

The Sunshine gleamed down on the globe, delivering a sunny blue sky. several walked down the busy streets, others drove past many structures and frames. One girl stood out from everyone else. She was quietly sitting down on the bench that faced the lake that was full of ducks. She was feeding them sliced grapes time by time. She ignored the weird looks she had received from people that passed by her. she enjoyed the view of the sun. it was more majestic than beautiful. the colorful clouds that flew by, executed the sky shine more polished. the wind was considered sturdy and stable. the sections of the trees begin to bend forward then backward. the petals creating such sonances when the breeze had blown hard on them.it was tranquilizing, to say the slightest. it did Y/N seem at ease, and happier than she had felt at home.

the home was nothing compared to the outer world. it was exhausting, and a harsh cut to her sweet little heart. Y/N sighed, feeling the wind brush past her fingers. she knew the day will end soon, meaning her happy feeling will eventually fade. the gleaming look in her eyes will vanish into mid-air and the phosphorescent shimmer she had on her appearance will shink inside her soft, coffee-colored skin.Y/N had gotten back onto her feet and twisted on the ends of her feet. turning in the direction of her home. her home wasn't at all far. it was just down the corner and end of the street that the lake was located on. she began to walk with very little steps. each following with a tint of fear, fear that she had always felt when returning home. back to what she has been calling her parents, but they weren't her parents at all.

you see, her real parents have been great ones. but not great enough. there were days they would ignore Y/N, acting like she did not exist at all. calling the names that weren't even hers, and always had told other people that came around that she was a nobody. all of this started when Y/N was at least the age of 8. there came a day of her vision becoming worse and worse so she had to wear glasses. which her parents did not like at all. One day, her right eye just completely shut down. making the vision of the eye blurry and unable to see. at that moment, she knew what had occurred. she couldn't believe it or want to accept the blindness in her right eye. that night she cried for hours until she couldn't anymore. when her parents had heard the news of their daughter losing her vision in her right eye, they lost it. they became so agitated that they had both came to their realizations and had thrown her out to live with her aunt. that she treasured and admired.

both kindly took her in the remaining period they had left before Y/N has been sent to a foster care home. where the shock had risen. children that lived there were remarkably the opposite to what she had been expecting. they were bold but sometimes charming. numerous held the definition of monstrosities. she did not bother to complain because it was the best care that she has received over many years. a place that she was once called home, was nothing to her now. it was a place full of hostility and animosity. the current home that she was in now, was comparable but had much higher love than her former one contained.

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HAYBEAR0creators' thoughts