
Suna's Shinigami (Version 1: Flawed Version)

An Orphan was sent to the supermarket to buy some noodles. On his way back he is killed by the great Truck-sama. And he is brought to a white room and then gets transported to the world of Naruto. Join Hitori Kodokuna as he works his way through the naruto timeline with some features from different world or worlds IDK yet I haven't finished deciding... ________________ This fan-fic is my first work and just my imagination running wild with outcomes and possibilities. I would love to see comments and opinions. Please be kind as this is my first and I'm not particularly an expert on anything.

Yrmynoodlescold · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

First day at the academy- Part one

Two days passed and nothing much happened in these two days. The kazekage had made a few visits to the house and the relationship between him and Hitori slowly grew as he seemed to take a liking to the child as he had good manners. Alongside that, he was also personally supervising and preparing Hitori's admission to the academy which due to his personal interference, was quickened and the process was finished yesterday, meaning that today was Hitori's first day at the academy.

Chiyo personally took him to the academy today and as they made their way there, she looked at Hitori curiously and surprisingly, Hitori's face was somewhat plain. Since the day that Hitori met the Kazekage, his personality had somewhat changed. Before, Hitori used to be shy and quiet whenever they went out but now, she could not tell what emotions were hidden in his eyes. The shyness was completely erased.

"Are you ready for this, Hitori?" Chiyo asked, just making sure that he was doing fine and not nervous.

"Yep," he replied with a smile, "I am quite eager to see what the classes will be like."

"Oh, good, your not nervous at all?" Chiyo asked curiously.

"I mean, who wouldn't be nervous on their first day of school?" Hitori replied sarcastically as he smiled.

Chiyo stopped as she did not expect such a reply and she also revealed a smile, "We're here."

(A/N: For what the academy will look like just please imagine the Konoha academy in Naruto but in a desertish scenery.)

The academy was huge. There were three doors to the academy which were located in different parts of the academy. The door on the left side was for students and pick up, the middle entrance was for people who were going to meet the principal, and the right side was for shinobis to enter.

As Chiyo and Hitori stared at the left entrance, they could see a few parents dropping their kids off at the entrance.

Seeing this, Chiyo felt slightly bad for Hitori and she asked, "Would you like me to stay here longer until class starts?"

"I'll be fine. I'll just head to the classroom right now. Maybe I'll make some friends," Hitori spoke with a reassuring smile.

Chiyo let go of Hitori's hand and walked away and before she was out of his view, she turned around and spoke, "Ok then. I'll be going, take care of yourself."

Hitori turned around and walked in, and as he did so, he was met with the reception where the young female receptionist with long straight brown hair and green eyes welcomed him, "Well hello there, I haven't seen your face around before. Are you the new student?"

Hearing this, Hitori nodded respectfully as he walked over to her and asked, "Yes. I'm Hitori, nice to meet you, miss...?"

"You can call me Miss Hina. How come you're so early for your first day?" the lady replied with a smile.

"Oh, Granny wanted me to get to know the place and the students. Could you point to me where my class is?" Hitori asked politely.

"Your class is down the corridor and towards your left. The door that says, 'First year A' will be your classroom. But since the class hasn't started yet, all your classmates will be spending their time in the academy field," Hina replied with a smile, impressed at how polite the child was.

"Thank you," Hitori spoke with a smile as he walked down the corridor and he eventually made it to the door.

"My journey towards a shinobi will start here," he mumbled under his breath as he reached out his hand to the door handle.


But at he was about to touch the door handle, the sound of a group of girls rang out from the opposite side of the door and it was suddenly opened and three girls walked out. The first two girls had dark blue straight hair and eyes and the girl that had opened the door had dark green hair that turned orange towards the ends of the hair strand. Her pupils were a slightly murky looking orange but gave off the feeling of purity and clarity.

They were making their way out but they did not realize that Hitori was just outside and the dark green-haired girl seemed to particularly excited as she ran out but she had her head turned towards her friends, the orange-eyed girl ended up bumping into him, right on the forehead and they both fell to the ground.

"Ow. Ow. Ow," Hitor spoke as he fell to the floor and immediately brought his hands to his forehead, painfully wiping it.

He managed to open his eyes despite the pain and he saw that the girl had fallen on top of him too, on the side of her head was a small red mark, acquired for the head clash a few seconds ago, she also wiped the side of her head as she closed her eyes in a very pained expression.

"Are you okay?" Hitori asked as he quickly recovered.

Hearing the voice, the girl also opened her eyes and she saw that she had ended up falling onto him and sitting on him at the moment. Their eyes crossed and a flash of realization struck the girl as an embarrassed blush appeared on her face as she quickly stood up and apologized, "Ah! I'm so sorry about that!"

"It's fine," Hitori spoke as he slowly got up.

"Hey, I haven't seen you here before. Are you a new student?" one of the blue-haired girls asked.

"Yes, I'm new here," Hitori replied as he embarrassedly scratched the back of his head.

"Oh. Are you going to be in our class?" the dark green-haired girl asked curiously.

"I think so," he replied as he asked, "Can I go through? I want to see the classroom."

"Okay. Once you're done, why don't you join us for some tag?" she asked as she moved over and let Hitori into the classroom.

"I think I'll stay in here until the class starts," Hitori rejected her offer as he was walked in.

