
The Crimson Black Knight

Akai and the rest of the dragonslayers that joined his hunt for Kytlmyne arrived at King's City. As they entered the Den of Dragonslayers, Akai requested Captain Halido for a meeting with all of the dragonslayers. Halido accepted, but said that he would need time to gather all of the dragonslayers.

But first, Akai visited Barb, the local blacksmith. Akai handed over all of Kytlmyne's dragon scales for a huge order. Over the next couple of days, Akai bought a newly forged green dragon scale blade. He thought that it should be just as durable as the red one. The rest of the scales were being used to create new armor sets for the rest of the dragonslayers. Akai paid Barb the amount for the blade, and promised to pay the rest when the other armor pieces are finished.


Miura tried to enchant the green dragon scale blade, but to no avail. She was unable to make it produce a fire like the previous sword. Fortunately, the blade itself is still quite sharp and durable.


News of the dragonslayers defeating a giant forest dragon quickly spread around King's City and even beyond to other villages. Stories about Akai, the recent newcomer who was stronger and smarter than any other man or beast, spread. Tales of how he defeated a sleeping dragon and a chimera. Tales of how he protected King's City from a brown dragon. Now, he was considered a legend after stories of him and a group of dragonslayers defeated a giant forest dragon guarded by treants.

As Akai casually walked around the city, many women flocked around him. Many men and children who saw his black and red armor were awe-struck. A knight with black and red dragon scale armor with a red helmet that looked like a dragon. Akai's presence loomed over the crowds of people as if he was royalty. His cape fluttered behind him.


Days passed and as Akai entered the den, he noticed a huge crowd of dragonslayers waiting for him.

"Well, Akai, you wanted to have a meeting and considering your valor, I brought over as many of the dragonslayers as I could," Captain Halido said.

"Thank you, captain."

Akai looked at the crowded den. More dragonslayers have gathered in this one spot. He saw Leo standing on top of another dragonslayer in the back of the crowd. Miura stood next to Akai.

Akai took a deep breath before continuing.

"I know that I'm new here. And I know that many of you have your own reasons for hunting dragons. But I suspect most of you to have a personal vendetta against them. I understand why. They are dangerous and a threat to all of us. They are considered as powerful as Gods, but I'm here to say that it is not true."

The other dragonslayers quietly listened.

Akai continued, "I say that we shouldn't have to wait for a dragon to attack. Why should we react to an attack, when we could attack them at their homes."

"Sir, we don't know where any of their nests are."

"I can find them," Miura interrupted, "I know where some of them are right now."

"This witch is under my control. She is able to control and summon crows which can be used to see far off places. She is aware of some of the dragons' nests right now."

The other dragonslayers looked at each other and Akai continued his speech.

"I know that it will be far more dangerous, but if you really want to protect families and homes, then let's take the fight to them!"

"Yeah! Let's take the fight to them!" one of the dragonslayers screamed and with that the others yelled a battle cry in unison.

Akai began to smile, but his smile faded away. He looked at his illusive ring. He couldn't let anybody know what he really is. Miura noticed, but didn't care. She stayed silent during the yelling.

The dragonslayers took their blades out, pointed them upwards, and cheered, "The Crimson Black Knight! The Crimson Black Knight! The Crimson Black Knight!" They repeated over and over. Captain Halido and Leo even cheered the name.

Akai looked at them. "The Crimson Black Knight?" he asked, but nobody but Miura heard him.

"I overheard some of the children calling you that. They must have given you a nickname from seeing you in the flesh and now everybody is calling you that," Miura said smiling.

"Ahh. Well, I'm not too fond of nicknames, but I think it will work to rally others. A legend," Akai said as he took his green blade out and pointed it upwards alongside his dragonslayers and comrades.

"We won't fail! Soon, the world will no longer need to fear God's wrath coming from above them," Akai said as the cheering continued to resonate.

"The Crimson Black Knight! The Crimson Black Knight! The Crimson Black Knight!"