
Sunshine between Rays of Darkness

what will you do when you unexpectedly cross paths with a person trying to end his or her life? act as if they don't exist? call help? calm them down? call them crazy?! yes, most of us would do one of those things. however, the case here is different. Ezra Jacobson decides to blurt out the first thing that comes to his mind to Viola Celeste. but you know what they say 'desperate times call for desperate measures'. that was exactly the case here. or was it? read to find out because it's either they save each other or drive each other into further oblivion. as I said read to find out :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sneak peak: "you have 2 months" I found myself saying without looking him in the eye "what?" he asked "you said nothing ever deserves what I was going to do but do you really think that this life is worth living?" I ask raising my head to meet his eyes now "do you," I start slowly, "really believe that?" I wait for his answer and scan his face for any ungenuine emotions. "yes" he declares in determination and I ,for a moment, believe him He came closer and I stood my ground not wanting to show that he affects me in anyway. He stood directly in front of me his chest touching my arms which are wrapped around my own chest. He put one finger under my chin and raised my head to meet his eyes. He lowered his head toward mine and I tensed and was a bout to push him away but he tilted and breathed gently in my ear. "yes I do believe so viola the world is so much more than you think" he said with caution and took one of my the hands that are now beside me and placed it on my heart "can you feel it?" he asked and I nodded "That is called purpose. You're alive for a reason so don't ever give up" he coaxed and right then and there I wanted to know if I can really believe him. He backed away from me "I accept your challenge Viola" he said in a low voice and I loved the way my name rolled of his tongue.

Gannah_Yasser · Teen
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26 Chs

chapter 1

This is it.

I am doing it and I.... don't care anymore.

I keep reminding myself as I walk through the dark streets. It is after 3 am right now and I know it will be dawn soon if I don't hurry up.

I keep my hurried pace and my head low under the hoodie while clutching myself tight as if that will hold me from falling apart. I feel a chill run through me at the thought of what I am about to do. But there's no going back now, not because I can't, but because I don't want to go back.

I finally see the long tower a few miles away. I stop and stare at it. Do I really want to do this? My mind asks. Yes, I do. Do I really want to put my family through that pain? No, I don't. my heart and my brain keep going through this torturing conflict.

I start walking again ,slowly this time, trying to shut my mind of its reasoning. Because the truth is, I hate it here. I hate this world. It has been a torture to live everyday while feeling nothing.

Numb and Just.....nothing.

I am tired of seeing my parents and friends watching me mop around helpless. And for no reason. I've always been this depressed, crappy daughter and friend.

I tried.... I swear I did ,but nothing helped.

I picked up books and became a reader who's obsessed with the fictional world. But it depressed me even more for not be able to be part of it. I tried a lot of things journaling, hanging out with friends, and everything that can cross your mind.

But I still came back to reality and I despise the reality. I don't think the world is worth living in anymore.

I went to therapists, I took tons of anti-depressants, I wrote about my day which helped to some extent. But ,at the end of the day, I still went to bed sad and angry. I don't know why, and nobody seems to understand. Not one fucking person understands, and to be honest I don't understand myself, so why do I expect someone else to.

They say It's just part of the teenager life to feel confused and sad but is it really.

Is it okay to feel like a disappointment to the family and letting them down just because I don't feel happy? I think they gave up on me and honestly, I don't blame them. I only cause them pain and embarrassment after all so I might as well end it.

I shake my head slightly to get rid of any hesitation toward what I am about to do and look up. I have reached the dreaded place. It was far away from the town almost no one ever came here. It was isolated and looked like no one stepped a foot in it for years.

I open the entrance door and step through it before it closes again. I wouldn't be able to see anything if not for the dim white light of the moon coming through the windows. Everything is dusty and have spider webs all over the corners of almost everything in the room. There are desks in front of each wall making it look like it was an office before it was abandoned.

I take out my phone and open the flashlight. I walk through the first door I see and turn right to see a staircase. I keep going up every staircase I see until I reach the top of the building. There's a door which is slightly open I hesitate a bit before reaching out and holding the knob. I take a deep breath before entering and walking inside.

I am hit by a smell of cigarettes at first ,which is enough to make my legs want to bolt. I stand my ground and resist the feeling of dread that creeps through my body for the tenth time today. The first thing I see are graffiti drawings on the walls and the floor of the roof.

I would've stood and admired each one of them closely if I weren't here to do something. I look up at the sky to see the stars shinning bright tonight. I assume it's because I am far away from any city lights.

I close my eyes and lower my head taking deep breath again when suddenly my back collides with the wall behind me. The breath is knocked from me and I look up to see....