"Suit yourself," the green-haired girl replied with a slightly disappointed expression. She did not want a new student to have a bad impression of her just because of a small act of carelessness. She then ran off with her friends.

The room was just like a regular classroom. It had about five rows of seats with each row elevated by some stairs so that the people at the back would be able to see without the person in front of them blocking their view.

At the front of the classroom was a small desk that was totally empty and right next to it was a large blackboard that almost as tall as the wall.

"Let's hope my years at the academy will be worth it and fruitful," Hitori silently spoke.

The other side of the room was filled with a huge glass window that had a great of the fields and training areas of the academy. And he could see about a slightly more than a dozen children running around chasing each other and among them were that girls that he had just bumped into.

"Looks fun," he mumbled as he looked towards the students.

"Why don't you join them?" a voice suddenly sounded from behind him and Hitori turned around with surprised expression.

The one who had spoken was a young man in his early twenties. He was wearing a dark blue vest and he had brown eyes and brown hair.

"Haha. I'm sorry there, I didn't mean to scare you," he spoke as he let out a short snigger. He reached out and tousled Hitori's hair, "I'm your class teacher, Benjiro Ito. You can call me Benjiro-sensei."

Hitori recovered and bowed as he introduced himself, "Nice to meet you, Benjiro-sensei. I am Hitori Kodokuna, a new student."

"Nice to meet you, Hitori," Benjiro spoke as he smiled at the kid's manners, "Do you not want to go and join them for Tag?"

"I'm fine, sensei. I want to get used to the classroom for now," Hitori politely rejected.

"I see. I'll be going for now then, class will start in thirty minutes and I haven't eaten breakfast," Benjiro spoke as he turned around walked out the class.

Hitori decided to find a seat somewhere in the corners of the room and sat there peacefully as he placed his legs on the table and rested his back on the chair, gazing up at the ceiling as he enjoyed this silent, serene tranquillity.

'I've always enjoyed the moments when my mind is empty and I just stare at the ceiling while I relax my whole body,' thought Hitori as a vague smile appeared on his face.

Hitori stayed in class for the remaining time until class started.

All the students were sitting on their designated seats and when they saw Hitori, their gazes were immediately attracted. Almost every student in his class were from one of the main clans of Suna and each took pride in their clans as they wore clothes that had their clan symbols engraved on it somewhere. So it was natural that Hitori would catch their attention as he was only wearing a simple black T-shirt with long black pants.

Luckily, the seat that Hitori was sitting on was not occupied by any student.

"Class! I'm sure that you guys would have noticed that we have a new student," Benjiro spoke to the class, "Hitori, come to the front of the class."

Hitori did as he was asked and Benjiro asked, "Please introduce yourself to the class."

"I don't know what to say..." Hitori spoke as he turned to Benjiro.

"Okay then, why don't you start with your name, age, and then we can see if your classmates have any questions that they want to ask you," Benjiro suggested.

Hitori nodded and began his introduction, "I am Hitori Kodokuna. I think I'm five years old."

"You don't know your age?" a student asked curiously.

"I was an orphan until Granny adopted me," Hitori responded.

"This class is for clan descendants. How did you get admitted into class?" an arrogant student asked.

"I don't know. I didn't get to decide which class I got into," Hitori replied with a clueless expression.

Hearing this, the child that asked seemed to be somewhat disappointed at the answer that he had just heard.

"What do you want to be in the future?" another asked.

"I don't know," Hitori replied.

"Sensei! He doesn't seem to be from any particular clan and he also does seem to have much drive to be a shinobi. Why is he in this class? Shouldn't he be in the commoners class?" the arrogant student asked Benjiro.

"Akio!" Benjiro spoke with a very unhappy expression, "Is that any proper way to welcome a new classmate?"

"Tch," the boy scoffed as he arrogantly looked towards Hitori, "A stranded orphan has no right to enter the classroom of such a high stature."

"Akio!" Benjiro shouted in rage as he flipped, scaring the whole class.

But before Akio could continue speaking, Hitori walked forward to where the student was standing, "May I know your name?"

The student was a boy around seven years of age and he had extremely attention-catching yellow eyes and a handsome face with dark brown hair. and judging from his attitude, Hitori could tell that he was probably the class prince. The boy looked coldly at him and spoke, "I am Akio Omezo, son of the head of the Omezo clan."

"Okay, nice to meet you. I hope we can all get along. I'll mind my own business, so I hope you guys can leave me alone too," Hitori spoke as he bowed to him and then towards the class.

"Akio, his admission done by the Third kazekage. He personally handled the admission himself," Benjiro spoke with a still dissatisfied expression towards Akio.

Hearing this, the class was sent into shock and everyone began to look at Hitori in a more mysterious manner. A Kazekage personally acting for an orphan, everyone got interested in him.

After this, there were no further questions so Benjiro let Hitori go back to his seat and he began the class.

Class began with basic knowledge on chakra and other stuff which Hitori had already known from back at home and from his training with Chiyo.

I can finally recieve power stones for this Fanfic now.

Took a while but I'm glad. I'll come up with a system for these power stones so that you guys can get extra chapters. :)

Anyways enjoy! The chapter release rate is unofficial so please be understanding if I don't upload for a day or two or three or four or weeks... Hehe...

Yrmynoodlescoldcreators' thoughts