
Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey

Whereas Mahabharata's Bhagvad-Gita is taken as a philosophical guide, Ramayana's Sundara Kãnda is sought for spiritual solace; many believe that reading it or hearing it recited would remove all hurdles and usher in good tidings! Miracles apart, it's in the nature of this great epic to inculcate fortitude and generate hope in man for it’s a depiction of how Hanuman goes about his errand against all odds. Besides, it portrays how Seetha, on the verge of self-immolation, overcomes despair to see life in a new light? With rhythm of its verse and the flow of the narrative this sloka to sloka transcreation of the canto beautiful of Valmiki's adi kavya - the foremost poetical composition in the world, Hanuman's Odyssey that paves the way for Rama to rescue his kidnapped wife is bound to charm the readers and listeners alike. Interestingly, as the following verse illustrates, this epic was the forerunner of the magic realism of our times – “Gripped she then him by shadow / Cast which Hanuman coast to coast, Recalled he in dismay then / What Sugreev said at outset / That one fiend had aptitude / To grip its prey by mere shadow.” On a personal note, my paternal grandfather, Bulusu Thimmaiah-garu, like many in his time, was a life-long practitioner of Sundara Kãnda parayana (the epic’s daily recital in part or full), whose spirituality could have providentially guided me in this, rather an effortless, trans-creative endeavour.

BS_Murthy · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Eying the Madhuvan

At that Angad retracted

Agreed he to fall in line.

Thought it fit then vanar folk

To let Hanuman lead them back.

Moved as they like cloud in skies

Played the sun then hide and seek.

Kept all vanars their eyes on

Hanuman at the head of them.

Felt all they were indebted

For him having saved their lives.

Buoyed were all by the thought

That Ram would be pleased with them,

Proud all felt that they could help

Lord Rama who helped their Lord.

In that mood they saw Madhuvan

Garden like which nowhere there

Full of honeycombs on huge trees.

Garden that was Sugreev's own

Dared none ever to step in there.

Aided by all well-built guards

Dadhimukh, Sugreev's own uncle

Guarded that place round the clock.

Tempted as were vanars all

Licked their fingers all of them.

Pleaded all with Prince Angad

To let them have a glassful each

Of honey in plenty in Madhuvan.

Nod as he got from elders

Gave nod Angad to vanars.

Swarmed then simians all over

Honey they savoured to last drop.

Left they not a fruit or root

Fill to the hilt they had all.

In their mirth then those simians

Danced they all till legs them failed.

Sang some then in sonorous tunes

Blabbered others as in small groups.

Pranks they played of every sort

Spared they none of one another.

Leapt as some from tree to tree

Others did jump from branch to branch.

Lost they all then their bearings

Poked some of them their noses.

Turned they naughty all in end

Spread they all then far and wide.

Wretched as made they garden rare

Warned then Dadhimukh all of them.

Heeded but they not his words

Made that Dadhimukh think over.

Took he then them all to task

And that spoiled their party.

Swarmed all vanars then Dadhimukh

As would bees when stirred from comb

And that frightened Dadhimukh then.

With their nails all long and sharp

Scratched as some the garden chief

Dug their teeth strong others in him.