
Sunagakure Shinobi Gamer

Reborn in the world of Shinobi years before canon, Kaito will do anything to survive. Besides a weak system allowing him to grind his way through the academy, he slowly but surely realizes how evil his system is. PS: Kaito will be a puppeteer All credits go to the author of Naruto, I own nothing

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39 Chs

Merchant Convoy

The convoy was led by a seasoned merchant, Mr. Hiroshi, who is known for his shrewd business acumen and extensive experience in the trading industry. He wears fine clothing befitting his status and carries himself with an air of confidence.

Mr. Hiroshi was accompanied by a small team of skilled guards, trained in both combat and defensive techniques to ensure the safety of the convoy.

[Mercenary - Lv. 5]

[Mercenary - Lv. 6]

[Mercenary - Lv.4]

However, these mercenaries were not even at a genin level, which made sense as to why they would spend so much to hire sunagakure shinobi for the mission.

The cargo itself comprises a diverse assortment of items, including rare spices, exquisite textiles, and valuable artifacts. However, the most coveted and delicate cargo among them was the Red Beetle Wine, known for its exquisite taste and rarity. The bottles were carefully packed and stored in specially crafted crates, marked with the emblem of the [Golden Turtle] merchant union.

"We finished our preparartion, Mr. Hiroshi", Kaito spoke.

As the leader of the team, he was naturally the one who took care of relationships with the clients. His ability to talk and general charisma made him a pretty good shinobi in that sense, since fighting power was not the only thing that mattered.

[Merchant Convoy Assistance - C-rank mission

The [Golden Turtle] merchant union has requested a group of genins for the sake of bodyguarding their convoy to the Land of Rivers bountiful city Jakami. However, the convoy possesses items of high value aims at passing the borders illegally, without paying the frontier taxes, which may cause soldiers to try and arrest them.

Your task is simple: you must make sure that the items reach Jakami's famous business called [House of Wine]

Task - Bottles of Red Beetle Wine delivered to the [House of Wine] (0 / 280)

Rewards: 1500 EXP, 2 Bottles of Red Beetle Wine, 400 000 Ryo]

For a mission to be so rewarding, Kaito was sure that there would be some trouble arising at some point.

Jakami, the bountiful city in the Land of Rivers, was a bustling hub of commerce and trade. Nestled in a valley surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills, the city exuded an air of prosperity and sophistication. The city was renowned for its thriving wine industry, and the House of Wine stood as a prominent landmark. Located at the heart of Jakami, this grand establishment was also a famous place for swordsmen to gather.

Although it was only a minor city, and highly likely to be monitored by a handful of genins, who would not enjoy the presence of Sunagakure Shinobi in the vacinity of their lands. Because merchants could request protection from various hidden villages, there was a lot of competition between shinobi. The stronger village would get more requests from merchants, and become wealthier. With more wealth, they would naturally become stronger as they would get their hands on more resources.

Such was the virtuous circle of the world of shinobi, a circle that Kaito wished Sunagakure to enter.

And as expected, the Turtle Merchant Convoy faced its first danger not too long, merely a week after its departure from Sunagakure. This was not a threat coming from enemy shinobi, but rather, bandits.

While most people would have been scared, Kaito revealed a terrifying smile. They were exactly the fuel that he needed to grow stronger. Although their low levels meant that they would yield limited amount of EXP, Kaito was someone who grew extremely strong in battlefields. Quantity mattered more than quality.

[Sand Bandit - Lv. 3]

[Sand Bandit - Lv. 1]

[Sand Bandit - Lv. 4]

[Sand Bandit - Lv. 3]

[Sand Bandit - Lv. 1]

[Sand Bandit - Lv. 4]

[Sand Bandit - Lv. 2]

[Sand Bandit - Lv. 2]

Kaito took out a scroll, and summoned his shuriken launcher puppet. It was time to show Mr. Hirashi what he was capable of!