
Sunset Eyes and Crystal Tears

She is fire and ice. Rain and sunshine. Fierce and calm. She's the redemption the world needs and the one thing that can tear apart the very fabric of it. She is death incarnate with the face of an angel warrior. She is Twyll Merrick- The Crystal Heir. Twyll has a fire in her that can burn and burn untill it destroys. She is the last Crystal Heir. The only one who can wield the Core Crystals. But there is one tiny problem. She doesn't know that she is the heir that never was, and when she is pulled into the pulsing world of the CrystWorld after the jarring loss of her aunt - her only family - she turns to a boy with sunset eyes and his group of friends who are determined to help her - whether she wants it or not.

writerrm007 · Fantasy
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37 Chs


Shalom was going through the week's Tem reports when a knock sounded from the door. He looked up to see Karsyn emerging from behind the door. Immediately, as of a switch was flipped, his senses came alive. He could feel the energies roiling with want and longing. Could feel the high that came from being near your Tavarys.

"Karsyn. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Shalom asked in a borderline formal voice.

"I am here to apologise."

"Apologise?" Shalom as led in surprise.

"Yes. I realised that while I was grieving I had forgotten that you were also doing the same. You needed me, but I wasn't there. I am so sorry for that."

Shalom had swivelled his chair towards the side as Karsyn came to stand between his legs.

Placing his hands on her waist, he tugged her closer to him craving her sweet scent and curves.

"Kars, I have missed you so much. But I would never begrudge you your space and grief. Besides, I had Kyan and Trystan."

"I know, but I also missed you." She pressed, running her fingertips across his collarbones as she rounded the chair to stand behind it.

"I missed you too Krásná," Shalom responded in a gruff voice. His arms were tingling where Karsyn was running her fingers across his muscles.

Karsyn again rounded the chair and came to stand in front of him before straddling his lap. She ran her hands down his chest and back, across his temples and cheekbones, tracing his lips into memory.

"Karsyn," Shalom moaned.

"Shhhh..." Karsyn soothed him, "I just want to feel you. I haven't been near you in so long."

"We don't have to do this Krásná."

Karsyn lifted her eyes to his, "I want to. So much."

Shalom smiled wickedly. He quickly stood up and hooked his hands under her thighs before lifting her up and wrapping her legs around his waist. Karsyn let out a surprised laugh. It was music to his ears, a melody that he would never get tired of, never get bored with.

"Let's relearn each other, shall we?" He asked in a polite tone which was a complete contrast to his impolite thoughts.

Karsyn laughed again. It wasn't as bright, but it was better than nothing.

Laughing, they disappeared into their rooms... and didn't come out until next morning.


Twyll followed Trystan out of the Tech Closet. After her little epiphany moment, she knew she had to find out more about her past, her family, her parents. Not wanting to think too much about it, she instead focused her attention onto the rippling muscles of Trystan's back underneath another black full-sleeved coat that hid all his many tattoos.

"Why do you hide your tattoos?" She blurted out without thinking.

Trystan raised his brows as though no one had asked him that question before.

"I guess its because they are a portrayal of some of my most personal selves, or personas."

"What does each one mean?"

Trystan smiled in an indulgent manner before saying, "The elements are a symbol of my hard work and perseverance, the butterflies resemble my family. They are the ones keeping me together."

"That's amazing and exceptionally meaningful. What about the map?"

"All in good time Líçé." He said, chuckling at her inquisitiveness.

"What does that mean- Líçé?"

Trystan huffed out an incredulous laugh.

"It means sweetheart, though you are anything but a sweetheart right now with all your questions."

When Twyll laughed out loud at his grumpy tone Trystan felt the slightest of murmurs in his heart as his energies drank in her joy like it was the sweetest wine they had ever tasted.

"We should make haste if we want to determine the most suitable weapon for yourself."

"Of course."

They resumed walking down the corridor occasionally turning a corner or climbing down a few staircases. They soon reached a small wooden door that resembled a closet entrance. Trystan opened the door and Twyll couldn't help but gasp out loud. She should have been used to the unexpectedness of the house by now, but it was incredibly difficult to do so. The tech closet had admittedly been one of the most marvellous things she had ever seen, but the training arena in front of her had to be something out of her fantasies.

In the middle of the room were two combat mats for hand-to-hand fights and there were high tech targets against the far wall. Against one wall were tall spectating stands and near them a refreshment stall. The rest of the walls were plain, wooden panels. Spotlights were evenly spaced across the entire thing.

Trystan walked up to one of the panels on the walls and pressed his hands against the middle of it, the area around his hand lit up a neon blue and the panel slid out bringing with it a row of ŝtapićis suspended from two horizontal rods with in-built hooks. He walked over to the next one and did the same thing except this time instead of ŝtapićis they were racks of longswords sheathed in hand-tooled leather. The next three panels were also filled to the brim with more weapons such as Jians, rapiers, shortswords, Spathas, claymores, sabres, Dao, Katanas, scimitar, and backswords. There were also smaller blades like Bagh-Nakhs, Bollock daggers, Cinquedeas, Scottish Dirks, Kalis, Trench Knives, Jambiyas, Seax and throwing stars along with Morning stars made of pure metal and skilfully carved. The rest of them were filled with different crossbows and arrows of varied sizes and weights, including leather armour along with buckled sheaths to carry weapons and conceal them as well. It was a slice of heaven.

"Want to spar?" Twyll asked with a wicked glint in her eyes.

Trystan smirked at the look in her eyes.

"Dying to Líçé." He replied with equal wickedness in his tone.