
Sunshine between Rays of Darkness

what will you do when you unexpectedly cross paths with a person trying to end his or her life? act as if they don't exist? call help? calm them down? call them crazy?! yes, most of us would do one of those things. however, the case here is different. Ezra Jacobson decides to blurt out the first thing that comes to his mind to Viola Celeste. but you know what they say 'desperate times call for desperate measures'. that was exactly the case here. or was it? read to find out because it's either they save each other or drive each other into further oblivion. as I said read to find out :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sneak peak: "you have 2 months" I found myself saying without looking him in the eye "what?" he asked "you said nothing ever deserves what I was going to do but do you really think that this life is worth living?" I ask raising my head to meet his eyes now "do you," I start slowly, "really believe that?" I wait for his answer and scan his face for any ungenuine emotions. "yes" he declares in determination and I ,for a moment, believe him He came closer and I stood my ground not wanting to show that he affects me in anyway. He stood directly in front of me his chest touching my arms which are wrapped around my own chest. He put one finger under my chin and raised my head to meet his eyes. He lowered his head toward mine and I tensed and was a bout to push him away but he tilted and breathed gently in my ear. "yes I do believe so viola the world is so much more than you think" he said with caution and took one of my the hands that are now beside me and placed it on my heart "can you feel it?" he asked and I nodded "That is called purpose. You're alive for a reason so don't ever give up" he coaxed and right then and there I wanted to know if I can really believe him. He backed away from me "I accept your challenge Viola" he said in a low voice and I loved the way my name rolled of his tongue.

Gannah_Yasser · Teen
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26 Chs

chapter 12

Ezra's POV

I was stuck in traffic and I was starting to get annoyed. I wanted to get home already. I've been stuck in the traffic for almost an hour now. It's not really something new, but it's a new feeling. I wanted to get home for Viola and spend time with her.

I don't get why I am feeling these intense feelings toward her. We have known each other for only a week, and I can't seem to get her out of my mind. I already miss the feeling of being around her. Except the feeling of getting nervous and my heart doing somersaults in my chest. I never felt nervous around a girl.

Only a week have passed since the day she opened up to me. She seemed pretty uncomfortable to be around me the day after, but I tried to show her that nothing has changed. We still have our night walks around the mansion. We laugh and talk while we dine along with Maddy. I liked how she got along very easily with her. I can see Maddy took an instant liking to her and I can't honestly blame her.

I face palm myself for thinking about her yet again. I can't work properly or study for the exam I am taking for my master's degree. I haven't done anything properly since she came here. I don't understand why.

I don't get it. And I feel like I am going crazy.

I contemplate going to a club and drinking until I can't see straight since it's Friday but I haven't done that since.....Isla and Theo.

Finally, 15 minutes later I am inside the house. I think whether I should go looking for her first. But will make me seem desperate and eager.

What. The. Hell. Did. I. just. Thought.

I am going nuts I swear

I decide that I very much need a long cold shower first.

After I shower, I pull the first black shirt and sweatpants I see. I run a hand through my damp hair and go search for her.

"looking for her" I hear Maddy's voice and the smirk in it when I reach the stairs. Every single day during this week she kept teasing me about her even though I told her a million time already that we are only friends.

We talk a bit. I was impatient to say the least. Finally, after torturing me long enough she tells me that she's in the garden reading.

I walk out the door and walk until I find her. She is lying on her back on the bench and a book opened above her. She was wearing black yoga pants that even from where I was standing seemed to hug every right curve of her body and a crimson top that should a glimpse of the left side her straight stomach and one arm of her top was falling of her right shoulder and showing her black bra strap. She still managed to look cute and sexy even though she was wearing comfy clothes. I take a deep quite breath to calm the rush of want that passes through me which doesn't work by the way.

She seemed so engrossed in her reading that she doesn't even notice me. I feel a mischievous smile take over my face as I walk behind her getting ready to startle her.

I know it's silly and childish of me, but I can't help it.

I crouch very silently behind her hoping that she doesn't notice my tall shadow above her.

"VIOLA!!" I shout loud enough to hear a scream pass through her lips. The book falls straight on her face and I fall on the ground behind me laughing so hard I feel my stomach starting to hurt already.

"what is wrong with you jerk!" she shouts getting up in a sitting position and closing the book. I notice that her top falls even more off her shoulder showing the beginning of her lace black bra and if I wasn't busy laughing my head off I would've drooled right then an there. I also noticed that she was wearing big round glasses and no make up which gave her a very sexy look.

She throws the book at me and I manage to catch it just before it removes my right eye.

"this isn't funny" she grits her teeth and getting ready to leave

"that's....because....you....didn't....see...your....face" I wheeze through the words still laughing.

"ha ha" she mocks a hint of smile appearing on her face but quickly covering it with annoyance as she gets up.

"sorry sorry I couldn't help it" I say getting up to stop her from passing.

"you're on for it Ezra" she says and I smirk

"oh really..what exactly are you going to do...Viola" I say whispering slowly her name in her ear and I don't miss the shiver that goes through her.

"you will see" she says tracing a finger along my jaw and I tense and resist the urge to lean for a kiss.

She must've seen the look on my face because she comes even closer her mouth only an inch away from mine. I feel my breath getting heavy and almost grab her, but she moves back and smirks at me taking the book out of my hand.

She starts walking toward the house gain when suddenly Abby, Daphne, Louis, and William appear out of nowhere. My four best friends since college. What the fuck I panic. I haven't told them anything yet. I see Viola stopping in her tracks and looking back at me with a frown.

"ay ze-" louis starts but then notices her and stops

"hello gorgeous" he says walking towards her and kiss her hand while exchanging handshakes.


"who's this?" Abby squeals in excitement waking toward Viola too. Abby was always the one who loved making new friends. I walk beside Viola and put my hand instinctively on her lower back.

"viola this is louis, William, Abby, and Daphne" I point toward each of them.

"everyone this is Viola my.... friend" I tell reluctantly.

"you didn't tell us you have such a stunning 'friend' apart from us" louis says, and I glare at him and Viola chuckle beside me. I notice that neither Daphne nor William were talking. William, I understand because he is the quite one but Daphne for some reason, she had a slight glare which I don't understand.

"we are clubbing tonight, and I will drag your ass whether you like it or not" Louis says giving me the you have no choice look.


"nope" louis cuts me off and I groan looking at Viola. She nods at me telling me it's okay when Abby catches her attention again

"you are coming with us!" she squeals and drags Viola by the hand.


thank you for reading guys! 

what's the first place you will visit after this quarantine?

I am dying to meet up with my friends and visiting the bookstore..it's been so longgg :(

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. please vote if you like the story and want me to complete..