
Sunagakure Shinobi Gamer

Reborn in the world of Shinobi years before canon, Kaito will do anything to survive. Besides a weak system allowing him to grind his way through the academy, he slowly but surely realizes how evil his system is. PS: Kaito will be a puppeteer All credits go to the author of Naruto, I own nothing

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39 Chs

Lands of Rivers (5)

Kaito's head felt like it would explode.

However, he knew that he needed to report this to his superiors in Sunagakure, and more importantly, retrieve this book from the Lands of Rivers. Even burning it would be better than having it stay in this forsaken land.

After trying to find anything of value, Kaito felt like this was a lost cause.

Aki's HP were still plummeting, and Eiji showed no sign of waking up. Their situations stabilized, but they would not handle travelling. They would die if he tried to move them, but the irony of fate made it so that staying here would also lead to their death. 

'Should I try it?'

[Mystical Palm Technique]

Kaito was not a medical nin, and more specifically, he did not know much about anatomy. He had only seen this technique from afar. 

However, he possessed one thing that made him a bit hopeful: Chakra Control.

He possessed C-rank chakra control, something that was on par with Chunin. Years of puppetry training had made him feel extremely familiar with how to use Chakra. Although his reserves were lacking, he was very refined when it came to using chakra. Learning something on spot would be impossible for the average person...

But he was different.

Minutes passed...

Hours passed...

And eventually...

[Do you want to learn the [Mystical Palm Technique] ?]

Green chakra came out of his hand. Although it was only barely visible to the naked eye, Kaito's smiled. This was it. Regardless of the price, he pushed the 'yes' button.

Knowledge started to fill his head. As if he always knew this, he began to understand how it worked. Using the Mystical Palm Technique, he could accelerate the body's immune defenses and accelerate its regeneration. The more he understood concepts of anatomy, the stronger the skill would become. Fractured bones could be healed back stronger than if they were new.

However, Kaito did not seek anything of this level. He just wanted to make Kaito and Aki capable of enduring travelling back to Sunagakure at relatively high speed. It was only a matter of time before Tanigakure realized that the information slipped through their hands. 

[You have spent 900 EXP learning the [Mystical Palm Technique]

[You have spent 200 EXP to increase the proficiency of the [Mystical Palm Technique] by 5 points]

[You have spent 200 EXP to increase the proficiency of the [Mystical Palm Technique] by 5 points]

[You have spent 400 EXP to increase the proficiency of the [Mystical Palm Technique] by 5 points]

[You have spent 400 EXP to increase the proficiency of the [Mystical Palm Technique] by 5 points]

[You have spent 800 EXP to increase the proficiency of the [Mystical Palm Technique] by 5 points]

Spending his entire EXP on it, he began to proceed to healing Aki.

[Aki - Level 13 Sunagakure Genin

HP - 5 / 130]


[Aki - Level 13 Sunagakure Genin

HP - 15 / 130]


[Aki - Level 13 Sunagakure Genin

HP - 25 / 130]


[Aki - Level 13 Sunagakure Genin

HP - 50/ 130]

[Your chakra reserves are running low...]

[Your proficiency in [Mystical Palm Technique] has grown by 1 point...]

Struggling not to faint, Kaito was forced to stop the healing, and moved over to the caravan, and started to write down notes at rapid pace in a fake, but very similar notebook. Except for the fact that it was rubbish instead of painstakingly earned information. He knew that it would be enough to give them some time. After all, if a Tanigakure shinobi were to come here, they would prioritize retrieving the item rather than chasing injured sunagakure genins.

Then, using his shuriken puppet, he carried his two teammates out of this zone as fast as possible. Kaito did not rest. He did not stop to eat. He would sometimes go in a way, then go back and take an entirely different direction to fend off pursuers.

Three days later, Eiji woke up. They were halfway out of the Tanigakure land.

Seeing his teammate having somehow recovered, Kaito muttred: "I'm leaving the rest to you..."

Eiji could not believe he was alive, but nodded fervently while preventing Kaito from falling on the ground.


Kaito fainted. However, he knew that danger was out of the way.