
Two of a Kind

Nia fought relentlessly against the hordes of ghoulish creatures. Their gnawing teeth and squirming tentacles cut like butter with even the blunt force of her blade. As the coffins broke, strange golden spirits rose out of them. The red glint of her blade shined amidst the darkness, but her arms slowed. Her body felt tired. Sweat poured out of her, but she made no hint of giving up. Each step she takes closer towards the portal, the living coffins would push her back two steps. But she never once faltered. She just kept swinging her blade. As a horde of them approached, her red blade flickered into a bright stream of fire. Her eyes glowed green and as she was about to shoot out a torrent of flame, images of burning families appeared in her mind. She remembered what she did at King's City. The pleasant smell of burning flesh horrified her. The trauma and pain she caused. The destruction. The murder of the innocent. All of it stopping her. Eyes reverted and her red blade's flame sank into nothing.

In that moment of hesitation, a tentacle flicked the sword right out of her hand. Clang. Tick. Tack. The blade hit the floor as she faced off against seemingly infinite dark creatures. Her mind went blank and as they were about to sink their teeth into the young dragon, a bright flame from above struck down in front of her melting some, while pushing away the others. Without realizing it, her senses picked up a nearby dragon.

A dark figure with black wings fell from above. He controlled his descent while still shooting a steady stream of fire through his helmet. The Crimson Black Knight. Akai.

He flew down towards the red blade and grabbed it. The red blade lit up in his hands. Nia was dumbfounded as his wings and tails recoiled back inside of him.

A number of the coffins charged towards their new enemy, but before they could even get close, Akai swung the flaming blade with pure white brilliance. The shining flame burned brighter and with extreme accuracy cut down rows of the creatures.

"What are staring at!?" He shouted without looking back at Nia, "You're a dragon! Fight like one."

Nia woke up in that instant, and her hands and knees shook. She just couldn't forgive herself, but in that moment, she knew that all she needed to do was to survive.

As more coffins approached with haste towards Nia, a vine touched her leg. She looked down and saw a green blade growing out from the . With no second thought, she grabbed it and cut down the coming waves with ease. More golden spirits filled the room as more coffins were destroyed, however they seemed to be doing nothing but leaving through the walls and crevices.

Akai hid a smile underneath his red helmet. Together, the black and green dragon fought the waves of coffins without any problem. Nia fought one side of the room, while Akai held off the other. They held their ground as the two fought side-by-side. As Akai's red blade spewed out fire that would burn through even the strongest of dragon scales, the flames were controlled. Precise and accurate. Not even a spark would touch Nia. And while flames came out of one side, large vines with thorns grew around the green blade. Vines began to grow from every crack within the sandstone floor. Flowers and trees began to puncture through the coffins. And while the vines could hold them back, the fire would burn any monster which still survived into ash and dust. A wall of both fire and plants grew around them. Eventually, the two of them barely had to swing their sword as the creatures were getting tossed around like toy balls.

More of these haunted coffins came out of the shadows to fight, but each one of those creatures knew that they had lost. Soon, they began to crawl back into the shadows one-by-one hoping to possibly ambush them at a later time.