
Suna's Shinigami (Version 1: Flawed Version)

An Orphan was sent to the supermarket to buy some noodles. On his way back he is killed by the great Truck-sama. And he is brought to a white room and then gets transported to the world of Naruto. Join Hitori Kodokuna as he works his way through the naruto timeline with some features from different world or worlds IDK yet I haven't finished deciding... ________________ This fan-fic is my first work and just my imagination running wild with outcomes and possibilities. I would love to see comments and opinions. Please be kind as this is my first and I'm not particularly an expert on anything.

Yrmynoodlescold · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

First mission: First Kill

Hitori slowly made his way forward as he prepared to face off against the five chunins who were about to fight him. He looked strangely calm on the outside but he was a little bit of a mess on the inside as the thought of killing someone appeared in his head. Shaking his head, he forced himself to get rid of the thought and convinced himself that killing would be necessary as these guys were looting villages and killing people.

Eventually, he kept on tailing the bandits and soon ended up on a small field and as the two bandits got to the middle of the field, they stopped moving and turned back as a cold expression appeared on their faces.

"We know that you ahve been tailing us for a while now. Why don't you reveal yourself?" asked the man as he dangerously glared at the trees at the edge of the field that were slightly to the left of Hitori's location.

'Looks like they can't locate me and instead just know that I've been following them...' thought Hitori as he made a mental note of that, 'There does not seem to be a sensor so that will make it easier for me.'

Hitori took a deep breath as he walked forward from the trees, out onto the field.

"You actullay came out," the bandit spoke in slight surprise as a smile appeared on his face, "I was expecting you to be too afraid to show yourself."

"Why would I do something like that when there are lives of innocent people on the line?" Hitori replied with a question, earning an evil ridiculing laugh from the man.

"Another so called shinobi of justice, it seems," the man next to him commented with a disguested expression.

"Why don't you guys call your friends out? I don't think it will be very easy to stop me with just the two of you guys," Hitori spoke as he looked around the forest, his head stopping for a split second at every location where the other bandits were hiding.


The loud rustles sounded as three more dark silhouettes dahsed onto the field from the trees.

"Interesting, you must be a sensory ninja. No wonder, I thought you were so unsurprised," one of the bandits spoke with a cold smile.

"Haha! A small kid like is is actually daring enough to want to fight all of us at once?" another bandit asked.

"Why are we wasting time talking with a child? Let's just kill him quickly, that quicker we kill him, the faster we can get back and rest," another suggested in a very cold tone.

Seeing all the bandits come out, Hitori made hisway slightly closer towards them, "Well then, now that you are all here. Let me ask you guys a question, where are the kids and the village elder's daughter?"

Hearing this, all the bandits looked at each other confusedly before they all laughed maniacally, holding their bellies.

"The sand village has really brainwashed you," the bandit commented as he slowly recovered from his laughing self, "We aren't just going to give that information to you. So kid, you think you can take all the five of us?"

Hitori only revealed a small smile as he began to walk over towards them, he said, "Well... We'll never know unless we try..."

And the instant that he finished saying this, he took out five scrolls and unsealed what wass contained inside them.


Five puppets appeared on the ground where the scrolls laid and Hitori smiled as he reached his hands out and each puppet began to connect to two fingers.

Seeing this, shock appeared on all the faces of the bandits as they saw the puppets begin to connect themselves to the puppets. They had known about Suna shonobis being able to control puppets but they had only heard of the Shinobis being able to only use two puppets, five puppets was pretty much unheard of.

Unwilling to back down, one of the bandits, the biggest among them, suddenly shouted, "Brothers, this is just a hoax, I bet he can't really control five puppets."


(A/N: Okay, so I'm just thinking of the scene and writing what ever comes to mind and this came lol... Enjoy Hitori's puppetry special.)

Having their morale raised, the bandits each took out their swords as they prepared to slice and dice the puppets. Two seconds later both sides charged forward as the bandits all swung their swords while the puppets prepared to intercept them.

Hitori observed the scene calmly as he saw the bandits about to strike his puppets and he suddenly moved his hand.

