
Sunagakure Shinobi Gamer

Reborn in the world of Shinobi years before canon, Kaito will do anything to survive. Besides a weak system allowing him to grind his way through the academy, he slowly but surely realizes how evil his system is. PS: Kaito will be a puppeteer All credits go to the author of Naruto, I own nothing

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39 Chs

Land of Rivers (2)


The fire shuriken were repelled from a gust of chakra.

One again, the Tanigakure chunin seemed to have sent out a wave of chakra, causing a huge blast. It wasn't wind release like Aki used, but pure chakra waves, similar to how Hyuga's perfect lotus defense.

"Damn it", Kaito cursed

The Tanigakure moved forward and this time, Kaito knew that his shield puppet would not be enough to block him again. There goes the 220 000 Ryos he had invested in its development. Of course, the manufacturing cost was lower but at the end of the day, the shield puppet would be destroyed.


Just like an axe, the shield puppet was obliterated by the Tanigakure Chunin's attacks. However, Kaito was no longer there, and the huge mana waves had caused a fog of sand to blurry his visions. 

[You have dealt 7 points of damage]

[You have dealt 7 points of damage]

[You have dealt 7 points of damage]

Using the chakra threads, Kaito managed to send off a counter attack. Although most of the shuriken were blocked by his kunai, some of them hit the target.

[You have inflicted poison ailment on your target. Stamina will decrease by 3% every five seconds]

[You have dealt 5 points of damage]

'Seems like the poison is starting to show. I need to inflict more poison ailments if I want to win this', Kaito thought, but before he could react, the Tanigakure Chunin shot a kunai towards him. Kaito could not react. The kunai was just too fast, amplified by the chunin's enormous chakra reserves.


Looking down at his waist, blood started to spill. He was injured. Pain soon coursed through his body.

[You have received 40 points of damage]

[Bleeding ailment received...If not treated, your health and stamina will decrease...]

"Tch...You sure are resilient for a Sunagakure genin scum", the chunin said while spatting on the ground, "But I've located you"

'Did he locate me from the shuriken?', Kaito thought with horror

However, he did not want to let pain decide his fate. Knowing that the shuriken thrower would be destroyed if he left it there, he put it back into its seal and retreated. A ninjutsu specialist going straight for his throat in melee was the horror story for puppeteers.

The reason was quite simple. Most puppeteers were good at distance fighting. Their puppets could tank damage and often beat people. But puppeteers were most of the time much weaker than their own puppets. Because of this, the to-kill manual against puppeteers was to charge towards them. This single charge could destroy most genins.

In order to graduate from the genin corps, mastering taijutsu was a must for all puppeteers, but Kaito had a long road before reaching this realm of mastery. His stats were not bad. He was good for his level, as his physical stats were already mid-genin levels. It would be enough to deal with opponents his level. 


Seeing the frightening blasts of chakra the chunin had just used, Kaito knew that the guy was not an easy opponent. Still, the two massive jutsu he had used were not simple. As huge as his chakra reserves were, there was no way he could use a third-


A third blast reached his shoulder. If not for his last minute dodge, he whole body would have been blasted away.

[You have received 110 points of damage]

[Your left shoulder is dislocated]

[Internal bleeding has been inflicted]

The third blast was not half as powerful as the last two, but because the distance closed, it had been enough to knock him out. Disregarding the pain, Kaito tried one last attempt at fighting, summoning his dual arm puppet

[Katon Jutsu - Flame Blast - C-rank]

This was his trump card. A C-rank katon jutsu, which could put most ninjutsu specialists his level to shame. Its offensive power was just as big as its chakra consumption, but it was his only option left.

To Kaito's shock, the chunin turned into evaporating water

"This was a clone, this whole time?"

However, clones were supposed to disappear.

'No...I received the notifications that he received damage and poison...The only possibility left is...'


Nothing happened.

He thought it was a genjutsu, but it turns out it was just reality. He was going to die.

Revealing his palm, the chunin appeared in front of him with wicked eyes. 

'So this is how I die, huh...', Kaito thought