
Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey

Whereas Mahabharata's Bhagvad-Gita is taken as a philosophical guide, Ramayana's Sundara Kãnda is sought for spiritual solace; many believe that reading it or hearing it recited would remove all hurdles and usher in good tidings! Miracles apart, it's in the nature of this great epic to inculcate fortitude and generate hope in man for it’s a depiction of how Hanuman goes about his errand against all odds. Besides, it portrays how Seetha, on the verge of self-immolation, overcomes despair to see life in a new light? With rhythm of its verse and the flow of the narrative this sloka to sloka transcreation of the canto beautiful of Valmiki's adi kavya - the foremost poetical composition in the world, Hanuman's Odyssey that paves the way for Rama to rescue his kidnapped wife is bound to charm the readers and listeners alike. Interestingly, as the following verse illustrates, this epic was the forerunner of the magic realism of our times – “Gripped she then him by shadow / Cast which Hanuman coast to coast, Recalled he in dismay then / What Sugreev said at outset / That one fiend had aptitude / To grip its prey by mere shadow.” On a personal note, my paternal grandfather, Bulusu Thimmaiah-garu, like many in his time, was a life-long practitioner of Sundara Kãnda parayana (the epic’s daily recital in part or full), whose spirituality could have providentially guided me in this, rather an effortless, trans-creative endeavour.

BS_Murthy · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Guards all Hideous

Swans as swim in blue waters

So did moon in Lankan skies.

It's as if moon wanted him

Espy Seetha's distressed self.

For the eyes of Hanuman then

Seetha seemed a sinking boat.

Seen then Hanuman in moonlight

All those guarding Rama's spouse.

Saw he many a single eyed

With no ears he many there found.

Baldish there were some of them

Had hair others from head to foot.

Many had there such drooping lips

Brushed which with their sagging breasts.

Midgets ugly were there too

With weird sentries in their scores. ,

Coarse all were they in discourse

Wore all sheepskin for their dress.

On their well built torsos some

Had there animal heads varied.

Had some of them camel feet

Moved while others on elephant legs.

On their beastly bodies some

Carried handsome human heads.

Noses had some there across

Had others vertical lips on them.

Tongues had many of carpet size

Hanged which on their wall like lips.

Ogresses such as kept an eye

On Rama's spouse in that garden.

Armed they were all to their teeth

With varied weapons of war carried.

Flesh they ate of every beast

Drank they blood from veins direct.

On guard was that hideous lot

Circled Seetha round the clock.

Bathed not Seetha in Lanka

Cared she not to comb her hair.

Pulled was Seetha thus forlorn

Weaned from Rama for so long.

Bereft though of she jewels

Love for her man lent aura.

Seemed she hapless deer no less

Strayed who into lions on prowl.

Looks she had of looking glass

Never once dusted for so long.

Failed that graceful Ravan's grove

To cheer despaired Rama's spouse.

Sans her smile did Seetha seem

Flowerless plant in midst of spring.

Moved was Hanuman by her sight

Thought he too of Rama's plight.

Won't she know in heart of hearts

That her man would come to her?

Doubt she had none in her mind

Life of hers was tied with Ram.

Heat of her sighs seemed to char

Nascent leaves of high branches.

Having perceived her nature

Poised Hanuman to praise her.

Felt he glad for his Lord too

Got who such a wife like her.

Having prayed to Lord Rama

Hanuman lay in wait for dawn.