigh in relief because I wasn't sure how I would feel if he tried to make a move or something.

"now now why are you avoiding me?" he asks holding the fork and knife in both of his hands to start eating.

Unfortunately for him I already I already have food and my mouth and can't talk so I just shrug.

"uh no you will tell me why right now?" he says with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I huff and rest my fork on the plate. His head is so thick that I am contemplating cutting it in half and chaining it to the ceiling.

"do you want to know what I am thinking?" I say changing the subject. He looks at me suspiciously and nods.

"I am thinking if I should cut your head in half and chain the rest of you to the wall" I smile devilishly and put the next bite in my mouth.

"kinky" he says, and I literally choke on my food and try to reach for the glass of white wine while he doubles over in laughter beside me. I slam my hand on the table and glare at him.

"very very funny. See I am dying" I roll my eyes

"look I was embarrassed okay? I felt ashamed and...and" I try to find words as I finally give him an answer to his question that he has been pestering me with for an hour.

"ashamed of what viola? You know It would change nothing between us and I am not that shallow to change my mind because something bad happened to you or whatever you think." He says sternly and I just nod not wanting to say anything more about the subject. Luckily, I am saved by his phone ringing.

He groans and takes it out of his jean pocket.

"what?" he snaps at the caller. 

"I gotta go" he says in anger

"what? Where?" I ask in confusion. A moment ago, he was smiling and laughing however he looked angry like I have never seen him before. He leaves without answering my question which disappoints and scares me at the same time. I go after him refusing to let him drive that angry however I was too late.


hey guys,

sorry for taking so long ,but i kinda lost motivation for a while. but now ,thanks to an amazing friend I have, encouraged me to complete writing and I love you so much girl. i will never forget your kind words that pushed me to complete and work on myself harder.


love you girl and thank you❤

I hope you enjoyed this long chapter.

please vote :)