
Sunset Serenade

The Thornton family businesses are being picked off. One by one the businesses that built the decades old Thornton Empire are getting buried in debt. Now the youngest Thornton, Ashley Maxine Thornton has to step in to save the day. Although to be honest she has never saved a penny in her life. Maxine although educated, has always preferred to lay about doing nothing all day. But when she realizes that her family was on a collision course with poverty, she decides to disguise herself in a maid's uniform to save the day, or more appropriately, to save herself from poverty. Follow Maxine on her adventures. Find out if she will succeed and while doing so, fall in love with the man of her dreams.

Henriettta_Banks · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The Villain

Among the housekeeping staff at Sunset Haven, Stella, a seasoned maid with a dark past, couldn't help but feel suspicious of the new girl, Faye Reynolds, as introduced by Harry Noble. Stella had been through a lot and had honed her observation skills all through her life. She had developed very sharp instincts over time, and there was something about Faye that didn't quite fit the mold of a typical maid. Her movements were too refined, her manners too polished, and her demeanor too composed. Stella decided she would get to the bottom of the mystery.

As the introductions wrap up, Harry leads Maxine back to her assigned room in the servant's quarters. The room is small but cozy, with a single bed, a dresser, and a small window that lets in the afternoon light.

Maxine: taking a deep breath "This is it." She says to herself, "This is finally it."

She begins to unpack her things, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. This is the start of her mission, and she's ready to do whatever it takes to save Sunset Haven.

In the meantime, among the housekeeping staff at Sunset Haven, Stella, a seasoned maid with sharp instincts, couldn't help but feel suspicious of this new girl, "Faye Reynolds." 

Stella was a keen observer, and there was something about Faye that didn't quite fit the mold of a typical maid. Her movements were too refined, her manners too polished, and her demeanor too composed. Stella decided she would get to the bottom of this mystery.

That afternoon, while the staff were gathered in the common room for their break, Stella took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Faye. The room buzzed with casual chatter and the clinking of cups as staff enjoyed their tea.

Stella, leaning against the counter, eyed Faye. "So, Faye, where did you work before coming here? You seem... different from the rest of us."

Maxine smiled politely. "Oh, I worked at a few smaller hotels and inns. Just wanted a change of scenery, you know?"

Stella narrows her eyes slightly. "Really? You don't seem like the type who has been in the housekeeping business for long. How did you hear about Sunset Haven?"

"A friend of mine used to work here and recommended it," Maxine cooly replies. "She said it was a great place with wonderful people."

But Stella wasn't convinced. "I see. Well, it can be tough work. You think you're up for it?"

"Absolutely, Stella. I'm ready to do my best."

Maxine was eager not to make enemies, so she decided to apply the teachable person approach. It was a way of showing her colleague that she, Faye Reynolds, wasn't a threat to her since she still needed to be taught the ropes. "So Stella, are there any tips you can give me on how to make a good impression here?"

But Stella casually responds while stirring her tea, "You know, Faye, this place has a way of revealing everyone's true colors. Soon you will find that at the end of the day, it's not trying to make a good impression that matters but letting your true self shine through. I'm sure that we'll get to know each other better in time."

At that, Maxine smiles. "I'm sure we will, Stella."

As the evening drew near, Stella kept a close eye on Faye, watching her interactions and noting her polished demeanor. She saw Faye handle tasks with surprising ease, quickly becoming a favorite with the customers she attended to. Stella didn't know whether to envy her or like her. She seemed to know exactly what the customers preferred and for a newbie, she seemed to know her way around. What was worse was that the male staff members were already trying to impress her. Instead of being men, they were all acting like moonstruck teenage boys. In no time, Maxine had earned the quiet admiration of other staff members. Yet, Stella's doubts persisted.

That evening, after most of the staff on the same shift as she was, had retired for the night, Stella decided to do a bit of sleuthing. She went to the small office where the staff records were kept, hoping to find some clue about Faye's past. The office was dimly lit, the only sound was the quiet hum of the air conditioner. Stella rummaged through the files, looking for anything that might shed light on the new maid's background.

