
Suna's Shinigami (Version 1: Flawed Version)

An Orphan was sent to the supermarket to buy some noodles. On his way back he is killed by the great Truck-sama. And he is brought to a white room and then gets transported to the world of Naruto. Join Hitori Kodokuna as he works his way through the naruto timeline with some features from different world or worlds IDK yet I haven't finished deciding... ________________ This fan-fic is my first work and just my imagination running wild with outcomes and possibilities. I would love to see comments and opinions. Please be kind as this is my first and I'm not particularly an expert on anything.

Yrmynoodlescold · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Joining the Anbu

'This place is still confusing as usual...' thought Hitori as he saw the huge abomination of a building in front of him, 'It is still as ugly as it looks in the anime...'

"What's wrong?" Pakura asked as she saw that Hitori seemed to to be thinking about something.

"Nothing much... Don't you think that the kage building in our village is a bit too ugly?" Hitori spoke out dismissively.

Hearing this, Pakura was left speechless as she turned her head towards the building and she couldn't help but agree... it does look a bit ugly...

"Sorry," Hitori blurted out as he shook his head to bring himself back to reality, "let's go see the Kazekage."

"Hmn!" Pakura nodded with a glint of excitement in her eyes as the duo made their way into the building.

At the kage's office, Rasa was sitting down calmly as he stared at the decent pile of paperwork on his table. An angry expression was currently shown on his face as he had just finished the monthly village council meeting. It did not go well... The clan leaders in the village had been bothering him about the many matters of the village and he was forced to agree with their demands regarding a few things.

Just as he was about to continue thinking about them, a series of knocks came from the front door, startling him.

"Come in," Rasa spoke as he forced himself to sit upright as he heard the door slowly open.

'That's a lot less than I thought...' was the first thing that came into Hitori's mind as he saw the small pile of paper that were stacked up on the left side of the Kazekage's' table.

"Hello Kazekage-sama," Pakura greeted politely which standing completely straight. She turned her head slightly towards Hitori and saw that he was just simply standing in the office, staring off in different directions, paying no attention whatsoever to Rasa. She was slightly disturbed by it and was just about to give Hitori a nudge when she was interrupted by Rasa who spoke, "I think I know what you guys are here for..."

"Where should we go?" Hitori suddenly asked. A distraught expression appeared on Pakura's face as she could not believe the level of casualness that Hitori was speaking with. She quickly turned to Rasa, expecting him to show an unhappy or displeased expression but instead, she saw a small smile on Rasa's face.

"Follow me. There's a few people who have been waiting for you guys," said Rasa as he got up from his seat and created a clone which began to do all its paperwork. He then stepped out the window and jumped off, landing on the roof of one of the houses and they began to make their way across the village, during this trip, Hitori had explained what they were going for and Pakura was shocked to her core but she quickly regained her composure. Eventually, the trio ended up at a cave in the surrounding cliffs near Suna.

"Well then, welcome- Pakura and Hitori. I did not think that you both you come to me at the same time," Rasa spoke with a warm expression as he directed them inside the cave.

"It was a lucky coincidence," Hitori commented as he walked in with Pakura quietly following him closely behind.

They were soon welcomed with a big cavern which was in the shape of a big dome that could fit at least two tailed beasts according to Hitori's estimates. On the cave floor, there was a great number of evidence that would suggest that there had been a huge fight or that regular fights had been occurring here, all at the level of nothing less than Jounin.

The evidence of this was very interesting to Pakura as she had never seen Jounin actually fight before and thus, her eyes stayed glued to the floor for a few seconds before she accidentally bumped into Hitori...

She looked up, only to see him staring at her confusedly... Annoyed, she was about to ask why he suddenly stopped but just as she was about to, her gaze fell on Rasa who was looking at her with a smile, "Those fights happen regularly, it is a part of training that happens among the anbus."

"Kazekage-sama, will we be receiving training of this level?" asked Pakura with a spark of excitement as she immediately began to ponder on how much faster her level of improvement would increase.

