
Mouth of the Dragonslayers

Nia and Miura stood in front of the Den of Dragonslayers. She felt uneasy going straight in without a prior plan, but had confidence that Miura would be able to at least lead her to where her big sister Nera was.

"Getting in seems easy, but getting out with big sister Nera and the others will be difficult," Nera said.

"Big sister?" Miura asked in confusion. Her coughs became more frequent, but have quietened since coming near the Den of Dragonslayers.

"Oh, yeah. We're not actually related, but I still see her as a big sister. Did you have any relatives that you could look up to?" Nia asked.

Miura showed a slight hint of worry. She never knew that Nia called Nera big sister. She had hoped that it wouldn't ruin any of the plans that she conceived beforehand. Nonetheless, she replied, "No."

Nia remembered that Miura's family was killed and apologized.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me if I was prying."

"It's not something I want to discuss."

Nia and Miura still stood in front of the Den in plain view. The night time crowds rushed past them as if they were stones in a sea.

Nia still couldn't sense any dragons nearby. So, that means that the one called Akai wasn't nearby. She had hoped that she could get him to help, since they were both dragons and as their numbers dwindled, hopefully Akai would be more inclined to give aid. However, there was no time for Nia to search for this dragon. Even if he was nearby, she had no idea how he would look.

Even so, she was curious to this mysterious Akai that Nera held high regards to. Somebody that Nera waited for during the last 30 years, yet never came. Nia didn't blame him, however. If he was a dragon, then he must have known that he would be putting the village in danger. Nia wondered whether she should have left long ago before the dragonslayers could figure out her existence, but it was all in the past. Now, she needed to focus on the future. Saving Nera. Saving Kyte village. Then, she could think about whether or not she should leave the village for their sake. And for her own.

Nia looked back at Miura and asked, "Do you know about anybody called Akai?"

Upon hearing that name, Miura's entire body went cold. Nia could tell that she knew of the one she was talking about. Miura paused knowing that she had to be careful of what to say. If Nia knew that Miura was lying about anything, then she would suspect every part of her tale as a lie. If that happened, then she would easily be crushed by the dragon's raw strength.

"You know him, don't you?"

Now that Nia could tell that Miura knew about Akai, the witch asked carefully, "What do you know about him?"

Nera couldn't tell the dark mage that either she or Akai was a dragon, so she replied, "Big sister Nera told me stories of him. He was a... knight who went on many adventures. I've heard that he may be here. I thought that perhaps he could be helpful, but I know that wasting any more time could be fatal."

Miura could sense that Nera was holding back on what she knew. But she also could tell that Nia knew nothing about Akai. She only knew as much as what Nera told her. Miura could tell the differences between the lie and truth. The witch believed that was advantageous to her.

Although Miura knew that both Nia and Akai were dragons, she couldn't let Nia know that she knew. So, she decided to say, "I have met him, but he is not the kind of man you think he is. He is a monster hunter of sorts, but makes many false claims. He's not one to be trusted."

Nia was disappointed by the answer. "Are you serious?"

Then, she thought that since Akai was hiding the fact that he was a dragon, Miura wouldn't know too much about him.

Nia optimistically said, "Maybe. Maybe, I'll have to meet him myself."

Nia believed that since Akai was a dragon, that if they had met, they would get along just fine. A big brother, Nia thought.

Miura smiled deviously and enjoyed every second of tricking a dragon. A creature of immense power that could bring devastation wherever they go. An animal playing right in the palm of a tiny witch. As long as Nia trusted Miura, then all would go according to a divine plan. A plan that is constantly being drawn up by forces not her own, yet followed by Miura all the same.

"Nia, are you ready? Ready to save your big sister?" Miura asked with a small cough.

Nia looked at the dark mage with determination and no words were needed to be spoken.

"I see. Then, let's go," Miura said as they both entered the Den of Dragonslayers.