
Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey

Whereas Mahabharata's Bhagvad-Gita is taken as a philosophical guide, Ramayana's Sundara Kãnda is sought for spiritual solace; many believe that reading it or hearing it recited would remove all hurdles and usher in good tidings! Miracles apart, it's in the nature of this great epic to inculcate fortitude and generate hope in man for it’s a depiction of how Hanuman goes about his errand against all odds. Besides, it portrays how Seetha, on the verge of self-immolation, overcomes despair to see life in a new light? With rhythm of its verse and the flow of the narrative this sloka to sloka transcreation of the canto beautiful of Valmiki's adi kavya - the foremost poetical composition in the world, Hanuman's Odyssey that paves the way for Rama to rescue his kidnapped wife is bound to charm the readers and listeners alike. Interestingly, as the following verse illustrates, this epic was the forerunner of the magic realism of our times – “Gripped she then him by shadow / Cast which Hanuman coast to coast, Recalled he in dismay then / What Sugreev said at outset / That one fiend had aptitude / To grip its prey by mere shadow.” On a personal note, my paternal grandfather, Bulusu Thimmaiah-garu, like many in his time, was a life-long practitioner of Sundara Kãnda parayana (the epic’s daily recital in part or full), whose spirituality could have providentially guided me in this, rather an effortless, trans-creative endeavour.

BS_Murthy · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Dream of a Nightmare

Seetha's intent to end life

Made some scurry to Ravan.

Stayed some back to turn their ire

On Rama's spouse in despair then.

That thou would be put to death

No need for thee to end life.

Rose then Trijata one learned

Appraised thus the risks involved.

She's Janaka's daughter fair

Married young to Dasarath's son

Reveres whom world as Lord Rama.

Slept off as I dream I had

Trouble that portends to us all.

Trijata's prophesy of doomsday

Shell-shocked those on Seetha's guard.

Detail now thou dream thy had

Makes thee speak thus so frightened.

Averred well Trijata that she saw

Heavenly palanquin in her dream.

Reclined therein Ram in white

Stood by Lakshman in blood red.

Found I Seetha in my dream

Sit on sky-high white mountain.

Mounted then Ram 'n Lakshman

Huge white elephant with four tusks.

Oh that elephant that unique

Made they to that mountain peak.

Taken as if cue from Ram

Lowered its back that white giant.

For her to climb up to him

Gave Ram his hand to Seetha.

Having sat thus in Ram's lap

Rose as Seetha so to probe

Saw I touch her sun 'n moon.

Took they chariot swift all then

Drawn by bulls all eight snow white.

Drove it Lakshman to us straight

Ram and Seetha came our midst.

In our land as they landed

Reached out Pushpak in welcome.

Having took them on its board

Flew off Pushpak then northwards.

It's as if gods beckon Rama

Makes that risky for Ravan.

Saw I Ravan in my dream

Drunkard like lay on the floor.

In his flight to save his skin

Seems he slipped from thus Pushpak.

Saw I Ravan's tonsured head

Peeping from that donkey cart.

Looked he like one out of mind

Madman like he played then pranks.

In all fear then fell Ravan

On all fours in front of Ram.

Tore he all his garments then

Lost he coherence as he raved.

Went he then to hole so foul

Filled with filth and night soil.

Pushed as was he by some lass

Fouled he was from head to foot.

All the way to that quagmire

Dragged was Kumbhakarna too

As though to share Ravan's fate.

Saw I naked Ravan's sons

Riding southward on wild beasts.

In that pell-mell in Lanka

Found I Vibhishan stand his ground

Waving that white flag at Ram.

All in white with his aura

Wore Vibhishan then Lankan crown.

Held as Vibhishan Court Royal

Played then music Band Royal.

Climbed he up a white elephant

With his men wise four in tow.

Heard I demon folk of Lanka

Playing drums to funeral tunes.

To the brim of its gables

Saw I Lanka sink in seas.

With his burning tail I saw

Came down Rama's aid on us,

Torched as he thus one by one

Went up in flames homes of all.

Lanka as was thus burning

Wailing I saw women in streets.

Saw I men folk of Lanka

Apply cow dung on their wives.

So to escape Rama's wrath

Better we into woods retreat.

No man ever spares tormentors

Of the woman he comes to love.

Stop thy tirade at Seetha

Seek her pardon for thy life.

Portend but well such dreams all

For those hapless women forlorn.

Count thou on her good nature

Though all thee had abused her.

Nothing but her forgiveness

Can save us from Rama's ire.

Take this all as just bad patch

In her glorious reign on earth.

In the regal mien of queen

Seen I Seetha with Rama

Flying back to her native.

Portends trouble to our Ravan

At the hands of Seetha's man.

See that eyelid left her twitch

Fetches it news her all good.

Shoulder as her left spasms

It's but signal troubles exit.

See I quivering her left thigh

Know it portends no different.

Heard I some bird tell Seetha

Expect she could her man soon.

Having heard what Trijata said

In her goodness Rama's wife

Promised them all safe passage

As and when Ram comes chasing.