"Haha! Got you!" a bandit shouted as he swung his sword horizontally to strike the puppets neck but just as strike was about two inches away from his neck, he found that his hand could not move any further towards the puppet's neck. He turned to look at what had stopped his arm and saw that the puppet to his right had moved it's arm just in time to block his arm. This action repeated for each puppet, leaving the end puppet and bandit free to move. The man on the left side was unstopped and his sword immediatley slashed through the puppets neck, causing the neck to fly off its body. While on the other side, the puppet on the far right had an open chance to attack and it bent down slightly and curled up its fist, about to attack. The man seemed to read this as he also slightly bent down to tense his muscles to prepare for the impending blow.

Hitori smiled coldly as he twitched one of his fingers and immediately, instead of the man's belly, the puppet moved its hand and reached its hand out to the man's chin. The man was caught off guard and the hand was able to easily clamp the bottom of its palm onto the chin of the man.

"Life sucks if you're a bad guy," Hitori commented as he tensed his finger and in that instant...


A stabbing noise could be heard as the bandit's face suddenly shook before his body went limp and he seemed to have lost control of his body as his full weight transferred to the puppet's hand.


Everyone stared at the fellow bandit quietly for a second, confused at what had happened before they were able to see the a small trail of a red liquid falling his chin.

The puppet then slowly pulled it's hand back, revealing a shiny silver five inch blade which was currently protruding out from the puppets wrist. A large gush of blood sprayed out as the man fell down on the floor backwards with a large hole in his chin which was causing blood to pour out from his mouth, nose, and chin.

Everyone at the scene froze as they did not expect such an lethal attack from such a young child.

"Argh! You actually dared to kill Larry from aile Three!" one of the bandits shouted angrily as he recovered from what had just happened.

"Brother! We cannot underestimate him. Let us show him out strongest attack to avenge brother Larry!" the bandit shouted, trying to get the surrounding bandits to cooperate with him.

"Yes! Brother Yomama! Let's do this!" they shouted in agreement as they immediately retreated a few steps as he began making hand signs in unison.(They're pointless characters so why not give them fun names?)

"Earth style: Mud Bullets!" they shouted as they all pointed their hands, shape like a gun, outwards towards Hitori's body as small clumps of dirt began to levitate and form small imperfect circles, hovering above.(Like a buncha Cholos lol.)

(Sample sound effect: Pew pew pew X100)

In that instant, countless bold brown bullets began making their way towards Hitori at incredible speeds.

'Not good...' thought Hitori as he would not be able to dodge all of them so he quickly waved his hands and immediately all the puppets moved and formed a sort of meat shield in front of Hitori as they tanked the hits for Hitori.

The puppets as expected, were able to take the hit but it ended up causing two of the four puppets to stop functioning as there were too much holes in it's system causing chakra threading to fail. Hitori quickly tried to move to change his position but he found that he was unable to move. he looked down and saw that his legs were currently sinking into the ground which had turned into mud. He quickly turned his head to the bandits and saw that there was only two of them now but they had their hands placed on the floor.

'They must have used a jutsu,' thought Hitori. With the swamp, his puppets would be rendered useless, he would need to quickly mind a new alternative way of fighting.

"Now!" Hitori heard another shout and this time, his face immediatley changed as he saw that while he was trying to defend himself from the bullets, the other two the bandits had moved their positions from right in front of him to the his sides. They each took in deep breaths of air and a big amount of chakra as mud slowly began to form infront of them, taking the shape of a dragon which began to open its mouth a lance made of mud formed.

"Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet!" they both shouted as the lances both flew outwards, charging towards Hitori at extreme speeds.

"Crap... I really underestimated these guys," was the last thing Hitori thought before the lances were almost touching him.

Suddenly, Hitori's eye temporarily glowed green, "Time Dilation." The speed that the lances were making their way towards Hitori suddenly seemed to slow down, giving Hitori a little room to breathe...

"Time to take this slightly more seriously,' thought Hitori as he jokingly pondered, 'If I was in a book... I bet this is where the chapter would end...'

(A/N: and on that note... Thanks for reading. I'm sorry if this fight was disappointing... I'm not good at writing this yet. I'm still working on it, so tune it next time to see Hitori unveil one more of his many powers...)

Sorry for no chapter yesterday, I had a family event to attend. Gomen

Yrmynoodlescoldcreators' thoughts