"I will get to that. Let me first explain the whole situation," Rasa spoke as he signalled for her to be patient, "The reason that you two are here is because I want to recruit you guys here to the village anbu, specifically my anbu branch. I currently have four other members who are each at jounin level so you two will be the fifth and sixth members."

A short silence descended on the location as Pakura seemed to be deep in thought while Hitori was blankly looking around the cave, seemingly captivated by the cave walls.

"What do we have to do?" Pakura asked after a few seconds.

"Nothing much yet, since you guys are still genins, I will not allow you to do any anbu missions until you guys obtain Jounin level strength. I know that Hitori had strength that is close to rivalling a Jounin while Pakura, you have been estimated to have around mid Chuunin level strength. You will be personally taught by me once every week and will be expected to train for the rest of the week," Rasa explained as he answered her questions and added some extra information. He took a short pause for breath before he asked, "So, are you guys willing to join my anbu? If you want a civilian or a peaceful shinobi life then this is probably the time for you to tell me now."

"Kazekage-sama, I would be honoured to join your anbu, I promise that you will not regret it and that I will train my hardest," Pakura patriotically spoke out almost instantly.

"Okay, that's nice to hear that my anbu has an extra member now," Rasa spoke as a smile graced his face. He then turned to Hitori and waited for an answer.

"I have two requests," said Hitori extremely plainly as he shifted his gaze to Rasa.

"And what might those be?" asked Rasa, much to the shock of Pakura who could not believe that Hitori was able to negotiate with the Kazekage.

"I want access to missions now and instead of being trained by you, I want access to all of the water jutsus that we have in the village," stated Hitori.

At this point, Pakura was completely dumbfounded... she had been able to see why Hitori would want access to missions now but after hearing his second request, her mind exploded as she thought that that was just taking it too far. However, she had seen Rasa be extremely cooperative with Hitori so she was keeping silent to see how this would end.

"I can fulfil your first request. And regards to your second request, it is not easy for me to take out all the water jutsus in the village and not just that, I don't think that they will be much of help to you because they are all Rank E, D, C- there's nothing above that," Rasa commented.

"That's fine. I just want to get used to the principles and the fundamental aspects of water jutsus," Hitori replied dismissively which earned a confused look from both opposing parties.

"Okay, that is fine. I can arrange all that for you then. It is great to know that I will have two new members in the team, that is great to know," Rasa replied as he seemed to be really happy from the light and clear tone in his voice.

"Now. Since I have brought you guys all the way out here, there is no use not to actually have a spar, right? It will be a good time to access Pakura's strength as well. Are you guys up for it?" asked Rasa as he took a few steps away from them and turn around to face them once they were more or less ten meters apart.

Hearing this, Pakura seemed to be slightly intimidated as she did not expect to be fighting against the strongest person in the village already. However, just as she was having these conflicting thoughts, she felt something touch the back of her neck.

"Calm down. Let's get him together. This is the best way to get stronger," said Hitori from behind her as he placed his index finger on her neck and he sent a short thread of chakra which went along her nervous system and into her brain, transmitting a certain thought.

Pakura's mind was suddenly filled confidence as she looked at Hitori with a smile as she said, "Thank you."

She then turned her head over to Rasa and walked forward, "We will take you on, Kazekage-sama."

And in that instant, she pulled out a small scroll and unsealed it to reveal a clean silver sword. Pulling out her kunai as well, holding it in her left hand and the sword in her right, she then began to inject it with scorch chakra, making the two weapons redden up slightly as she took her battle stance.

'How serious should I take this?' thought Hitori but as he saw how serious Pakura was taking this, he did not want to disappoint her.

"If not now, then when?" Hitori spoke to himself as a small smiled appeared on his face as he pulled out a small sealed scroll from his belt.

As he unsealed it, a small poof of smoke appeared a black gourd half his size appeared strapped to his back. And the instant that the gourd appeared, iron sand immediately began to pour out from the gourd and slowly began to spread while Hitori stood right behind Pakura, calmly looking at Rasa.


Hello, the chapter uploads are not frequent or nor will they be consistent. But they will come :)

I just hope you are all having a good day