As she searched, she muttered to herself, "Let's see... Reynolds, Faye. Ah, here it is."

She found Faye's file but frowned as she read through it. The information seemed standard, nothing out of the ordinary. Still, something about Faye didn't sit right with her. Stella decided she'd keep digging, determined to uncover the truth.

Meanwhile, Maxine was proud of herself. She had remained calm under Stella's scrutiny and to her, that was a job well done. She quickly observed that her mission was more diverse than she'd thought. She hadn't counted on the make staff drooling over her, and wanting to hang out after work hours. She couldn't really push them away because she needed insights from them since they'd been observing the resort's operations longer than she had. It was a "frog" she had to eat.

It was a balmy evening at Sunset Haven, and the resort's grounds were bathed in the soft glow of lanterns hanging from the trees. Maxine, having shed her housekeeper disguise, looked stunning in a simple yet elegant evening dress. Her chestnut hair cascaded down her shoulders in loose waves, and her piercing blue eyes sparkled under the soft light. She had decided to take a quiet stroll by the beach to clear her mind after a long day of work.

As she walked along the shore, the gentle sound of waves lapping against the sand provided a soothing backdrop to her thoughts. She was lost in contemplation when a voice interrupted her reverie.

"Hey there," the voice said, a bit too eagerly. Maxine turned to see a young man in his early 30s approaching her. He had a confident, almost arrogant air about him, and his smile was too wide, his eyes too insistent.

"Hello," Maxine replied politely, hoping he would take the hint and leave her to her thoughts.

"I'm Jake," he introduced himself, extending his hand. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the beach. You're absolutely stunning."

Maxine shook his hand briefly, then let her own drop back to her side. "Nice to meet you, Jake. I'm just taking a walk."

Jake didn't seem to pick up on her disinterest. "Mind if I join you?" he asked, already falling into step beside her.

Maxine sighed inwardly but nodded, not wanting to be outright rude. "Sure, but just for a bit. I was actually about to head back."

They walked in silence for a few moments before Jake spoke again. "So, what brings you to Sunset Haven? Are you here on vacation?"

Maxine kept her answers brief, hoping to discourage further conversation. "Just taking some time off. What about you?"

"Same here. Needed a break from work. But enough about that," Jake said, steering the conversation back to her. "I'd love to get to know you better. Maybe we could have dinner together?"

Maxine stopped walking and turned to face him. "I appreciate the offer, Jake, but I'm not interested. I'm really just here to relax."

Jake's smile faltered slightly, but he pressed on. "Come on, just one dinner. I promise you won't regret it."

Maxine's patience was wearing thin. "Jake, I said no. Please respect that."

Jake took a step closer, his demeanor shifting from charming to insistent. "Don't be like that. I'm sure we could have a great time together."

Before he could say anything more, Maxine's eyes hardened, and she took a firm step back. "Jake, I said no. I meant it."

Just then, a figure emerged from the shadows nearby. It was Harry Noble, Sunset Haven's trusted staff member and Maxine's secret ally. He had been keeping an eye on Maxine from a distance and sensed the tension in the air.

"Is there a problem here?" Harry asked, his voice calm but authoritative.

Jake glanced at Harry and then back at Maxine, realizing he was outnumbered. He raised his hands in mock surrender. "No problem at all. Just having a chat."

"Good," Harry said, his gaze steady. "Because the lady made it clear she's not interested."

Jake muttered something under his breath and walked away, clearly frustrated.

Maxine turned to Harry, a relieved smile on her face. "Thank you, Harry."

Harry nodded, his expression softening. "Anytime, Maxine. Let's get you back to your room."

As she headed to her room she saw Stella emerging from the office wing of the resort. Maxine was curious because Stella had already finished her shift and wasn't supposed to be on duty. It occured to Maxine that perhaps, Stella was running a background check on her. "What a meddlesome individual, Maxine thought to herself as she watched her making sure not to be seen.