
Sunset Serenade

The Thornton family businesses are being picked off. One by one the businesses that built the decades old Thornton Empire are getting buried in debt. Now the youngest Thornton, Ashley Maxine Thornton has to step in to save the day. Although to be honest she has never saved a penny in her life. Maxine although educated, has always preferred to lay about doing nothing all day. But when she realizes that her family was on a collision course with poverty, she decides to disguise herself in a maid's uniform to save the day, or more appropriately, to save herself from poverty. Follow Maxine on her adventures. Find out if she will succeed and while doing so, fall in love with the man of her dreams.

Henriettta_Banks · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Simply Genius

Instead of dusting the shelves, she successfully knocked over several framed family photos and knickknacks, now scattered on the floor. A fine layer of streak of smudge clung to her face, making her look like she'd just emerged from guerilla warfare.

As for the vacuum cleaner she'd struggled a bit with it, wondering why they didn't have those self cleaning ones. It now lay tipped over on its side. Its cord tangled around a chair leg, with the vacuum bag burst open, spewing dust and debris like an exploding piñata.

While in the laundry room earlier she'd upended a basket of dirty washing, and now had clothes strewn everywhere. The reason was that midway through the clothes she'd suddenly remembered to search the pockets in case she could find any change. She'd found an earring instead and by the time she returned it to her room she'd forgotten about the scattered laundry and taken up another task. Some garments were draped like bizarre decorations, while others lay in crumpled heaps, resembling a textile battlefield.

 Maxine's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she took in the chaos. The maids and house servants continued to stare, their expressions a mix of shock and amusement. Nina and her mother stood at the entrance, Margot shaking her head in disbelief.

"You, my dear daughter, are making a mess," her mother reiterated, now with a hint of a smile.

Maxine sighed, realizing she had a lot to learn about housekeeping. "I guess I need a bit more practice," she admitted, trying to laugh off the situation.The maids and servants began to chuckle, and even her mother couldn't help but smile. Nina stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Maxine's shoulder. "I'll help you, dear. We'll all help you. Just tell us what you want to learn."

Maxine was delighted and relieved that Nina had offered to help her. She wondered why she hadn't come out and asked her directly in the first place. But before she could say another word, her mother drew her attention."Young lady, your dad and I would like to speak with you in the study. Come, come, come."

Maxine dropped all her work tools, except her messy apron, and followed her mother to the study. Upon arriving, Margot Thornton knocked politely and entered with Maxine at her heels. When her father, Greg Thornton, looked up and saw her, he was taken aback.

"Good heavens, Maxine! What happened to you? You look like you were run over by a very obnoxious dust monster. Are you alright?" he asked, concern written all over his face.

"You wouldn't believe what I just saw her doing, dear. It appears that Maxine here is trying to become a housekeeper," her mother announced as she went to stand beside him.

Greg laughed in spite of himself. "Our Maxine, a housekeeper? Really?"

Maxine, feeling a bit defensive but also amused, replied, "Yes, really, dad. I thought it was time I learned to do something useful around here."

Greg's laughter subsided, and he looked at his daughter with a mix of amusement and curiosity. "And what brought this on, my dear Max?"

Taking a deep breath, Maxine decided to be honest. "I want to help the family. I know things aren't going well financially, and I thought I could start by understanding how things work from the ground up. I didn't mean to cause a mess; I just wanted to help."

Greg and Margot exchanged glances, their expressions softening. Greg spoke first, his tone more serious. "Maxine, we appreciate your willingness to help. But there are better ways to go about it. We need your intellect and creativity in other areas." Margot added, "We love that you're willing to pitch in, but you don't have to try to do it all on your own. We're a family, and we'll face these challenges together."

Maxine nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and determination. "I understand. I just want to be part of the solution."

Greg smiled warmly. "And you will be. But first, we'll have to figure out a way for you to contribute that plays to your strengths."

"Exactly! Mom, Dad, I've figured out a way to help stop the failing Thornton Hotels and Resorts businesses," Maxine exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement.Her parents glanced at each other, their curiosity piqued. "Go on," her father encouraged, glancing at his wife as if silently asking, "What has come over our daughter?"

"My idea is to infiltrate one of our resorts, Sunset Haven, to be precise. In the meeting earlier, you said that within six months, if the situation at some of our resorts, including Sunset Haven, isn't resolved then they would have to be shut down for good. Sunset Haven is my favorite place in the world. I want a chance to save it."

Her parents, taken aback by her enthusiasm, sat down, their expressions a mix of surprise and interest.

"I want to go there as a housekeeper by day and a guest by night, without the family name, of course. My idea is to find out from the staff what is really going on, using my influence as a housekeeper. There's a well-known study by business guru Tom Peters that found low-level staff often know more about what's really happening in a business than the executives do."

Her father nodded, recalling the study. "Yes, Peters talked about how front-line employees are closest to the customer and often see inefficiencies and opportunities that management misses."

Maxine continued, her voice gaining confidence. "True dad. I can also have one-on-one interactions with the management. Then at night, I can mingle with the guests and find out from them where corrections can be made in our business model and how we can do things better."

Her mother, Margot, looked thoughtful, her eyes narrowing as she processed Maxine's plan. "So, you want to live a double life to get a comprehensive view from both ends–staff and guests?"

Maxine nodded eagerly. "Yes. I believe I can uncover insights and problems that might not be visible from the top. I'll blend in with the staff to hear their genuine concerns and suggestions, and I'll talk to guests to understand their experiences and expectations firsthand."

Greg leaned back in his chair, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. The ticking of the antique clock on the wall filled the silence as he considered his daughter's proposal. "It's a bold plan, Maxine. But it's also risky. You'd be giving up the comfort and protection of your family name. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

Maxine straightened her back, determination shining in her eyes. "I'm ready, dad. This is too important. We can't afford to lose Sunset Haven, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to save it."

Margot sighed, her expression softening. "It's a drastic measure, but maybe that's exactly what we need right now. If you're willing to take this on, Maxine, you have our support."

Greg smiled, pride evident in his eyes. "Alright, Maxine. Let's work out the details and make sure you're prepared for this undercover mission. Your dedication to our family business is admirable, and we believe in you."

As they began to discuss the logistics, Maxine felt a wave of determination and excitement wash over her. She knew the road ahead would be challenging, but with her family's support and her newfound resolve, she was ready to take on the task of saving Sunset Haven.

After almost an hour, Maxine was still sitting with her parents in the study, the room's rich wooden paneling and soft lighting creating an air of solemnity. Greg and Margot Thornton looked at their daughter with a mixture of pride and concern as they discussed her daring plan."Maxine, there are several things we need to consider before you go undercover," Greg started, his tone serious. "This isn't a simple task, and there are many ways it could go wrong."

Margot nodded, adding, "For instance, what if someone recognizes you despite the disguise? You've been in the public eye quite a bit."

Maxine leaned forward, her hands clasped together. "I'll make sure to change my appearance as much as possible. I'll dye my hair or wear different wigs, wear different clothes, and even use makeup to alter my look. Plus, I'll adopt a new name and background story."

Greg looked thoughtful. "That might work, but what about the staff? They'll be curious about the new housekeeper. You'll need a solid cover story."

"I've thought about that too," Maxine replied. "I'll be a new hire, someone with experience from another hotel, looking for work. I'll stick to that story and avoid giving away too many details."

Margot frowned, concern etched on her face. "What if something goes wrong? What if there's an emergency and you can't handle it on your own?"

Maxine took a deep breath. "That's why I need a safety net. I need someone on the inside who knows who I am and can help if things get out of hand."