
Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey

Whereas Mahabharata's Bhagvad-Gita is taken as a philosophical guide, Ramayana's Sundara Kãnda is sought for spiritual solace; many believe that reading it or hearing it recited would remove all hurdles and usher in good tidings! Miracles apart, it's in the nature of this great epic to inculcate fortitude and generate hope in man for it’s a depiction of how Hanuman goes about his errand against all odds. Besides, it portrays how Seetha, on the verge of self-immolation, overcomes despair to see life in a new light? With rhythm of its verse and the flow of the narrative this sloka to sloka transcreation of the canto beautiful of Valmiki's adi kavya - the foremost poetical composition in the world, Hanuman's Odyssey that paves the way for Rama to rescue his kidnapped wife is bound to charm the readers and listeners alike. Interestingly, as the following verse illustrates, this epic was the forerunner of the magic realism of our times – “Gripped she then him by shadow / Cast which Hanuman coast to coast, Recalled he in dismay then / What Sugreev said at outset / That one fiend had aptitude / To grip its prey by mere shadow.” On a personal note, my paternal grandfather, Bulusu Thimmaiah-garu, like many in his time, was a life-long practitioner of Sundara Kãnda parayana (the epic’s daily recital in part or full), whose spirituality could have providentially guided me in this, rather an effortless, trans-creative endeavour.

BS_Murthy · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Return of the Platoon

At the diktak of his Lord

Took leave Dadhimukh of them all.

Flew he back then to Madhuvan

With his flock to fetch Hanuman.

Speeded as he to his Lord

Rushed he so back to Madhuvan.

In the garden he left them

Found he vanars turn sober.

Went he straight to Angad then

Spoke he thus with folded hands.

Pardon my flock and me too

For we tried to stop thee all

From thy having fun of life.

At thy pleasure O Prince Angad

Let thy folk have some more fun.

Like thy dad in days of yore

Sugreev 'n thou make our Lords.

Told we Sugreev thy uncle

Landed thou all in Madhuvan.

Felt he so glad hearing that

Found I safe 'n sound all thee.

Flared up he not as I told

Spoiled all of thee Madhuvan.

Now he sent me here to fetch

Thee all back to him forthwith.

At this Angad told his flock

Rama could be in the know.

Inclined am to think so

Seeing joyous Dadhimukh's face.

Now that all of us had fun

Why not go back to our Lord.

Wish I none have to dictate

Like to follow what thee say.

Brought as thou us this glory

Honour me thou as thy Prince

It's no time that's opportune

For me to thee dictate terms.

Spake as Angad to his flock

Made that happy one and all.

Spoke they in turn to Angad

All of them in one voice,

Like thou take us as equals

Who else would treat his subjects?

Bow as thou to thy subjects

Take thee that to top of world.

Think as thee of thy uncle

We too wish to see our Lord.

Lead us all to where thee go

None of us would drag his feet.

Gave as Angad green signal

Rose then his flock to the skies.

Angad thus with at the head

Flew they flying saucer like.

Thus in tow with Hanuman then

Pulled his flock all back Angad.

Sighting Angad in the skies

Spoke then Sugreev to Rama.

See our vanars flying back

Portends that well for Seetha.

Espy speed at which they fly

Would they do so had they failed?

To me if he were to fail

Would ever Angad show his face?

Besides fouling my Madhuvan

Were he failed to find Seetha

How dare Angad come to me?

If not that they found Seetha

Would have Angad let his flock

At the pain of death enter

Madhuvan that's so dear to me?

Feel I certain Hanuman did

Find Seetha in thy waiting.

Espouses as he some cause

Hanuman is ever dedicated.

Whatever he might undertake

Known is Angad for his luck.

Now that Angad advances

Like the one who succeeded

That should make us feel easy.

That our vanars on errand

Wrecked my garden in orgies

Would but portend that Seetha

Was found in the pink of health.

Won't they roar in joyous mood

What's that but they got it right.

Saw vanar Lord in descent

Angad's flock in bid to land.

In salute to that force his strong

Raised then Sugreev tail his straight.

Seeing Sugreev in welcome

Signalled Angad to his flock

Land they might all on the trot.

Enthused as were all by then

Lost no time to land vanars.

Having went to Rama straight

'Seen I Seetha' told Hanuman.

Gladdened tidings of the news

Hearts of Ram and his sibling.

Felt glad Sugreev that Hanuman

Caressed was by Lakshman's eyes.

Melted loving look of Ram

Hanuman to the core of heart.