
Sunless World

Is life difficult for you? Do you feel unlucky? Maybe, in your head you answered yes, and then maybe you felt uncomfortable with your answer, because deep down you know you have so much. Ever since I remember, my world was made of rocks. My father was a miner and was exploited, I was born a miner and I will be exploited until my death. Despite all this, I did not mind this life, I had my father and the other miners, I had "a family", I never really felt unlucky, so why...

M_Sini · Fantasy
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20 Chs

08 A New Beginning (1)


"Your voice..."


"B-by chance… do you sing?" I asked for it without thinking too much.

"Huh?! W-how do you know?" She asked a little troubled.

'I take it as a yes... this entry... wait...'

There was only one place that came to my mind, and only one person ...

" Do you sing at the "Blue Firefly" club? "

"... yes, why?" Now she seemed more intrigued than troubled.

" Oh! "I could not contain my emotions, it was she, now I was sure, the one who saved me from the abyss I was in.

"Th-Thanks" I said in a shaky way, after all I was a huge fan of his if I could call myself that.

"Mmh?" She still seemed a bit confusing...

" By chance, have you heard me singing?"

I blushed a little.

"Actually... every night… for a few months now" I scratched my head with my right hand with an embarrassed smile.

"But... I've never seen you at the jazz club..."

" You know, I don't have enough money to get into it; however, I hear you singing standing near the entrance ... "

"R-really?! And do you like me?! T-that is, yes, in short, do you like it and how do I sing?"

I didn't know why, but at the "Do you like me?!" my heart leaped, and not a little.

"Y-yes, you know, to be honest, your voice, your singing, they saved me in a really complicated moment of my life ... maybe... maybe today I'm still here thanks to you..."

I decided to tell her the truth, even though she hid a part of me quite pitiful.

Her eyes became bright as she wiped them with the long blue sweater she was wearing.

"S-sorry... you know, I'm not used to receiving compliments of this kind."

That was probably not the only reason, she was probably still shaken by what had happened to her, and, perhaps, my sincere words had somehow relieved her a little.

"Ah! Right... how long have I been unconscious?"

"Actually, not for long... about ten hours, I think"

' So now it should be early afternoon'

"Oh, I skipped work..."

"Hmm?" " And where do you work? I could go and explain why you're not there ... "

" Actually, I also work at the "Lucciola Azzurra" ... mostly I clean the place in the morning ... "

"Oh! Then leave it to me!"

'She must feel somehow indebted to me'

" Well ... now rest, I have to do some shopping and then I have to work, you can stay here, indeed ... you have to stay here, still as much as you can ... you have to rest, ok ?! "

" Y-yes" She had not given me a way to retort.

" Good…"

He left the room; after a few minutes returned with a tray with bread, soup, and an apple.

Having done this, she greeted me and left.

Pt 2

'And now?'

I felt a little nervous, deep down I was in a girl's house, and, in particular, in her room sitting on her bed ...

'... well, at least tonight everything must have gone well if she got her face back...'

I went back with my mind to the events of last night, and, in particular, to when I killed "Thousand Faces".

'So that's how it feels to kill someone... I know it was the right choice, though...'

I couldn't get the blood out of my mind, his eyes, the feeling of cutting the flesh with a knife, the guilt, and, also, a little bit of nausea.

'Why I feel this way... I did what I had to do, and yet... I feel so bad. How do some people kill even without a valid reason?'

I thought about what could lead "A Thousand Faces" to do what it did, was there a reason? I could not know, however ... anyway I did not understand his intentions and, perhaps, even knowing his story I would not have understood them.

'Killing innocent people ... I don't even want to try to figure it out'


My body was battered, so I decided, since I was almost unable to move, to train in the circulation of mana.

2 hours later...

'The feeling of mana flowing and warming your body, making you aware of your blood, your heartbeat ... is the best ... maybe, now that I think about it, it wouldn't hurt to learn magic... Alizée goes to the magic academy, maybe I could ask her how to get in ... '

In these two hours, my body recovered a little, now I could move, although I was still sore.

I decided to get up.

'Alizée told me not to move from here...'

I decided not to leave his house, which, by the way, was much smaller than I expected. Leaving the room where I was, I found myself in a kind of living room with only, starting from my left, a shelf full of books, immediately after a two-seater sofa with a round table on the right, in front of me a kitchenette attached to the living room, and on my right a double-leaf window.

In the same wall where the door to the bedroom was located, there was also the entrance to a small bathroom.

"Wah... how many books"

I, for obvious reasons, had never read many books, but I liked to do it.

In Velch there was actually a public library, which, however, did not let in people dressed in rags or dirty as I was.

I didn't want to touch too many things, after all, it wasn't my home, but I couldn't hold back the desire to read, so I took a book at random and started reading it standing.

Time passed; It was dark outside now.

I was totally immersed in the book, it was called "Albin Jane and the Adventures of Hormor" and it was about a curious boy and his journey to discover Hormor, a world different from the one I lived in, a world without ceilings, without limits, with infinite magical beasts, infinite places to explore and with infinite adventures.


The front door opened.

"Uh? And what are you doing standing up!?"

Alizée had finally returned home, which meant it was now well into the night.

I quickly explained to her what had happened during the hours she was away, about the circulation of the mana and the book I was reading.

"You know... I thought a bit 'about the situation in which we find ourselves ... do you remember the favor I owe you?"

'Ah, right... the favour...'

"Well, how about living here? Of course, it's not a great place, but it's probably better than your home, isn't it?"

' How did she know? Magic? Or did she just deduce it?'

" Yes, well ... you could sleep on the sofa, after all it's nice and comfortable, what do you think about it? "

Your proposal embarrassed me a little.

After all, she was not only a very nice girl who had made me such a proposal, she was also my "savior" in a way.

"I-I... I can't acc-"

" Before you refuse, think about it... yes, in short... you helped me, you saved my life, this is the least I can do, and then, maybe you could help me financially ... it would be a victory for both... wouldn't it"

I would find a warm and welcoming place to live, and she would have a roommate who would help her with the shopping. Furthermore, by doing so, we could also fight our loneliness.


'In retrospect, do I really have a reason to reject her proposal? Maybe I'm just afraid of creating new bonds ... but I can't go on living in total solitude ...'

"... I… ok"

I still couldn't know but this chance meeting will completely change my future ... how strange fate sometimes ...